Chapter 0130

Rizemore City is the city of duergars closest to the surface.

Ever since he got the location and information of this city from Zena, Li Xun planned to use it for military training. From all perspectives, the gray dwarf is a suitable target.

Adult gray dwarves are about 1.2-1.4 meters tall and weigh about 55-115 kg as an adult human. Males are slightly taller and weigh a lot more than females. Most duergar are bald (including women), and their skin is usually dark gray with cool black eyes. Duergar wear drab or grayish-yellow clothing and sometimes dull jewelry

Most of the racial characteristics of gray dwarves are similar to dwarves, but they are also different from some, for example: they have dark vision, but because they live underground for a long time, they are afraid of strong light. The gray dwarves are very strong. Although they are not immune to general poisons, magic or alchemical poisons cannot affect them. In addition, they are also immune to paralysis and phantoms. Gray dwarves are born with great magic and invisibility abilities, as well as superb psychic abilities, which ordinary dwarves do not have.

The group of gray dwarves is still dominated by physical attacks and does not have too many magical means, which is what Li Xun likes the most. The only spell-like abilities possessed by the gray dwarves are giant enlargement and invisibility. This is not an advantage for the cemetery units that can devour flesh and blood. Instead, Li Xun regards them as active blood banks.

Therefore, Li Xun stopped committing crimes on the move, but took root near Rizemore City, and led his cemetery team to attack the patrol troops of the gray dwarves every day. If a small army could be lured out, Li Xun would find a way to lure it to a distance to encircle and eat it. If the gray dwarves dispatched a large army to sweep them away, Li Xun would drift away, go elsewhere to get some snacks, and then come back to continue harassing.

The gray dwarf's first sudden loss was very painful. After Li Xun attacked three patrol troops in a row and lost more than 20 soldiers, the leader of the gray dwarves in Rizemore City sent a small army of 120 people and began to sweep the area around the city.

With Li Xun's current methods, if he really wanted to encircle and suppress them, none of the three gray dwarf patrols would be able to escape and report. It was to lure the snake out of the hole that Li Xun made a specific battle plan.


Abdullah Stonehammer was in a bad mood.

Anyone who is kicked out by the chief to do this job of searching for the enemy will feel unhappy.

These damned wandering vampires must be the bastard lich in the south who didn't take care of his laboratory and let out these scum that should be smashed into meatloaf.

It seems that the last war did not hurt that bastard Lich, otherwise how would it dare to test our bottom line like this. If I find evidence this time, I must report it to the Council of Elders, and personally stuff the ashes of these vampires into the mouth of that submissive and cautious officer.

Thinking of the point of anger, Abdullah Stone Hammer couldn't help pulling out the huge stone hammer and swinging it a few times. The gray dwarf messengers around him shrugged each other and hid away wisely.

"Tell brothers, keep your eyes wide open, whoever finds those damned vampires first, the bottle of wine in my room will be his!" The dwarves continued to applaud.

As the commander of a 120-member army, he still has basic combat literacy. There were 3 reconnaissance teams in front of them, and they kept a 5-minute distance from the 100-man army led by him, so as not to scare away the scum. As long as the front team is attacked and can persist for a few minutes, the "army" of gray dwarves will crush the enemy like a stone roller.

Sure enough, only 5 miles away from the city, the messenger came running ahead.

The enemy is hooked!

Abdullah Stone Hammer let out a low growl, and the large army immediately sped up, and the stone slab pounded by the metal boots made a loud noise, and under the leadership of the messenger, they rushed straight at the attacked scouting team.

Before arriving at the scene, the sound of fierce fighting was already heard. Turning the corner, Abdullah Shihammer saw the scene of the fighting. The 3 black and white figures are constantly wandering among the 7 gray dwarves, and when they stop occasionally, they will be accompanied by a grunting and low growling sound of pain from a gray dwarf. A gray dwarf had already been lying on the ground, with blood bubbling from the eye-catching teeth marks on his neck, and several claw marks that went deep into the spine on his back.

The 3 vampires are not completely harmless. The gray dwarves wearing solid armor and holding heavy weapons may look clumsy, but if they are accidentally knocked down by a sledgehammer or a stone axe, that part will directly become flesh. Being able to suck blood for self-healing, it is really difficult for a vampire to eat this kind of heavy infantry who is full of iron cans.

The arrival of a large number of gray dwarf reinforcements was obviously beyond the expectations of the vampires. Accompanied by squeaky screams, the three vampires turned into bats and wanted to escape along the dark cave roof to the distance.

Abdullah Stone Hammer yelled: "Let go!"

In an instant, all the gray dwarves present rounded up the weapons in their hands, and smashed at the area where the bats were located. The accuracy may be much worse, but there are many guys who can't stand it. All kinds of heavy weapons collide and change lines in the air, and there is no room to dodge. The three bats squeaked and squeaked in fright, and hurried to the top of the cave, avoiding most of the flying hammers, but their mouths were still bloodied by the "stray bullets" and fell to the ground.

