The Rise of Plants

Chapter 995: It's time to use something extraordinary

When the hummingbirds are dispatched, it means that the battle has come to an end. This extremely fast mage unit appeared, and the continuous spell attacks continued to consume the only number of beetles around.

Although there are a lot of flying beetles, spells are originally used on most creatures. A large number of wind cannons went down, and when the flying team at the back approached, there were not many flying beetles left.

And those hummingbird fighters, the number of losses is not too much. The head of the flying regiment grabbed a dead hummingbird fighter in his hand and glanced quickly: "It's made of wood, not real creatures. No wonder they don't care at all. It seems that this matter needs to be reported as soon as possible, hey. ..."

The head of the flight regiment seemed to think about his future days, perhaps his flight team will soon be completely eliminated. Unless you can control an airship formation, then you can continue to be a high-level.

This may be an opportunity, as long as you can do it, then your status will be higher in the future.

Although they are all contributing to the alliance, although they are all killing bugs, human desire has never ceased. Without damaging the big frame, most people hope to climb to the top.

Tying this hummingbird fighter that was suspected to be shot down by his own machine guns to his side, the legionary commander began to command the army to clean up the last beetles. This is the only time the flight team has not lost any large-scale air combat.

And this time, also wiped out most of the opponent's flying beetles. Only the sporadic ones can escape. In the process of escaping, the flying beetles were chased and killed countless by them, which is really exciting.

The people in the headquarters below all cheered happily at this time and opened a bottle of wine to celebrate.

You must know that the productivity of the alliance society is not enough, even fruits and vegetables are few, and this fine wine is an absolute luxury. Speaking of which, some of them haven't had a drop of wine for a whole year.

After the air battle was over, the ground battle soon came to an end. Under the bombing of the air force, the dense beetle quickly turned into a corpse and spread a carpet on the ground.

It is not so pleasant to clean up these beetle carcasses. The subsequent beetles also retreated. Soon after disappearing through the ubiquitous hole, there is no way to even pursue it.

"These nasty beetles, if they can't beat them, they will drill holes. One day I will destroy all their holes." The soldiers on the wall gritted their teeth when they saw this scene, but at the same time they were a little proud. You must know that the beetles have never been beaten to escape by them before, but this time, so many beetles have to escape.

After chasing for a while, the flying legions also ran back. Next, it is the spread of news of this new weapon and the above has come to negotiate with himself, Chi Nan is basically familiar with this set of procedures.

On the other side, at the temple closest to this side, a group of worms gathered again.

"Look at everyone, these things are completely consistent with the plant army described under the beetle crown. According to the combat effectiveness of these plant army, our current beetle army is really hard to be their opponent.

Everyone looked at the broken plants in front of them. It was just some of the fallen hummingbird wreckage that appeared in front of them at this time. It has to be said that although the Hummingbird fighter has been smashed, the wind cannon launcher on the head is still a good thing for making wind attribute staff, but it is useless for these bug people.

The headed worm man with a black shell looked at these things thoughtfully.

"Under the crown of the beetle, I have already told me the news of the army of plants. This kind of thing is indeed their product, but it is not the most powerful. Before, it seems that more powerful plants have appeared.

"Your Excellency, what do you mean, do you mean that these plant forces have degraded."

"No, on the contrary, they can catch up to this plane, which means that their strength has not weakened, but may increase. After all, those are just mortals, and it is not easy for mortals to cross the plane. Of course. , It may also be due to an accident. Maybe the two planes are not too far apart, and there is a space overlap between each other."

The insect man just said immediately: "Then what should we do, is the plant army really that powerful? If there is no follow-up reinforcements, we might really be repelled."

The reproductive ability of beetles is strong, yes, but it also consumes materials. For sustainable development, in order not to destroy this entire plane, they can only control the reproduction speed of beetles. Otherwise, the resources will be exhausted and the world will be over.

The beetle **** wants to control an intact world, not a dead plane.

“The beetle’s crown has already shown The plant army is likely to have hidden power. So we are not suitable for a large-scale war with them. Follow-up reinforcements have already begun to be deployed, but it will take a while to wait ."

After a pause, the high priest lowered his voice and said, "So, we should use some extraordinary methods now."

Everyone's eyes lit up, what are the extraordinary means? Would they not know this? They used various unconventional methods for such a long time before attacking this plane, not once or twice.

"It should have been like this a long time ago. I heard that all of this was done by their lord. The plant lord, as long as he kills him, then these plants are of no use. They want to recover in the future, but it is not so easy."

The high priest nodded gently: "Yes, but you must be careful this time. After all, the opponent is not a native of this world, and it is not so easy to deal with, so we should plan carefully. Moreover, we need to divert their attention. So let's, You pick some suitable and reliable people, and I will communicate with the beetle."

After speaking, everyone began to prepare. This time the action is not small, it is related to whether the world can be won. Even, some things related to the beetle god.

Once a problem arises, they can imagine how the irritable **** will deal with them.

A few days later, the soldiers were calmly unaccustomed to the frontline position, and finally a large-scale beetle attacked again. The soldiers who had been holding back for a long time yelled and started to prepare for battle.

It's just that no one noticed that in the shadows, some inconspicuous figures secretly approached the front line, and then sneaked in from some defensive blind spots. Because of the small number, it was not found.

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