The Rise of Plants

Chapter 950: Space system phase conversion

Speaking of it, his transformation of the incarnation of nature caused Chi Nan to resound the wood spirit. In the elven forest, I have seen wood spirits that are very similar to normal creatures, and maybe I can transform them.

It used to be insufficient capacity, but now it is different. He has reached the legendary realm, and there is a natural incarnation as a reference, it seems that it is no longer impossible to create a wood spirit.

But now, let's try out my new ability first. I broke through to the legendary level and gained three abilities in total, the same as before. In addition to the magic pattern transformation and natural incarnation, the last ability is phase transformation. This is a rare spatial ability, and Chi Nan himself didn't expect this ability to appear.

"If this ability is really the same as I understand, then whether it is used for battle or escape, it will be first-class. No one would have thought that a natural mage would use spatial ability."

Chi Nan's eyes flashed, and suddenly the natural incarnation in front of him disappeared. The next moment, the incarnation of nature appeared in another place five meters away, and that place was originally a vine on the ground.

This vine was summoned to contain Horn when he was fighting against Horn just now, but now it appeared where the natural incarnation had just been standing. The two of them have changed positions in an instant.

This feeling, like teleportation, is really exciting. "Very good, keep experimenting."

Chi Nan threw the seed in his hand to the ground and activated the phase shift, but there was no effect. "It seems that just using seeds is not enough." Chi Nan muttered to himself, the seeds began to sprout and grow, and soon became a few bush fighters.

Suddenly, there was a flash, and the bush warriors disappeared, replaced by the same number of treant warriors. Several tall Treant warriors huddled together and almost squeezed. Before the Treant Warriors fell, these Treant Warriors disappeared. What appeared again were a few small spider tanks walking around on the ground.

These are plants, and you know what's going on in an instant, so you won't be at a loss or attack indiscriminately.

Chi Nan ordered a spider tank to step aside, and suddenly the little spider tank disappeared and an airship appeared here. "Very good, the body is a little big, so the consumption is also a bit big, a bit laborious."

Chi Nan said to himself, and then continued to experiment. The so-called phase conversion can only be used on your own plants to change the positions of the two plants to each other to achieve the effect of mobilizing the plants you need.

It's just that the longer the distance, the greater the consumption, and the larger the body size of the mobilized plant, the consumption will also increase.

"Perhaps, I should make some powerful but not big plants for backup. I can also pretend to be a summoner when I encounter danger in the future. I really want to see when the enemy sees a few grasses suddenly become With ferocious and powerful plant weapons, what kind of expression will they look like." Chi Nan was very happy.

The light and shadow change in front of me, and the angle of view has changed. The other guards discovered that the place where their lord was located suddenly became a small sapling, and the place where the small sapling was just now, Chi Nan appeared here.

That's right, the phase shift can also be used on one's own body, so that the position of oneself and the plant can be exchanged. This disguised equivalent is equivalent to owning the ability to teleport in space, greatly improving the life-saving ability.

When the guards reacted, Chi Nan had already changed several positions one after another, and also exchanged positions with his natural avatar. Whenever there is a need in the future, he can also switch to the incarnation of nature at any time, and let the incarnation of nature help himself in adventure. Those outsiders who don't know why will definitely not know their true position in the future.

This natural incarnation is many times stronger than the substitutes cultivated by the nobles themselves.

"It's a pity, I can only use plants catalyzed by my own ability as coordinates. Naturally growing plants are not acceptable. Fortunately, I have plants that promote growth all over the world, and some of the coordinates are."

In the past, in order to expand the range that his plants could detect, Chi Nan kept spreading around. Now all parts of the world, except for a few places, can be said to have their own plants.

So, can I travel around the world at will? There was no time to test this ability before, but now it's okay. It's just that when Chi Nan felt it with all his strength, he frowned.

"There is actually a distance limit. It seems that this is not a real spatial ability after all."

There is no way, relying on his own perception, Chi Nan can only sense his own plants within a thousand kilometers, and only within this thousand kilometers, can he use the phase shift, and the distance will not work.

Even if you use the plant network, you can control the plants, but you still can’t use it. Moreover, using the ability of phase conversion at a super long distance will cause a very large consumption of one's own magic power.

Generally, within a range of one hundred kilometers, the consumption of using the phase conversion by yourself is not very large, or even if you don't transmit too much, the consumption can be neglected. But after this distance is exceeded, the consumption of this ability will be very scary. Fortunately, this distance is far enough that there is no problem in letting oneself escape.

Even a legendary master, facing a distance of hundreds of kilometers in a sudden, it is difficult to catch up.

If it doesn't work, then create a few more transfer stations, and then continuously teleport. Unless your enemy can seal off the space, it is really easy and enjoyable where you want to go.

That being the case, a few more floating fortresses or cities should be added to the sea. As a transit point, if you want to go overseas in the future, you only need to teleport several times in a row.

"There is no way to transmit across space. This is also a big flaw." Chi Nan didn't seem to be disappointed.

After the experiment, Chi Nan began to transform his natural incarnation. The design of the incarnation of nature has been completed, but Chinan still encountered some difficulties in the real transformation, and it took a week for the transformation to be finally completed.

"Very well, if there are no other changes in the future, just follow this model for the natural incarnation."

Chi Nan nodded in satisfaction, then turned his head and said, "Okay, let's go to the old bald head. Wait, forget it, let's go by yourself." After that, Chi Nan simply changed his behavior. Anyway, it's not too far from the old bald head, just send it over. Without oneself, one's own natural incarnation can use this ability freely.

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