The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0148 Little Jack

Chapter 0148 Little Jack

After some disturbance, nothing happened.

All mage apprentices who know the information are strictly prohibited from leaking information, and not to stay away from Pierpont in the near future.

Everyone paid more attention to this psion Angelet who appeared out of nowhere.

A desperado who can eat meat in the pot of the Undead Council, this is everyone's unanimous evaluation of this person. Of course, Li Xun didn't hear about this comment until a long time later, and more people positioned him as a righteous man. A rising mysterious powerhouse.

Li Xun, who lives in a low-key manner far away in the Whispering Forest, didn't know his whim, and almost sold himself. This is a common problem of high-level people. They like to hide all kinds of secrets in their hearts, and they are unwilling to tell everything frankly. Otherwise, the legendary mage Troo can tell the truth in minutes as long as he and the archmage Andaures? Li Xun pulled it out. Unfortunately, being overly cautious and only trusting their own private investigations made these characters miss an opportunity to easily capture the shit stirrer!

However, Li Xun, who knew nothing about this matter, still leisurely browsed through historical documents in the stone pagoda, trying his best to improve his knowledge. There are no powerful spells.

Another surprise is waiting for Li Xun. He is level 11 and has become a high-level mage!

With the help of Angelet's cover, Li Xun forcibly wiped out 1/3 of the enemy's vampires and almost all the ghosts. This is the elite army brought out by the legendary mage. There is no weak bird below level 5, and they all become Li Xun. Xun's dishes. Coupled with the experience brought to him by killing the undead knights in the Doomsday Judgment, although the quantity is not much, it cannot stand up to the high quality. In particular, there is a Destruction Knight whose back is at the point of impact and is directly blown into a tencel.

Driven by these massive experiences, Li Xun went straight to level 11 and reached 39%. The free attribute point is naturally the spirit. Now it is 9 points, and it can carry 90 personal guards with it. If all of them are replaced by special units like the ice demon, Li Xun alone can form an army.

The greatest joy is that Li Xun finally got the "scholar" skill he was looking forward to. The strategic skills that appeared this time were: Scholar, Luck and Basic Defense. Li Xun chose Scholar without any explanation.

With a scholar, Li Xun can consider choosing suitable spells for his heroes. For example, detecting magic is more suitable for ghosts, so that she has the possibility of changing jobs to magic thieves. Of course, this choice is two-way, the hero chooses the spell, and the spell also chooses the hero. The heroes of the cemetery are mainly based on dark powers, and it is possible to learn curses, undead, and charms. Other spells just rely on their posture of growing up and not having brains, so don't think about it.

Of course, the promise promised to Little Jack can also be fulfilled, but the exact time to realize it depends on his performance. Therefore, in the past few days, Li Xun deliberately began to pay attention to Little Jack's performance, and for the first time studied his studies after the dinner.

Little Jack answered well the simple principles of spell formation and the development of magic. This is not a rote memorization of the book, but an explanation of personal understanding. Little Jack seems to have put in a lot of hard work, at least judging from the arguments he quoted, the magic principles books left for him on the first floor are all I've eaten through it all.

Li Xun looked at Little Jack with pity, feeling infinitely emotional in his heart, this is the status quo of Klein Continental mages. The power of the mage Jingtianweidi has created countless miracles, but if you want to join this group, you have already experienced a choice from the moment you walked out of the mother's womb, and you have an innate physique. If you don't have the talent to be familiar with a certain magical element, then the door of magic will never be open to you. In the long river of history, there are countless geniuses like Little Jack who love magic and pursue magic, but are blocked by their physique. The apprenticeship promotes the advancement of spell research.

Many of the new types of spells collected by the Mage Guild mostly came from these gray-haired mage apprentices. They do not have the ability to complete basic spell research, so they can only summarize their hard work in the form of conjecture and design, hoping that a real mage will accept their plan and complete the improvement of a certain spell or the model design of a new spell . Of course, after the experiment is successful, it is destined to be only the sorcerer whose name has been passed down through the ages, and the sorcerer's apprentice who designed the conjecture will become an unknown sentient being.

This is the status quo of the group of mages. Innate talent and physique determine everything.

There are also mages who try to change this situation, and work hard to develop so-called physique-changing potions, potential-enhancing potions and other acquired transformation methods, but they are all locked in the two problems of the mystery of the soul and the high cost, and finally fail.

So today, can I change this situation? Li Xun asked himself silently.

"Little Jack, do you really want to become a mage?" Li Xun led Little Jack to his study, and asked this question seriously again.

"I am determined to become a mage." Little Jack replied seriously.

"Even if you pay a heavy price? It may be life, it may be soul, are you really ready?" Li Xun continued to ask, with an unprecedented serious expression.

"Yes, Master Mage. I love magic and spells. I like the feeling of transcending the boundaries of mortals, and I am willing to give my all for it!" Infected by the mage, Little Jack's expression was also dignified. When he was in love, Li Xun was also a little jealous of that flying look.

