The Rise of Plants

Chapter 938: New industries under the new rules

"Strange, aren't these wind cannons the main combat weapon of the Sacred Tree Collar? These are all sold on a large scale. In the future, the weapon advantage of the Sacred Tree Collar will be much less." There are also some unknown reasons.

"Don't think about it, your lord is so wise, how can he do such idiotic things. Let me tell you, I have a relative who is a soldier in the army. They tell me something."

Many people gathered around, and this man looked proud: "You know, some time ago, Lord Lord developed a new weapon, wind artillery. I don’t know how powerful it is than wind artillery. It has a longer range and speed. Soon, the territorial army has begun to phase out the wind cannons. In the future, the wind cannons will be replaced with wind artillery."

"No, we have so many troops in our territory, do we have to change it?"

The person just now snorted coldly: "How is it possible that only the airship and some powerful weapons need to be replaced. It seems that the ordinary hummingbird fighters and the small spider tanks are all taken out and dealt with. Those are not worth replacing, It's better to breed new ones again." Everyone suddenly realized.

"That said, these spider tanks used to be military, but now they are just taken out for disposal."

Not only did they not hate it, they were more excited. After all, they were military items. Military use represents absolute practicality and power. This is the common understanding in everyone's hearts.

Such news, as the spies spread to the surrounding powers and kingdoms, many people began to pay attention to it. Especially the Sacred Dragon Empire, which has a bad relationship with the Sacred Tree Leader, is extremely concerned.

Secretly, the Holy Dragon Empire is still constantly suppressing, but this has no effect. On the contrary, as there are more and more robbers around, the danger is getting bigger and bigger, but these things are selling better and better.

Also because of the massive sale of this type of wind gun weapons, some new professions have gradually emerged. Some caravans that bought a lot of weapons simply started to change their commercial focus.

These chambers of commerce finally united to form a mercenary union that spontaneously appeared within the Holy Tree Collar.

It has nothing to do with the original mercenary union. It belongs only to the Holy Tree Leader himself. It can also be said to be the Bodyguard Chamber of Commerce. The main business items of this chamber of commerce have slowly shifted to protection.

Concentrate on purchasing a large number of wind gun weapons, and then train a large number of master guards, who are specially hired by other chambers of commerce to protect them. If the chamber of commerce suffers losses, they are also responsible for compensation.

Gradually, those chambers of commerce discovered that instead of buying weapons to train their own guards, it was better to hire a protection chamber. On the one hand, they are more professional, and on the other hand, they can save themselves a lot of time and money. Once suffered a loss, they can still get a certain amount of compensation, so several such chambers of commerce began to develop vigorously.

Gradually, the three most powerful bodyguard chambers formed a three-part world pattern.

A chamber of commerce that was eliminated was uneasy, but after a second thought, it developed an insurance business. This is really not what Chi Nan reminded, but this person came up with it himself. Although the various rules are not perfect, they have been developed well.

I believe that it will not take long for a huge insurance company to rise in its own territory. This is what the local residents came up with, and it is also the world's first insurance company.

In addition, there are some bodyguard chambers that have been driven away, and these losers have slowly become acquainted with people from other kingdoms around them. As a result, they changed their business a bit and grew stronger in the outside world.

These people are called kingdom mercenaries. Different from ordinary mercenaries, because they only accept the employment of powerful lords and kingdoms, and use these plant weapons to protect them.

This time, not only solved the embarrassing situation of not being protected by plant weapons, but also allowed them to avoid the danger of being controlled by the other party when their own people installed the neurological brain. The cooperation between the two parties was very happy.

Even the senior management of Shengshuling didn't expect that the new regulations would be formed on such a scale in a short period of time, and even a new industrial chain would be created once again, and it would grow stronger. In the end, for these new industries, the territory can only be adjusted once again, creating relevant laws and regulations and regulatory agencies for these occupations.

At the beginning, some people were worried that robbers would buy wind gun weapons to deal with them. There were even real robbers who secretly bought wind cannon weapons, but then, these robbers were unlucky.

Everyone finally knows what the so-called ID card means. After transplanting the nerve brain, even if it is registered in the sacred tree collar. It's okay, but once a crime is committed, it will be recorded.

Even the nervous brain will directly report the guilt of those who are extremely guilty to and send out signals to determine the location and give the coordinates. As a result, these people couldn't escape. After robbing them once, they were quickly caught by the army of the Holy Tree. After this incident, no robber dared to transplant a nerve brain.

They know that this thing is simply the nemesis of criminals like them. At this moment, they finally understood why crimes in the Sacred Tree Collar were so rare.

Everyone is neurologically monitored. Who dares to commit a crime? Isn't that looking for death? For those who have no nerves, it is simply difficult to move in the Sacred Tree collar, and even shopping becomes very troublesome.

Many shops now only accept neuronal virtual payment methods, and they don't like ordinary gold coins and silver coins. Those plant weapons are even more impossible to control without the brain.

"Because of the civilianization of wind gun weapons, now there are fewer and fewer surrounding dangers, and our reputation is getting bigger and bigger. I think we can add more plant weapons to the civilianization." Hemila proposed. Own opinion.

"In principle, we agree, but we must strictly screen out what weapons are suitable for civilian use. I think that weapons above the bronze level need to be cautious. After all, weapons of this level are very dangerous, and wind guns are already very serious. In addition, , Weapons with a laser fern structure will not work either. This is our current backbone."

"The fifth-generation pea cannon cannot be sold, but we can sell some ordinary swords integrated into the laser fern in small quantities. On the one hand, it can improve our reputation, and on the other hand, these things are not very threatening." An old man also made an opinion.

Because the discussion of the civilianization of weapons has once again become a theme in the parliament hall.

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