The Rise of Plants

Chapter 989: It's that nasty group of humans

"It's very poisonous, it's worthy of being a plane that has been fighting insects for hundreds of years, and its ability to target insects is really unique." Chi Nan looked at it here, and the terrible toxicity made Chi Nan feel shocked.

Just a little bit of toxic contamination can make the beetles lose their physiological functions. Even silver-level beetles will be poisoned to death. Even after Chi Nan saw a golden beetle enveloped in toxins, he escaped with his powerful vitality. But after it came out, this beetle obviously had a huge problem, and it didn't even walk in a straight line.

When the second poisonous jar exploded around, the golden beetle would not move soon. Maybe he hasn't died yet, but he definitely won't live long. This kind of toxicity is really terrible.

The toxins specifically targeted at beetles on my own side are not so powerful either. "I just don't know what this toxin is made of. If plants are used as the main material, we can also directly produce it."

With the means of high-altitude bombing, coupled with the cooperation of bush fighters who were not afraid of death or fear of this poison, a huge beetle attack soon died down. A large number of beetles were cleared away, and the battlefield was quickly wiped out.

The same goes for other places, the frequency of beetle attacks is indeed very high. But in the face of the exhausted plant army, the beetles are still a lot weaker. Near the ten armies, victories emerged one after another.

For this reason, the front command madly issued a request for more plant troops.

At this time, even the headquarters of the alliance was alarmed, and this kind of voice within the entire alliance continued to increase. Chi Nan knows that perhaps his status is not the highest now, but his influence here is already one of the greatest. The next step is to step by step to increase the quantity and quality of plant weapons and eliminate insects.

Chi Nan knows that those bugs are definitely not as simple as they seem. If you want to truly control this plane's absolute right to speak, then it is impossible to have only these ordinary plant weapons.

Without plant weapons capable of dealing with legendary level masters, it would be impossible to shock those hidden masters at all. Therefore, speeding up research on top plant weapons is the most important thing at this stage.

Chi Nan gave some orders, and while paying attention to the other side, he began to study more powerful weapons.

But no one knew that behind the beetle, a group of beetle people also gathered in a black temple. Then, some broken airships and bush fighters were transported here through different channels.

These bush warriors and airships were crushed to the plant brains, and they were cleaned up. Even Chi Nan couldn't sense the existence of these plants from such a distance.

"The first situation has already been delivered. These things, specifically targeted at our beetles, have caused a certain loss. If they weren't large enough, perhaps our losses would double."

Each of these people looked like people wearing armor, but a closer look revealed that these people didn't wear any clothes at all. The armor on the body is just the exoskeleton that grows naturally on the body. These people are not humans, but worms. Growing limbs, regardless of the armor-like exoskeleton, it is very similar to humans.

Not far from them, there were also some bug people, some of them were wearing rough clothes, some of them casually surrounded by a piece of rags. The body still retains many characteristics that are different from the insects, and these are all modified insects.

Only by transforming the insects will they retain the habit of wearing clothes. These are betrayers of humans and orcs, and they didn't get the life they wanted when they came here. It can be said that both sides are not pleased.

Those lofty bugs don't care about these people's thoughts at all, but they are just some betrayed slaves. Let them do tasks when they are needed, and whoever cares for them to die when they are not needed.

"You are too dangerous and sensational. Just a few things can affect us? Our great **** has conquered many planes. What a mere ordinary plane is worth."

"Don't underestimate this thing. After all, this thing is a plant. I am afraid that its ability to reproduce is faster than we thought. Once the scale is really formed, our plan to conquer this plane as soon as possible will fail."

At this moment, in the temple behind, a **** beetle statue suddenly emitted a dazzling red light.

The worms quickly turned around and knelt down to the temple, and those who reformed the worms knelt down in the first place. That kind of huge pressure is completely beyond their ability to contend.

"The great beetle god, follow your highest will and listen to your words..."

The beetles began to pray, and with their prayers, the light on the beetle statue became more and more stable. Finally, the eyes of the beetle statue moved a bit, and UU Reading looked at the bush warriors on the ground.

"What is this!" A majestic voice sounded in everyone's hearts.

"Great beetle god, this is just a little trouble. Some plants have appeared on the border to stop our attack. Please rest assured that we will break through in the shortest time and let this world completely become the plane of your rule."

The beetle snorted coldly: "Hmph, it's those nasty humans again. Unexpectedly, the original **** didn't find them, they could still come to this plane. Very good, really good." That huge pressure, Let the beetle people feel suffocated, and there are already transformed beetle people who are not very good in physique. Under this force, they are stunned.

Soon, the breath of the beetle **** receded: "From now on, I will send a sitting high priest to assist you in attacking this plane. Remember, this plane is not necessary, but those who offend the **** must seize it. ."

"Great beetle god, are there any characteristics of those who offended you?" the lead beetle man said cautiously.

"They have been imprinted by the gods. As long as you feel the imprint, you can find them. Hey, it's strange, why can't I feel it? It seems that something has been used to shield it. Forget it, the high priest will come with their portrait, You are ready."

After speaking, the consciousness of the beetle **** left, but his divine power did not leave, and it still remained on the statue. Seeing this scene, several beetles looked at each other, their eyes full of joy.

"The gods have left behind their own divine power. Our temple will be a high-level temple from now on. Notify other low-level temples around that from today, they will all accept our orders." Everyone was excited.

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