The Rise of Plants

Chapter 979: Bush warrior specializes in bugs

To determine the territory, it is indeed necessary to collect a certain amount of tax. What Chi Nan paid was 10,000 stamina bean pills every month. These stamina bean pills will all be sent to Cangming Mountain to fight against insects.

This stamina bean is nothing to Chi Nan, but for people in this world, it is a very important material. Some very simple battles in the past will become very easy now. Some wars that could not be won in the past are now very likely to be won.

The most important thing is that the existence of these stamina beans will greatly improve the confidence of the soldiers. They know that even in difficult battles, we still have stamina beans to use and morale can always be maintained.

On this day, Chi Nan started to provide bush fighters. The first to be accepted was the sheriff of the small town of Casey. After Chi Nan became the lord, he did not drive Cassie, but let Cassie start to form his own army.

The number may not be large, but it is no problem to protect the three towns. Chi Nan is no stranger to insects, after all, the war has been going on for so long. So Chi Nan knew that the kind of big-mouthed dog used for law and order was useless. On the contrary, the bush warriors he made before have been fighting with bugs from the beginning.

Now that more research on the weaknesses of insects has been obtained, Chi Nan only needs to add more combat modes to the plant brain.

Cassie looked at the strange disc on his arm called the neurocerebral, and felt that he could easily command the very short bush warrior to run and run, and his face was stunned at this time.

"Lord Lord, is this thing really useful? It's not that I don't believe you, but this thing is too small. If it doesn't work, it's irresponsible for other people's lives to use it rashly."

Chi Nan rolled his eyelids: "Of course it works. If you don't believe it, you can try it yourself."

It can be seen from this that they really don't pay much attention to their so-called noble and lord status. In their eyes, the most important thing is the lives of those soldiers.

If it weren't for making things like stamina beans, and providing them with enough food, I am afraid that they would not even have such a tone. The bush warrior looks really weak. This thin-armed and thin-legged man is only half the size of an ordinary orc, not even the height of a human being, how could they believe the combat effectiveness of this thing.

Even when Chi Nan gave a demonstration, the hard shell on the surface of the beetle's body was too hard.

"Well, then let's try it out. Anyway, even if it fails, there is no problem. If it succeeds, this method will be promoted, and our rear will become very safe."

"It's not just the rear, but it's grown on a large scale, and it can be used even on the front line." This is all verified by his own long-term war. Of course, Chi Nan doesn't have the slightest worry.

Cassie didn't speak either, and left the town with a few of his confidants. They patrol here all year round, and of course they know where they are most likely to encounter beetles. They even know where there are beetles.

Some people even deliberately keep some beetles not to kill them, because these beetles are their food, and the hard shell on their bodies is also the material for making armored weapons. Wait until some beetles have grown up before killing them. This is also sometimes the way to do it. Of course, under normal circumstances there will not be, because there are too many beetles.

Chi Nan did not follow, he is still secretly carrying out the plant cover layout. To cover his current territory, according to Chi Nan's calculations, it would take at least two months or so.

Of course this is just covering with ordinary plants. If you really want to fight against so many bugs in this world, I'm afraid it won't be possible in a short time. But don't worry, take your time, the world will not perish in a day or two anyway.

On Cassie's side, he took some people and quickly found some beetles. Several people did not take action, but ordered the bush warriors to rush over. As long as the bush warriors fail, they will kill the beetles by themselves.

The next experiment made these people stare. The bush warrior is too agile, and the speed is not slow. The thin legs can change directions very quickly, making it difficult for the beetle to fall on the body with the heavy attacks. Even if it is attacked, the bush warrior itself can easily resist it. It can be said that as long as it is not bitten, the bush warrior is difficult to cut off.

Even if it is cut, as long as the plant brain at the root is not damaged, the bush warrior will not die. As long as it is planted, it can grow back after a period of time and continue to fight.

Cassie suddenly discovered that this kind of bush warrior might be even more difficult to deal with than those beetles.

When the bush fighters attacked the smooth attack was even more shocking. Easily go around behind the beetle, aiming at the weak point and piercing it with a spike, and as a result, with such a small wound, the beetle is dead.

Or if it penetrates into some other vital positions, the strong anesthetic can easily numb the beetle's body, and then just add it. Only the blade is cut and will be blocked by the hard shell.

But these bush fighters have a skill that can make them spin quickly. The three blades instantly formed a knife wheel, and even the beetle would be injured within the attack range. The leg that has been scratched will break instantly, even if the body is cut, it may hurt the inside, but it can't be killed all at once.

This trick may not have a very good effect on beetles, but if it is used against humans and orcs, it would be terrible. This is simply a meat grinder, once it is turned on, it will be full of flesh and blood.

"Well, is this really the power of plants? No wonder Lord Lord said that the bush warrior specializes in beetles, which is actually the case."

"Great, it will be much easier for us to deal with the beetles from now on. Lord Lord really brought us great gospel." The team members cheered, as if they saw a bright future.

Cassie nodded slightly: "Yes, these bush warriors specifically target beetles, and they are all plants. They plant and multiply faster than beetles. Maybe, maybe this is our hope."

If the beetles were not in large numbers, they would not believe that beetles could destroy them. But just a quantity has become their nightmare. Now there are plants that are easier to scale, and they are also not afraid of death, and they also specifically target beetles. If this was not specially sent by God to save them, Cassie didn't believe it now. To report, it must be reported.

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