The Rise of Plants

Chapter 983: Give them some more chips

"Hehe, as I thought, I agreed so soon. Moreover, the conditions are still up to us."

Chi Nan looked at the report that had just been delivered to him, or it was a communication order, and the corners of his mouth twitched. The same thing has quickly spread throughout the three towns in his entire territory.

Even in this environment, the senior level still likes to use these methods. Announce the news in advance, if you do too much, it will definitely cause a backlash. In this world, once disgusted by civilians, no matter how capable this person is, he has no chance to develop. In the end, he can only end up with nothing.

Sure enough, before Chi Nan had finished reading the letter, he had already been found by a so-called capable subordinate. Cassie is not in this place, and Chi Nan also knows that Cassie is now cooperating with those people in experiments.

"Lord Lord, we are here for the bush warrior and Hongsha Steel. I heard..."

Chi Nan waved his hand: "You don't need to hear it. I made it. These were originally to be used by people on the front line. No, it should be said that they are for everyone to use. We can't continue to consume them.

The people around him suddenly smiled, and it is a blessing for Sansheng to be with such a great lord. However, Chi Nan sneered in his heart. Although these people seemed to be selfless, it was difficult to completely subdue them. It seems that if you want to truly develop, the core strength still needs people from your own territory.

Fortunately, in this regard, Hemira and others have already begun to help themselves with planning. For this reason, Hermilla even devolved most of the things, and took the time to do it herself.

As a result, many people have seen that Hermilla seems to have ignored government affairs recently, and it is still a bit strange.

"Great. Let these things be used by everyone. We will definitely be able to regain lost ground. Insects will no longer be our opponents." Someone praised loudly.

However, is this trying to make oneself give in vain? Even if Chi Nan is a Virgin, it is impossible for Chi Nan to do such a thing in this regard. If they are really developed, it will be difficult to control them in the future.

Thinking of this, Chi Nan immediately said: "Of course, we don't want nothing, we need to exchange."

"But sir, we don’t lack anything. If we want money, this stuff doesn’t seem to be much." Many people feel a little depressed. Trading with money doesn’t work because they often barter. .

There is no shortage of things here. Vegetables and fruits and other things are eaten casually. There is no problem with eating one serving and throwing two servings.

Chi Nan waved his hand: "Although there is no shortage of things, you can't develop some of their bad habits. I think about it, what we need, um, all kinds of knowledge can be used, and this good has the highest gold content."

Everyone was indifferent, and Chi Nan had a bottom line. It seemed that it was less difficult for the world to acquire knowledge than he thought. The knowledge that can improve the overall strength is hoped that everyone at the top can learn it. But those cultivation resources are very stingy, and they will only be handed over to those with the best talents to train them.

Knowledge can be copied infinitely, so people here don't take it seriously, which is great.

"In addition, there are other things, such as population and some craftsmen with special talents, etc.. Those who do not live well in other places can be sent to us, and we will give the best treatment."

"My lord, trafficking in human beings is immoral, right?" Someone immediately retorted.

Chi Nan said indifferently: "Of course it's not human trafficking. We will develop on a large scale and we need to absorb a lot of people. Many people don't know our situation here. I need other people to help publicize and guide those who have nowhere to go. When civilians come to us, we can give very good treatment."

"Of course, as the distinguished guests who led them, we can't let them do anything in vain, so we still need to give them some rewards." Sure enough, after changing the argument, these people immediately stopped rejecting them.

In many cases, different statements about the same thing have completely different results.

"Finally, we also need some special minerals, some remnants from ancient times, antiques, etc. are all OK. By the way, I also need the materials of those insects."

"The material on the bug? But there is not enough steel. The material on the bug is a very important strategic resource."

Can anyone think of a problem from an overall strategic point of view? Sure enough, a kind of environment is a kind of person.

Chi Nan smiled: "What I want is not only the shell of the bug, but also some things on the bug's body. The eyes of the beetle, the gallbladder, and the supporting bone in the middle are all things I These things are of no use to people in this world, because they only see things that are helpful to combat. And these things, manufactured into various items and medicines, are of great value.

The plane on my side had already been researched out. It's a pity that because the bugs are extinct, many things have become unrivaled. If you bring them back, these things are of very high value and are of great benefit to the development of your own territory.

"These things? There is nothing wrong with this, as long as you pay attention to them when disposing of the corpses of insects after the battle. However, these things are more troublesome, and I am afraid that few people are willing to do them." It's disgusting. Killing bugs and dismembering are completely different things. Generally, only butchers and cooks do it.

Chi Nan narrowed his eyes, and it seemed that he was going to give them a little bargaining chip. So Chi Nan opened his mouth and said, "I see if you have a nerve brain, this thing can actually be used as a communicator. Different people can use this to communicate with each other according to different numbers."

"What? Can you communicate without any time delay? If it is true, then it will be much easier to command the battle." Sure enough, the sensitivity to the battle is still very high.

"Of course, real-time communication, as long as a few signal transfer stations are built in the middle. Not only can it be used to command battles, but also can be used to do many things, such as battlefield simulation, such as data storage, such as live broadcast to the rear. Something like that." Chi Nan quickly explained to others and gave examples, everyone's eyes widened.

It seems that there is no hindrance to his plan to promote the neuro-brain. This kind of advantage, let alone the frontline soldiers, even the old-fashioned inheritance nobles, absolutely can't resist this temptation.

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