The Rise of Plants

Chapter 957: Near the coast, escaped

The sea monster just changed its attack frequency, and the plant brain passed the calculation in the first time and reported it to Chi Nan.

"Strange, why is the sea monster suddenly so excited, and also increased the attack frequency." Chi Nan frowned and said.

Hermilla pointed to the screen: "It should be because the number of submarines has increased. There hasn't been so much just now, and the increase has been so obvious. The sea monster must be able to see that there are more toys, so I'm not afraid of wasting it."

Chi Nan was taken aback, only to realize that he had gone too far when replenishing the submarine. If it weren't for my own supplement, it would not have been possible to increase so much. After the Warcraft reaches the silver level, his IQ will be significantly improved.

At the legendary level, IQ is stronger than ordinary people. Even if the big sea monster is in the depths of the sea all year round, there is no other kind of communication. But if such an obvious change is not visible, then the big monster will really become an idiot. "It seems that we need to stop transporting the submarine, otherwise Miria will be even more dangerous."

Suddenly, Wei Weisi put her hand on Chi Nan's arm: "Wait, it might not be a good thing."

Everyone looked at Weiweisi strangely, and Weiweisi was staring at the screen: "That big monster just likes submarines, maybe because I haven't seen it, maybe because of the power in the submarine, in short, the submarine is attractive. The ability of the sea monster."

Chi Nan nodded and said, "That's right. The sea monster doesn't even touch the monsters next to it. It just chases the submarine for such a long time. I think it's probably because the sea ice magic inside is attractive to the sea monster. ."

"In other words, the sea monster is absolutely reluctant to let the submarine disappear. We might as well create an illusion for the sea monster, letting him know that only a certain submarine in his hand will attract more submarines to come. In this way, perhaps we can transfer the rice Leah was rescued."

Chi Nan was silent for a while, then stared at Wei Wei Si and said, "How confident are you of your success."

Weiwei said without hesitation: "60%, I have a 60% chance of success, and even if I fail, I will never put Miria in danger." With the assurance, Chi Nan was more at ease.

"Well, I'll give you temporary permission, and you will command it." Chi Nan handed the permission to Weiwei Si instantly.

And Weiweisi also started her first marine command. Because there was no bottom in her heart, a cold sweat slowly broke out on Wei Wei Si's head. "Sister Weiweisi, I believe you, I will leave it to you next."

On the other side, Miria saw the decision made by Chi Nan and gave Wei Wei Si encouragement.

Wei Wei Si nodded slightly without speaking. Inside the sea, the submarine began to change at this time. Around, some submarines slowly approached, like small fish. Sure enough, as soon as it appeared, it attracted the attention of the sea monster.

The submarine led the sea monster to move forward while making ordinary monster moves. As if these submarines are communicating, some of the submarines are approaching to join the team, and some are trying to leave.

The next moment, a black shadow flashed in the sea, and the sea monster's tentacles smashed the submarines that wanted to leave.

The surrounding submarine seemed to be frightened and left instantly. But it didn't take long for these submarines to gather again. This change made the sea monster a little unclear, so he started to watch it.

Then, things were the same as before, some submarines approached and merged into the team, and the sea monsters roared very happily. However, some submarines still tried to escape, and the result was the same as before, and they were destroyed again.

After going back and forth several times, the sea monster found that there seemed to be fewer and fewer submarines in front of him. After such a hesitation, a submarine finally left the team. At this moment, Wei Weisi breathed a sigh of relief: "The second step plan begins."

When the big monster didn't know whether to pursue it, more submarines came over and merged into the previous team. All of a sudden, the whole team grew stronger. At this time, the sea monster was really dazed, it was so dangerous here, why did that kind of strange beast come over. Although the sea monster has become smarter, it has too little experience.

So at this time, the big monster is no different from a clever child, and everything can only be imagined by yourself.

As a result, the previous thing happened again, and the big monster tried again. The surrounding submarine and the middle submarine team communicate with each other more and more frequently. More and more submarines are coming in and going back and forth.

The big monster is finally determined, there are many such strange beasts here. And the submarine seeds in his hands are the key to attracting more submarines. If they are not allowed to communicate and interact, they will have fewer and fewer submarines in their hands. Therefore, although the sea monsters launch attacks from time to time, and the attack frequency is getting higher and higher, they will always release part of it.

"Hurry up and calculate, we need the safest route. UU Reading" Weiweisi's face became more dignified, because Weiwei knows that the most critical moment has been reached at this time, and success or failure will depend on this.

Without absolute certainty, Weiweisi would never dare to let Miria take a risk. Weiwei Si knew that if Miria was in danger, even if Chi Nan wouldn't be like her, her status in the territory would definitely be affected.

The Sacred Tree Neck is different from other places, and his own identity can't tell everything.

"The calculation is successful. According to the sea monster's attack habits and patterns, there will inevitably be a release of the submarine every ten minutes. These points are the dead spots of the sea monster's attack habits, and you can get out from here."

There were six completely safe routes, all of which would not be touched by the sea monster's habit of attacking.

"Then proceed from this place. We only have one chance." The sea monster was already very close to Karan Island. If this opportunity is not successful, there will be no second chance next. The sea monsters attacked more frequently, and the lost submarine had turned the nearby sea into a garbage dump.

The monsters behind did not dare to attack the submarine, but they dare to attack the fragments.

"Let's get started." Weiwei Si finally issued Minglin. According to the calculation and control of the plant brain, there will be no deviation, and everything else can only hope that there will be no accidents. The sea monster suddenly attacked once, exactly the same as before.

Everyone looked at the screen nervously, and the action began. At the moment when the attack paused, several submarines seemed to communicate with the outside, flowing out from the dead angle where the big monster attacked. At this time, the big monster had no interest in these submarines.

Even the attack did not happen, and the previously planned route was useless, but everyone didn't care.

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