The Rise Of Space Technology

Chapter 405 The Cradle Plan 1

In a high-level secret conference room of Xinghai Science and Technology Research Institute, Liu Yuan, Lu Yong, Tang Peng, Wang Chen, Li Chun, Jiang Wannian, Xu Yunpeng, Zhou Tong, Wan Hanrui, Ran Hao, Wang Wei, Chen Jing, Zhou Almost all the senior executives of Xinghai Technology are here. Except for Zheng Yuan, who is on Mars, the senior management of the company and the senior management of the scientific research institute are all there.

Today Liu Yuan officially held this important meeting to discuss the future development path.

Zhou Yu has understood the theory of warp speed flight. According to Liu Yuan's assessment of him, this Zhou Yu is definitely a genius, not only in the field of warp speed engine technology, but also in the future, he is very likely to be able to use space technology There have been major breakthroughs in the field.

Such talents are very valuable talents. In the vast universe, they are also talents that countless civilizations are thirsty for knowledge.

He understood the technology of the warp engine, which means that Xinghai Technology can officially start the plan to manufacture the warp engine, and it also means that Liu Yuan can start to prepare for a solo flight to an alien planet in the future.

Liu Yuan looked at the people in front of him, all of them were like-minded people, and they were also his staunch supporters, and a dream chaser who longed for the sea of ​​stars. .

"Everyone, the theory of warp flight has been broken through. Coupled with our breakthroughs in the field of controllable nuclear fusion technology and materials, we already have the ability to manufacture warp engines."

"This means that we already have the ability and foundation to fight the sea of ​​stars!"

Liu Yuan excitedly announced the good news to everyone.


"It's been too long to wait for this day."

"Finally, we can conquer the sea of ​​stars!"

When everyone heard it, they were also excited. There are not too many things that can make everyone excited. This is definitely one.


After Liu Yuan waited for everyone to calm down, he said again: "I think everyone knows the situation the company is facing now."

"The company is not just a company, and Xinghai Technology is not my company, Liu Yuan, alone."

"Xinghai Technology carries the dreams of all of us in Xinghai, the dream about the sea of ​​stars, and the great dream of conquering the vast universe!"

"Xinghai Technology, it is also the home of all Xinghai people, it belongs to every Xinghai people, we have the responsibility and obligation to fight for it, because we have already left the low-level pursuit of life, what we pursue is the great dream, yes Noble ideals and a bright future!"

"In today's world, hedonism is prevalent. People advocate money and pursue entertainment and enjoyment. Capital controls and dominates everything."

"Such an earth, its future is worrying. Even children are unwilling to give birth. It will lose hope and future. Once a powerful alien civilization arrives one day, what will the earth use to resist?"

"So we can't join forces. We must build a brand-new civilization on an alien planet, a civilization with a future and full of hope, a great civilization that can gallop across the interstellar universe and stand in the forest of powerhouses in the universe."

Liu Yuan's voice seemed to have magic power, infecting everyone present, making everyone see a new great civilization rapidly rising in the interstellar universe.

This made everyone feel very excited, very excited.

As a high-level executive of Xinghai Technology, everyone present has already achieved financial freedom, without financial troubles, and the level of pursuit has been separated from the low-level fun level, and has risen to a higher level of life value, life ideals and dreams.

Imagine a scene where a great civilization is constantly rising in the interstellar universe under your own efforts.

In the history book of this great civilization standing in the forest of the universe's strong family, there will be its own name. Just thinking about it makes people feel extremely excited, and they are willing to make unremitting efforts for it and give their all.

"It is not an easy task to go to an alien planet to build a great civilization, it involves many things in all aspects."

"This meeting is held today mainly to discuss this plan."

"As the saying goes, when people gather firewood, the flame is high, and three cobblers top one Zhuge Liang."

"Let's all discuss this plan together, discussing all aspects of things we need to consider and prepare, so that we can fight prepared battles and start better in the future."

"Everyone can express their opinions, express their opinions and opinions, and will say what needs to be considered and prepared, as well as specific action plans. Now we need to prepare to do everything."

"Then record it in detail, sort it out, and formulate a complete plan, and we will follow this plan step by step."

