The Rise of Plants

Chapter 931: Underwater weapons are too monotonous

Following Chi Nan's order, the vigorous sacred tree leader's official system began to organize. Of course, because the population of the Sacred Tree was not large, it was still those people. Some people were even added.

It's just that all aspects of the system are more organized than before, and the division of labor is clearer. With Chi Nan taking the lead, it is easy to sort out some of the following issues, at least there is no need to worry about confusion.

The transformation of the Sacred Tree Collar can be said to be more stable than anywhere else, and no one dared to take the opportunity to make trouble.

It's just that if the structure is adjusted, it will be adjusted according to the structure of the Sacred Tree Collar itself. In the end, even Chi Nan is not very familiar with it. The people above are fairly familiar, and the people and positions below are a bit weird.

Simply, Chi Nan didn't care about these things, anyway, for Chi Nan, the territory was a means to help him improve. The changes in the internal official system of the Sacred Tree also attracted a lot of attention from the surroundings. Everyone is paying attention to the local area of ​​the Sacred Tree, especially some of the foreign policies of the Sacred Tree, which is even more concerned.

Those forces that are not strong enough, one by one, are cautious, for fear that the sacred tree leader suddenly changes their foreign strategy, and then annex them overtly and secretly. Fortunately, there is still no change in the outside of the Holy Tree Ling.

On the contrary, as the business operation system becomes more and more perfect, the external commercial trade of Shengshuling has become more and more frequent.

With the success of a trading city, many nearby kingdoms filed applications for the holy tree to establish trading territories on their own territories. These matters are usually handed over to Hermilla to be heard.

As for Chi Nan himself, except for his own affairs, he basically doesn't think much about matters large and small in his territory. It can be said that Chinan is the most laid-back in the entire territory.

Apart from giving birth to twin trees every day and researching what interests him, Chi Nan didn't know what he should do. Even Slinka Ye, a lot of things have been busy recently.

Therefore, without human supervision, Chi Nan doesn't need to practice bow and arrow.

With the planning of several trading cities, the surrounding kingdoms also let go of their guard against the Sacred Tree Collar. Moreover, as a place that will become a trading city in the future, land prices have started to rise wildly, and the surrounding population has also increased.

The trading city hasn't really been established yet, and this neighborhood has become a prosperous place. This change has stimulated the desperate applications of many kingdoms and regions, and even some nobles in the empire looked a little jealous.

Unfortunately, as an empire, they don't want an uncontrolled area in their territory, so several empires have been watching. Within the half-elf empire, there is also a territory belonging to Chinan. This place has become a trading place for the sacred tree leader to the half-elf empire.

On this day, Miria suddenly found Chi Nan. "Patriarch, are you there?"

Chi Nan, who was looking bored at the sky, looked strange: "What's the matter? You will come to me on your own initiative and you won't be angry anymore." Chi Nan said with a smile. Last time he slaughtered the Hailing clan in the sea, Miria had been Have not contacted myself.

Unexpectedly, this time I actually took the initiative to find myself, it seems that I am not angry. Although Chi Nan would still do it again, if Miria stayed angry, Chi Nan would also have a headache.

Miria pouted and said: "I am angry, of course I am angry, and people won't forgive you easily."

"Okay, okay, then don't find me for anything, who makes you still angry."

Under Chi Nan's teasing, Miria was extremely embarrassed. I have to say that Miria has the same personality as a child, and Chi Nan wants to tease every time he sees it. This time it is hard to find an opportunity.

Miria suddenly rolled her eyes and said loudly, "Patriarch, people won't be angry if you manage this matter, okay?"

Chi Nan was taken aback for a moment, and there was such a request: "Tell me, what is it, if it is too difficult, I won't help." Who knows what this girl is thinking in her heart.

Miria said indifferently: "People just think that the weapons at sea are a bit too monotonous. There is only one submarine back and forth. In the last battle, Olna told me that I think there is still much room for improvement. ."

"Then improve it, isn't it all given to you." Chi Nan was even more strange.

"Huh, who doesn't know that the patriarch is the one who studies plant weapons the most, so it's up to you." Miria's big eyes blinked and blinked, as if the poor little cat was looking at the owner's gaze.

When did Miria learn this set, like a child. But such a look is really hard to refuse. Well, Chi Nan admitted that because he had nothing to do, he wanted to find something.

Is it a good development direction to study underwater weapons? Now my air weapons are pretty The ground weapons have also been upgraded, and the power has become no worse than the airships in the air. But if we talk about weapons under water or even on the water, this aspect is really not so good. The submarine is still modeled after the main body of the airship.

There is nothing wrong with this subject, but the weapon is a very big flaw.

"Okay, I agree." Chi Nan thought for a while and agreed to Miria's opinion.

"That's great, I'll leave it to you next."

"Wait, leave it to me, then what are you doing." Chi Nan looked dumbfounded, is there anyone who shirks responsibility like this.

Milia said with a normal face: "Of course I have to take people to explore the sea. There are so many magical things in the sea, and now Hailing is helping to lead the way, you can definitely find a lot of interesting things. Time research."

This was really justified, Chi Nan almost didn't react. Co-authoring yourself is a coolie.

But Hailing helped to explore. This Hailing had just caught him, and he didn't take the initiative to surrender. Isn't it really a problem? "Well, then you should be careful and bring some more submarines, but don't be attacked by anyone."

"How can people be so stupid?" Miria looked like you were idiot, and then cut off the communication.

Chi Nan's eyes narrowed slightly: "Horn, I don't know what these Hailings want to do. Anyway, it's better to be careful. You send some guards to protect Miria. If that Hailing does anything bad, just Kill me."

"Don't worry, sir, the subordinates understand that they will never let anyone hurt Miria." Horn is very confident in his guards, but this time he sent two golden guards to lead the team. . To find this site, please search for "6 Mao" or enter the URL:.

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