The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0009 preparation

Chapter 0009 preparation

Hei Tian slept for a day and a night, and Li Xun was awakened by hunger. Although he was still sleepy, his twitching stomach reminded his master of his existence again and again. Li Xun shook his head, regained consciousness, pressed his aching stomach, turned over and sat up, his nose smelled very sour. For a while, Li Xun didn't know whether he should fill his stomach first or wash up first.

Li Xun called the waiter and ordered the most sumptuous meal to be delivered quickly, and he needed to take a hot bath. Not long after, the waiters brought over steaming hot, rich and exquisite food. When Li Xun was eating Hesai, the two waiters carried a big drum into the bathroom, poured hot water and left. Satisfied with the food, Li Xun supported his stomach, stripped off his clothes and plunged into the bathtub, let the hot water burn his skin red, and then began to wash a little tune. Although the mage's robe has a constant cleansing ability, it can only remove dust, which is more refreshing than a hot bath. After taking a shower, Li Xun, who felt light all over his body, asked the waiter to clean everything, paid the fee, and then lay down on the sofa beautifully, opened the personal attribute panel, and inspected everything about himself like a monarch of a country.

Character: Li Xun (Natir)

Identity: Wandering Hero

Occupation: Mage

Talent: Soul Hunter

Level: Level 3 (26/500)

Strength: 0

Dexterity: 0

Spirit: 1

Knowledge: 7 (70/70 points)

Skill: Undead Survival Mana Required: 2 Points Summons undead creatures from the target corpse.

Magic Arrow Mana Required: 4 Points Releases magic missiles at the target, causing non-attribute damage.

Curse of Weakness Mana Required: 4 Points Curses the target, making it weak and weak.

Stones and sharp thorns Mana required: 10 points Causes earth attribute damage to the small cross range.

Mage Hand Requires mana: 2 points Can move up to 5 pounds of non-magical unattended objects long distances

Communication requires mana: 2 points, can pass whispers with other creatures (1/level)

Phantom sound requires mana: 2 points Produces illusory sounds

Flash Mana Required: 2 Points A burst of light in front of a single creature dazzles him

Light spell requires mana: 2 points to make an object glow like a torch, illuminating a range of 20 meters

Ray of Frost Requires mana: 2 points Ray effect, cold damage

Arcane Mark Mana Required: 2 Points Marks an object with one's own personal mark/symbol

Low-Light Vision Requires Mana: 4 Points Doubles vision in low-light environments

Magic alarm requires mana: 4 points to generate an alarm enchantment with a radius of 20 meters

Charm Human Mana Required: 4 Makes 1 humanoid your friend

Remove disease Mana required: 4 points Makes the disease infected by the subject do no damage

Grease Mana Required: 4 Points Creates a frictionless square area with a side length of 10 meters

Mage Armor Requires Mana: 4 Points Grants Armor Force Field Effect Bonus

Treasure: Tears of Asha (legendary item) is bound

A bumper harvest, an absolute bumper harvest! Looking at the long list of skills, Li Xun really wanted to sing a song to express his chest-filled joy. Calm down, calm down, I am going to be a big shot in the future, so I must not lose face. He warned himself again and again, but Li Xun couldn't help laughing when he saw that there were 7 more zero-level spells and 6 more first-level spells. In addition to these, Li Xun checked the dilapidated first-level mage tower, and there were indeed 13 more spells in it. If he had soul-connected subordinates in the future, wouldn't he be able to learn them directly? The more he thought about it, the more beautiful he became, Li Xun's consciousness fluctuated so violently that he actually popped out of his soul.

From today onwards, I can take off the hat of a pseudo-mage, and I have become a real dual-material mage!

Li Xun lay on the sofa, flicked his fingers lightly, a light cluster was formed above his body, emitting a soft white light, illuminating the room. Li Xun pointed to a book that was spread out on the table, and the book closed abruptly, slowly floated over, and landed on Li Xun's chest. "Light Art" and "Hand of the Mage", everything is so natural, just like the 4 spells I have mastered, instant cast + silent cast + material free. It seems that as long as it is the spells of this world that I have mastered, it will be systematized and standardized.

To be honest, although the magic in Heroes of Invincibility is good, it is still far inferior to the magic in the new world in terms of diversity and comprehensiveness. If it does not have the characteristics of instant cast + silent cast + material-free, it is simply a piece of junk, but Among the high-level spells in the later period, "Doomsday Judgment", "Magic Immunity", "Resurrection", "Master Domination", "Summon Phoenix", etc., can be regarded as hybrid skills that cross specializations and factions. I can't study it at a half-baked level for a hundred or eighty years. That's when the magic of Heroes and Might and Magic shines brightly.

Li Xun clasped his hands together and thanked God. Li Xun felt that he was about to become a god, and it was necessary to set up a "God's Church", and he only believed in God!

Li Xun jumped up from the sofa like a carp, enough, with these, everything is enough, his cemetery castle is hopeful! Blood Axe, you wait for me, here I come!

Just leave as you say, a life without entanglement and entanglement is good.

Li Xun returned the room at the Pearl Tears Hotel and paid the fee, and the 300 gold coins in his hand were less than 50 gold coins after spending a while.