Liu Yuan looked at the crowd and said. Going to an alien planet alone is not an easy task. There are so many things and problems to be considered in all aspects, such as population, economy, politics, military, agriculture, urban construction and so on.

It is far from a company that can compare, there are many things to consider, all aspects need to be considered, and all need to be prepared in advance.

"Boss, let me say it first. I think the most important thing is the population issue."

"Without a certain population base, it is difficult to develop. I think in the future, we must pay attention to fertility and encourage fertility. At the same time, we must also find ways to reduce the pressure and burden of fertility, and create a relaxed environment, so that everyone is willing to give birth and give birth. From the beginning, you can also afford to raise and educate well.”

"Only in this way can we continue to expand the population and increase the number of people, and at the same time attach importance to education and cultivate more talents, so as to continuously promote the development and progress of science and technology, and promote the strength and development of civilization."

"In this regard, I think we must learn from the educational models and lessons of various regions on the earth. Our current education is too serious. Even in developed first-tier cities, everyone is reluctant to give birth, because nurturing a child requires It took too much time and energy, too much.”

"One of the reasons why this is very important is because the introversion is too serious, competing for the qualifications to go to prestigious schools, competing for many opportunities, etc., so that even if the couple earns one million a year, they can only have one child."

"This is a very serious and deformed problem and phenomenon. If you don't have money, you won't dare to have more children. If you have money and conditions, you won't dare to have more children. This is a social problem."

"In the future, we need to construct a fair, just and open environment to make reading easy and simple, rather than requiring serious introversion to obtain it."

"Under the involution, is it really a talent, this is a question worth thinking about and discussing..."

"In addition, the ideas about fertility have also gone astray, deformed, and we must erect correct and positive ideas..."

Li Chun was the first to stand up. As an older person, this is what he attaches the most importance to.

Li Chun used to be a professor at a famous school. He only had one son in the family. He hoped that his son would have more children. However, after his son gave birth to a granddaughter, he refused to give birth. Wait.

Later, after Li Chun worked in Xinghai Technology, his income soared, and now he can earn hundreds of millions a year, which has greatly improved the economic environment at home.

But his son was still reluctant to give birth, saying that raising a child is stressful and difficult to cultivate, which made Li Chun very annoyed.

It’s not that my family is unconditional, but the child is unwilling to have a child, which makes people helpless. After thinking about it, it can only be attributed to the current ideological problems and environmental problems.

My granddaughter is only a few years old, but she has to learn piano, dance, magic, etc., and a lot of miscellaneous things. She also needs to learn English in advance, and is under great pressure.

But it doesn't seem to work if you don't study, because if you want to enter a good primary school in the imperial capital, you have to learn these things, and then you will have to interview, test and so on. The higher the score, the more you can get into these schools.

There is no doubt that in such an environment, children are very tired, and adults are also very tired. Even rich families do not dare to have more children. It is too troublesome and tiring.

In such an environment, who will have more births?

Coupled with the long-standing ideology of fewer births and better births, this has led to the current situation. Even in the case of Li Chun's family, his son does not want to have a second child.

"Well said~"

Jiang Wannian was also very aware and immediately agreed.

"We all grew up playing by ourselves when we were young. Reading is just casual reading, and there is not much homework after school. I haven't become a good scientist yet."

"But now these children are too tired, too tired, and they have learned a lot, like cramming ducks, stuffing them into it all at once. Are the children who are educated in this way really excellent?"

"I don't think so. Science is about talent. Under the introverted education model, it's impossible to see who has talent and who doesn't. It's a very serious thing in the long run."

Jiang Wannian's situation was similar to Li Chun's. His son didn't want to give birth to a child.

Thinking back to the past, when I was a child, where was there so much homework, where there were so many interest classes that I needed to attend, and I also learned English from elementary school.

He has not become an outstanding scientist, and he is also engaged in scientific research. Now, how many of these children will be able to become scientists in the future?

"Well said~"

"That's what we need to focus on, and that's what we need to address in the future."

Liu Yuan also agreed after listening to it.

PS: ask for tickets for all kinds of requests~~

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