The Rise of Plants

Chapter 909: I can't keep the news from overseas

Having just escaped from this crisis, the two dragon men had not had time to be happy when they saw an airship behind them suddenly speeding up towards them. On the surface, it is the same as an ordinary airship.

But after experiencing the death of the three companions before, how could they not know what it was.

This special airship quickly approached itself, and the two dragons suddenly went crazy. "Damn it, quick, kill it, don't let it come close." Unfortunately, both Dragon Breath Cannons have been used and are still cooling.

This special situation of flying boats cannot be changed even if they are the pilots. What makes them regret the most is that because they have always been high above, even though their talents are good, but they have not cultivated well, so they don't have much strength at all. In this situation, even if they jump out, they will definitely be thrown to death.

Not to mention, they don't have the courage. Fortunately, it is not long, and they have no chance to think so much.

When the airship approaches, it begins to expand and contract. Almost instantly, the airship that had absorbed enough fire elements suddenly exploded, and the huge fireball spread towards the surroundings, wrapping the two dragon-head flying boats inside.

Even the screams didn't come out, the two dragon-head flying boats just flew in the air for a while, and they became funerary objects in the fireball. The people outside never saw the two dragon head flying boats flying out again.

In the distance, an ordinary flying boat that no one noticed was flying outside at a speed far exceeding that of the ordinary flying boat.

"I'll just say, you must stay away from these two idiots. These dragon people, who are used to being high above all day, don't know how dangerous the real war is. Now there is nothing for us."

After a pause, the Duke Bruce ordered: "Notify the little nobles, let them evacuate, we all evacuate, there is no way to fight this battle. At least, let them have a chance to survive."

When the order to evacuate was issued, the little nobles who were already terrified to no avail, ordered one after another, taking their own people and flying towards the outside, almost nothing.

It's just that the airship is still chasing, and the airship is constantly being shot down in the air. Under the brilliant fireworks, the chased party had almost no time to fight back, and could only watch as he was attacked. More and more flying boats crashed into the sea, and the scene was extremely spectacular. But this time, no one is in the mood to watch it.

"My lord, if this continues, I am afraid that many little nobles will die in this pursuit."

Duke Bruce waved his hand indifferently: "There are so many losses in flying boats, and there are always a few people who are in the wrong. Moreover, five dragon men have been lost. If there are fewer nobles, how can we explain to the people above."

"Don't worry, it's not us who died anyway, as long as we can go back alive." An old man next to him stepped forward and patted his old friend's shoulder lightly to relieve him.

"Hey, this can only be done. I really didn't expect that this battle would end in this way, and our Holy Dragon Empire would actually fail. The loss is so great that many nobles will have to scold us after they return."

"The Holy Dragon Empire has been at ease for too long. It's time for some people to sober up. Hmph, they can make a better flying boat, but they just fool us with this kind of garbage in order to make money. If the best flying boat is made How could it be inferior to the airship of the Sacred Tree Collar, this time, I have to put a little pressure on them."

While discussing, the group speeded up and flew back. The airship had been pursuing it all the time, until it was close to the coastline of the Holy Dragon Empire. In order to avoid a full-scale conflict with the Holy Dragon Empire, it stopped.

During the entire battle, the flying boat sent by the Sacred Dragon Empire was destroyed by nearly half, and everyone was frightened. Especially the few elite flying boat formations were completely destroyed, and there were few left.

During the war, how many nobles were killed, this Chi Nan didn't know and didn't bother to calculate.

"This time, the Holy Dragon Empire suffered a terrible loss. But if they want to make trouble, let them come."

"Yes, fortunately, with our demonstrated strength, the Sacred Dragon Empire will never have a full-scale war with us."

"Anyway, you still have to strengthen your own protection. Chi Nan, you will follow me for some time to practice your bow and arrow skills, and don't think of using other methods to escape." Silinka's words made Chi Nan a head. black line.

"Yes, Chi Nan, let's listen to Sister Slinka Ye, we have to exercise too." Okay, now even Sophia and the others have betrayed, and where are they going to hide for a while.

In the last decisive battle, the three port cities of the Holy Dragon Empire on Karan Island were completely controlled, and the troops of the Holy Dragon Empire withdrew. The clean-up and rectification of the three port cities has also been carried out quickly.

The entire Karan Island was completely under Chi Nan's control at this time, regardless of internal or external, Chi Nan had absolutely controlled it. The people on Karan Island were already very supportive of Chi Nan at this time. But to make them absolutely loyal, it will be impossible to cultivate them within decades or even hundreds of years.

At the same time, a large number of overseas Holy Dragon Empire troops withdrew, and there was no way to conceal overseas news.

A large number of evacuated nobles and soldiers spread the incident here through various Now all the major forces on the mainland have learned about overseas news. No one thought that there was still such a piece of land overseas.

The four major trade unions are even more motivated, and after confirming the news, they have already begun preparations.

The Mage Association has secretly sent people overseas to prepare to set up a magic circle. The mercenary union and the hunter union are faster, because their news is more sensitive, and they have been prepared from the beginning.

The most urgent thing is the race alliance. Although the racial alliance is a trade union, it is an alliance formed by small oppressed races for survival. Many races even live in trade unions.

In order to protect themselves, the race alliance struggled. Now that a new piece of land has been discovered, far away from the mainland, the major races in the race alliance suddenly become anxious. This is what they need most.

Compared with the resources and money, what the race alliance needs more is a piece of land where it can survive and multiply. As the Sacred Dragon Empire army failed and returned, not only did the overseas countries not calm down, but they became more and more lively. But now the two families that regret it most are the Sea King and the Beast King, and they finally know what they have done.

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