Li Xun once again visited Sir Edward in the meeting hall, expressing his intention to go to Naya City to provide magic support for the extermination of the Bloodaxe bandits. Sir Edward was skeptical, and kept praising Master Li Xun for his dedication to the country, until Li Xun revealed that the reason why he was so active was that Astali? Blood Ax killed his immediate family members during the local looting, Edward The jazz suddenly realized, and immediately issued a certificate to Master Li Xun, and assigned 10 cavalry to escort Master Li Xun's carriage to Naya City.

Li Xun took time to go to the library to change a batch of books, and the carriage he was riding in was escorted by 10 cavalrymen. Li Xun didn't care about everything on the road, just bored in the car reading, not to mention, after reading dozens of books, Li Xun was really addicted, and he couldn't help opening the book to read it whenever he had free time. Go back to the feeling of being a bookworm in the past.

The 10 escorting cavalry were led by Knight Hank. This Knight Hank was also a very funny person. He became acquainted with the mage when he camped out for the first time. Li Xun also temporarily put aside his books and asked him about the city of Naya with all his heart. some situations.

Naya City, the nearest city to the Whispering Forest in the northwest of Novis Principality, has a population of less than 150,000, and there is no mage guild in the city. The knights, the leader of the knights, Dallas, is an 11th-level high-level knight.

After 11 days of travel, we finally arrived in Naya City.

Li Xun couldn't help but start to worry, traffic is too backward in this era! The road is rough and difficult. If I do this every time I go out, I will spend all my time on the road! If I have a chance, I have to use my brain on the mount!

With Hank Knight's negotiation, Li Xun and his party easily entered Naya City. Li Xun was not stingy either. He took out 20 gold coins and asked Hank Knight and his party to go to the bar for a drink. After washing up in the hotel, he looked at the sky at noon and hurried straight to the meeting hall.

Although Li Xun has the status of a mage, it is still very difficult for a low-level mage to meet the lord of Naya City, Earl Reinhoek, so Li Xun only plans to meet with the governor of Naya City to communicate with him to set the tone for future actions.

The governor of Naya City is Sir Mohan. After reading the certificate, he was also very enthusiastic and explained the difficulties of Naya City to the mage.

Although the Bloodaxe Bandit never harassed the outskirts of Naya City, they frequently ransacked the manors and towns near the Whispering Forest. The city lord, Earl Reinhawk, ordered 800 city guards to gather the local lords who had been harassed by bandits. The private soldiers also assembled a combined force of 3,000 people. Under the command of the great lord Sir Hanwick, they began to enter the mountain to destroy the blood ax bandits. Unfortunately, they were ambushed and led into a valley by the bandits. , the team collapsed, and less than 1,200 people finally escaped from the Whispering Forest. Since then, they have nothing to do with the thieves.

The saddest thing is Sir Hanwick, who was reprimanded by Earl Reinhoek just because of his defeat, and in a blink of an eye even his most beloved youngest son was kidnapped by the Bloodaxe band of thieves.

After negotiating with the thieves to redeem people to no avail, Sir Hanwick is now guarding the city of Naya, visiting those in power every day, agitating to organize an army to wipe out the Bloodaxe thieves, which caused the consul Sir Mohan a headache. Last time, only 300 of the 800 city guards were dispatched, which already made Naya City's guards insufficient, and the personnel compensation also cost a lot of money. It is impossible to gather troops to dispatch in the short term.

Listening to Sir Mohan complaining about his pain, Li Xun immediately understood that he was afraid that the mage would also join the ranks of instigating troops, so he blocked his mouth by laying out all the difficulties in advance.

Li Xun smiled and said to Sir Mohan that he absolutely understands the current difficulties of Naya City, and he will enter the Whispering Forest first to observe the dynamics of the Bloodaxe Bandit Group, and if there is a suitable opportunity, he will ask Naya City to send troops. Sir Mohan was overjoyed and quickly expressed his gratitude, and took out 200 gold coins as the mage's employment fee.

Li Xun did not refuse, and inquired about Sir Hanwick's address, and went directly to the hotel to visit Sir Hanwick after leaving the conference hall.

Sir Hanwick, who was at a loss in the hotel, received the mage strangely. When he heard that the mage was also seeking revenge from the Bloodaxe bandits, his heart that had been silent just now became active again. He quickly asked the mage to rescue his young son, and directly took out 1000 gold coins as a thank you gift, saying that no matter what the result is, as long as the mage is willing to try. If he is really lucky enough to be rescued, he is willing to pay another 1000 gold coins afterwards. Li Xun took the gold coin and told him not to do useless work in Naya City. He returned to his territory, contacted the lords, summoned soldiers, and waited for news from the mage. The mage will find a way to sneak into the lair of the blood ax bandits, investigate intelligence, and try to rescue the young son of the jazz.

After the two sides met, they began to act. Li Xun had 1,200 gold coins in his arms, and he was confident enough to purchase them in Naya city. It is about to enter the forest to fight in the field, and the necessary equipment needs to be prepared. Under the guidance of the butler recommended by Sir Hanwick, Li Xun purchased a small tent, a small dagger, a rain-proof cloak, buckskin boots, strong linen clothes, mosquito-proof herbs, a small foldable arm crossbow, and a small barrel Wine, all kinds of seasonings and food, and finally filled the dimension bag to the brim.

Li Xun met Sir Hanwick, first went to his territory, rested in the manor for a night, and then accompanied by the steward to Dayan Village, a village closest to the Whispering Forest, the steward will stay here to wait for the mage information.

Li Xun entered the Whispering Forest alone at dawn.

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