Li Xun nodded: "Since you have read all the books in the library on the first floor, have you ever tried to practice tricks? How is the effect?"

Little Jack's expression darkened: "I've practiced it. It's difficult to gather magic elements, and I can't even complete the simplest dance of lights." Of course he understands his physique, but his love makes him forget the magician in the mage world. Zhili only lives in his own infinite longing, looking forward to miracles happening.

"I will conduct an experiment with you today. If you succeed, you may have the opportunity to continue on. If you fail, your effort will be very painful. You have to think about it, whether you want to do this experiment!" Li Xun He solemnly warned that even though he knew Little Jack's answer a long time ago, he still wanted him to say it himself.

Little Jack's eyes lit up suddenly, he knelt down on one knee, and replied in the most pious tone: "My lord mage, I, Jack Underwood, hereby swear that I am willing to be the subject of the magic experiment and bear all the consequences by myself!"

Li Xun nodded silently, and with a slight wave of his hand, a large recliner by the study window slid silently behind Little Jack. After ordering Jack to lie down on it, Li Xun cast a sleeping spell on him to prevent his reaction from affecting the subsequent experiments.

Standing behind the reclining chair, Li Xun put his right hand lightly on Little Jack's forehead, and began to use the "Scholar" skill. Little Jack's peaceful sleeping face was immediately sensed, and he writhed slightly restlessly on the recliner. Li Xun frowned, and with a tap of his left hand, countless rattans were pulled out from the wooden recliner, firmly fixing various parts of Little Jack.

The skill of "Scholar" is still being used, and Li Xun's mental power envelopes himself and Little Jack. He wants to see how this skill can realize the transmission of spells.

The first is Little Jack. Little Jack's sea of ​​consciousness seemed to be blown up by a strong wind, and the mist permeating the consciousness space was constantly shaking and rolling, and the soul's origin was also sensed immediately, and began to slowly collapse and shrink inward. This kind of transformation at the soul level also affects the carrier body. Little Jack's body began to twist and tremble crazily, and he let out various unconscious screams from his mouth. Bean-sized beads of sweat emerged from all parts of his body, and soon he was wet. clothes.

Secondly, in Li Xun's soul source, a slight tingling pain came out, and a piece of soul fragment including the dancing light technique was stripped from the source, and followed some mysterious connection into the sea of ​​consciousness of Little Jack, Gently hovering around his soul source, and finally merged into it.

Little Jack let out a miserable scream, the blood vessels in his whole body swelled, the veins protruded, and his wide-open eyes were full of scary whites. Despite being restrained, his body was still arched, as if he was in great pain.

Li Xun has already experienced countless physical and soul pains, and he can ignore the pain of the stripping of the soul fragments just now. He just carefully checks the slightest change in Little Jack's soul origin. This is a rare opportunity to observe the changes of human souls. Chance.

It took a full 3 hours for Little Jack to survive the transformation of the soul source. During this period, I would like to thank Li Xun for adding a soul crystal to him, otherwise he would have died on the way.

The mystery of the soul really fascinates people. After Little Jack's soul shrunk and collapsed, it was only half of its original size. After merging with Li Xun's soul fragment, the strength of his soul increased, and the light of his soul immediately increased two or three levels.

However, the changes in the soul were too drastic, and the damage to him was not small. Without the additional soul crystals that Li Xun gave him, even if he successfully fused the soul fragment, his lifespan would be reduced by at least half.

Perhaps it should be said that Little Jack was really lucky. This ability to transmit part of the source of consciousness is a taboo spell of the soul. Even if a mage learns it, he will not do this kind of stupid thing that hurts the source of his own soul to complement others. In addition, Li Xun still has soul crystals in his hands that can replenish pure soul power, so that he will not burn himself to death when he spontaneously ignites his potential. These two items can be said to be indispensable, lacking any one, he will die today.

But luckily, he succeeded!

Li Xun straightened his body and paced thoughtfully.

From the entire experiment process just now, many secrets of the soul were revealed, which triggered a lot of inspiration for him. Could it be that the ghost's unique "possession" skill is the violent version of this "scholar" skill? With Little Jack's aptitude, accepting the Dancing Lights technique just now is already his limit. If he is really greedy and transmits too much in one go, the ratio between his own origin and his origin will be out of balance. Is it Little Jack, or Li Xun No. 2? Or directly the source of the soul collapses and the soul is annihilated? Could it be that the Angel Arrival in historical legends is also an enhanced version of this model?

The fragility of the soul leads to a limited scope for improvement, and no one dares to cut and sew and mend his soul every day. But Li Xun couldn't stand the soul crystal in his hand. A small injury to this kind of soul is like a small wound cut by an ordinary person's finger. It recovers quickly and has no sequelae.

If I can research more information, it is not a delusion to carry out soul transformation for myself in the future! Li Xun sighed regretfully.

Where can some powerful souls be captured?

At this moment, Li Xun is no different from a necromancer, his mind is full of his own mysterious and magical magic experiments, as for the secular rules..., uh, are there any secular rules?

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