The Rise of Plants

Chapter 977: Become a noble again

"I'm Chi Nan, don't you know what's up with the others?" Chi Nan said while looking at these very weirdly dressed guys. Speaking of which, these so-called nobles are really weird in their outfits.

The thick foundation on his face is almost the same as that of singing. Even the nobles on the plane he was in weren't so unconventional. Just contact made Chi Nan feel uncomfortable.

The one in the lead suddenly made a strange etiquette that Chi Nan could not understand: "Your Excellency Chi Nan, it is like this, and it has been unanimously approved by our Noble Federation. Your contribution is very great, whether it is vegetables, fruits or physical strength beans, Both have a huge effect on our alliance. After our vote, we have decided to recruit you as a member of the nobles."

With that said, a person next to him handed Chi Nan a book and a document, as well as a badge.

"This is a noble appointment letter. This is a noble development history and etiquette. Although in this situation, most aristocrats have not followed these etiquette very much, but we as aristocrats still have to learn."

Chi Nan was taken aback for a moment, and he said so. But also, the world is about to be destroyed, so what are these useless etiquette left for? But looking at these guys in front of me, they are all kind of old-fashioned.

"After becoming a nobleman, is there any obligation or power?" Chi Nan asked after thinking about it.

The visitor said indifferently: "The so-called nobility has now become a title. A title that can be obtained as long as you contribute to the alliance has no obligation or power."

After a pause, the visitor continued: "But those are just ordinary nobles. The nobles with territories are not the same. In their own territories, nobles can do everything except ordinary people. After all, ordinary nobles can do anything. People are the source of our alliance’s fighting power, and harming ordinary people for no reason is a big crime."

Chi Nan nodded lightly. There are already very few people in this world. If the internal consumption continues, how can you fight the bugs. Those bugs have no internal contradictions, at least in Chi Nan's cognition.

"So, how to obtain territory?" Hearing this, the others showed a smile, which means that Chi Nan has accepted the fact that he has become a nobleman. And the nobles with territories are just like them.

"My name is Halasi, and I am very happy that you can be one of us. To gain territory, first of all depends on your ability."

With a wave of his hand, a person next to him pulled a huge disc, and the disc became a reel. The scroll opened, and Chi Nan saw a huge map. Most of the map is red, and some are white.

"This is a map we passed down before. The red part was occupied by bugs. We don't know what it looks like now. This part of the white part is our current site. Do you see the circles above? These circles The inner part is the noble territory controlled by the nobles. If you want a piece of territory, just circle a piece on it."

Chi Nan was taken aback, how to obtain territory became such a simple matter, just draw a circle. If this is a bigger picture, isn't it a big profit? "Is that how to paint casually?" Chi Nan was a little worried.

"It is indeed painted casually, but there are restrictions. You can't draw other nobles' territories into your own territory, unless you discuss it and let another nobleman transfer your own territory, and this is only the first time. Row."

"The larger the land enclosed, the greater the contribution to the alliance. This contribution is continuous. For example, our territory generally requires a long time to spend some troops and fruits and vegetables."

Halasi pointed to a place: "That is my territory, very close to your territory. But you have more advantages than us, because you have stamina beans, so you can maintain it by supplying stamina beans to Cangming Mountain. ."

It turns out that this is the case. This is similar to paying taxes, except that there is no shortage of food in this world, because bugs are everywhere. What is lacking here are vegetables and other supplies, which are also necessary to maintain the frontline soldiers fighting. Your own stamina beans can be divided into military supplies.

"There is another point. You must be responsible for protecting your own territory. You can build your own army. Once your territory suffers a heavy loss, you will face punishment. If there is a need on the front line, your army must also participate."

Chi Nan nodded gently: "It's very reasonable." They don't know their strength. This way of distribution is fair. This is the reason why this world has been maintained until now.

They didn't know that when Chi Nan's own strength developed, he was not afraid of those bugs at all. At least with my understanding of the army of I will never be afraid.

"Then, I'll start painting." Chi Nan picked up the paintbrush next to him and prepared to paint up.

At this moment, Halasi suddenly said: "Please pay attention, don't draw too much of those towns. Every town will increase your burden, and those wastelands are useless, don't mess around."

Chi Nan said indifferently: "I know, there is no need for towns or anything, what I want is the barren mountains. Don't worry, I can plant these places. Is there really no problem with such a large territory?" Chi Nan When it stopped, it had already circled a considerable range, which was almost unimaginable by other nobles.

Because of this range, it is larger than the original Ruth Yala Kingdom. Although most of them are desolate land and mountains, even the mountains that I came here before are also included.

"Such a big site, are you sure you really want such a big place?"

Chi Nan nodded, and Halasi frowned and said, "Although only three towns are not too much, the land area is a bit too big, I'm afraid the price to pay is not small. Are you sure you really want such a large site? ?"

Chi Nan nodded again, and Halasi gave up his persuasion: "I will wave and communicate with the cadres of the Noble Federation. Next, you will wait for my news." Halasi shook his head, seemingly not optimistic. .

But Chi Nan didn't care at all. The identity of this nobleman was just an identity that temporarily allowed him to move in this world without resistance. After it develops itself, it will be impossible for any noble association to stop itself at all. But now, it is indeed necessary to rely on their power. During the disaster period, the speed of handling all kinds of things is very fast.

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