The three vampires who had reverted to human form all had limb injuries, and they fled to the nearest cave in embarrassment with each other's support.

"Chasing!" Abdullah Stone Hammer happily shouted, and the short and thick gray dwarves kept rushing past him, picked up a weapon on the ground, and chased the vampire in the direction where the vampire was fleeing.

Abdullah Stone Hammer walked up to the scouting team a few steps, looked at the dying guy on the ground, turned his head and said to the seven soldiers covered in claw marks, "Take him back to the priest, and see if he dies." Big!" Without waiting for a reply, he hurriedly ran down after the big troops.

The gray dwarves in the surrounding terrain can pass through with their eyes closed. Seeing the vampires in front of them go through 4 tunnels, apparently fleeing to a dead end, they couldn't help being shocked, and under the leadership of the commander, they swarmed after them. During this period, the commander's sense of caution also made Abdullah Shihammer want to stop and think for a while, but all the flushed and panting subordinates surrounded and pushed, and there was no Give him a chance to be quiet, so he rushed into the last dead end wrapped in bags.

There is a dead end ahead, and there is no escape for those vampires! From time to time, excited roars came from the group of gray dwarves, one by one swarming to be the first, trying to knock those skinny sticks into pieces with their own hands.

The gray dwarves who had just poured into the corridor in front were obviously stunned and stopped, but the companions who were excited at the back couldn't stop, and they huddled together at the entrance of the corridor in an instant.

I see, I see, this... is this an escaped vampire?

The gray dwarves who rushed to the entrance of the corridor finally had a clear view of the scene in the corridor opposite. Three solid meat mountains lined up, covering the entire corridor densely. My God, this is not a meat mountain, these are 3 meat giants! Iron chains were tied to his thick arms, and he was holding a gleaming guillotine and iron hook in his hand. The big guillotine had such a wide blade that it could be used as a door panel by a gray dwarf. Through the gaps between the three meat mountains, one can see shadows swaying in the background, and eerie laughter and wailing can be heard from time to time, and there are also two heads popping out from the surrounding stone walls from time to time. He stared at the gray dwarf with gleaming eyes. At this moment, even the shaking shadows on the ground were not safe, and the light and darkness floating inside seemed to hide unknown demons.

Abdullah? Shi Hammer's heart sank, this... this is a complete army of undead! Hurriedly hitting and kicking, ordered the gray dwarf to return to his position, barely giving out an army formation that could fight. Before he finished his busy work in front, there was another commotion in the rear of the army. He pushed aside the crowd in anger, rushed to the back to take a look, and his heart was instantly chilled.

Enemies are coming from behind!

There are 2 of the same meat giants, but the one that attracted Abdullah Stonehammer's attention the most was the small one standing in the front. In terms of size, it may only reach the knee of the flesh giant, but the fierce gaze made the gray dwarf commander unable to move away once he touched it. Gorefiend has no weapons, only 2-foot-long bone claws, covered with bloodstains, the body does not seem to be real, the blood-stained skin is always uneven, as if there are thousands of small insects swimming around , creepy. Not to mention the enemy, even the abomination and the blood-sucking earl who are creatures in the cemetery should stay away from him, otherwise they will be suppressed by the boundless viciousness.

Having just dealt with the gray dwarves who fell behind, Li Xun also appeared in front of the gray dwarf commander accompanied by the blood-sucking count. There is no secondary problem that was talked about before death, just a snap of the fingers, and the battle broke out.

Gorefiend was still at the forefront. Howling with excitement, the Gorefiend charged the duergar troops. Abdullah Stone Hammer broke free from the blood demon's murderous intent, and shouted distortedly: "Use the hammer to kill this monster, let it go!"

Twenty or thirty stone hammers and axes smashed at the Gorefiend in an instant, and the Gorefiend didn't have any thought of avoiding it, so he rushed forward facing the sky full of axes.

"poof" "poof"

There was a muffled sound of continuous hammering on the flesh, and the Gorefiend was successfully smashed into pieces, with stumps, broken arms, pieces of meat, and blood scum scattered all over the floor. Abdullah? Stone Hammer immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The fierceness of that monster just now was too horrifying, and ordinary people couldn't bear to look at it at all. hammer. But before he could relax, he felt pain under his feet. He looked down and saw that the gorefiend's blood slag that had splashed on his feet just now was turning into a sharp thorn, and inserted into his calf along the gap in the armor.

The gray dwarf commander was shocked, he stretched out his hand to grab the blood residue, and pulled it fiercely, tearing off even a piece of flesh from his own calf. He slammed it on the ground fiercely, rammed it continuously with the giant hammer in his hand, and finally turned the blood slag into powder and stopped moving. But when he straightened up and looked again, the gray dwarves nearby had already groaned miserably.

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