The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0193 Mission Hall

Chapter 0193 mission hall

After some conversations, Li Xun learned that due to the lack of external devices, Iron Man had lost his combat effectiveness, leaving only the ability to analyze and process calculations. This made his heart move quietly, and he had a new idea inexplicably.

Isn't this a new blank processor! It just so happens that my cemetery task system lacks a system manager who operates impartially and selflessly around the clock, so why not let it support the operation of the system and liberate the demon wizard by the way.

It is impossible to hand over the control of the Mage Tower in the Undercity, so it would be appropriate to let it control the Mage Tower of the Sleeping Land. After all, it is the frontier of the battle, and there are many confidantes there. In case there is something wrong with it, can also be detected in time.

After making up his mind, Li Xun took the little iron man through the portal and came to the Land of Sleep.

Wow, so lively!

As soon as he stepped out of the portal, a special sound wave hit the sky and covered the sky.

"The Wailing Cavern Zombie Lord Expedition Team is about to set off and urgently needs a powerful meat shield. Please report to us if you are interested..."

"To wipe out the medium-sized skeleton group in Razor Heights, a group attack master is needed. If you want to go, come quickly..."

"Shadowfang Castle stealth team, interested in signing up..."



All kinds of yelling and mental fluctuations bombarded the Bone Square one after another, wave after wave never stopped, Li Xun suddenly entered this environment, his head swelled up suddenly, and his ears buzzed continuously. The iron man following him was like a curious baby, twisting from side to side, exploring around, quite curious about everything in front of him.

For a moment, Li Xun thought that he had traveled back to the earth again, standing in a city square in a game, anxiously waiting for his teammates to arrive. These scenes are so familiar, but the former game characters are now replaced by undead, tall and mighty skeleton generals, clumsy zombie fighters, ghosts and grudges who come and go like the wind, and there are even Liches, The figure of the dark knight.

Wait, who is that?

Li Xun rubbed his eyes, he actually saw the butcher and the demon guards in the crowded market, each of them pretending to be shoulder to shoulder with some undead, chatting. From time to time, the butcher turned around and slapped the demon guard's chest a few times, as if to sell something.

Has it been a long time? No, I have only been away for half a month at most, why did I suddenly become so strange, no, so familiar! Li Xun shook his head, feeling terrified by everything in front of him, he didn't disturb any "people", and led the iron man directly to the mage's tower.

Seeing the demon wizard in the mage's tower, Li Xun knew the whole story.

With the continuous conquest of the Skeleton King, the large and small undead communities within 2000 miles nearby have been swept away. There are also dozens of large and small lords, leaders, and bosses who have been captured. Most of them are middle-level undead, and few high-level ones. At the Archmage level, there is only one Necromancer. These guys are all well-rounded in intelligence, and they quickly became familiar with the situation in the Sleeping Land, and showed extremely high group wisdom.

The military ranks and merit list systems that Li Xun posted at the entrance of the Hall of Bones have been thoroughly explored by them. In less than half a month, the highest-ranked necromancer had reached the rank of corporal. If he hadn't needed to exchange some magic equipment and soul crystals he needed, he would probably be on the same level as the demon wizard by now. This made the demon wizard who presided over the merit exchange feel a little bit sad. When he thought that after a while, he would be under the necromancer and obey its command when the war came, he felt a sense of confusion.

After hearing this, Li Xun also wiped off his sweat. Originally, it was just a basic system for the future. He thought it would take a few years to lay the groundwork and promote it, and the main force in the competition would only be enlightened heroes. Who would have thought that the natives of the undead world who wanted to intervene unexpectedly unveiled the prelude to rushing for military ranks and making meritorious deeds ahead of time, which caused embarrassment to the later heroes. Could it be that the heroes who appeared later also had to do odd jobs under the hands of these native undead, starting from the bottom?

Mistake in preliminary consideration! The current heroes are stuck too dead, the starting point given is too low, and they are usually hindered by some long-term tasks such as guarding and exploring. In terms of freedom, they cannot compare with these mercenary-style native undead. Make them unable to concentrate on their daily work with peace of mind.

No, these attuned heroes with great potential, as their own personal guards, must be treated differently. They should show differential treatment at the starting point and in the distribution. At this point, we need to quickly take measures to stabilize their positions and stand out first.

"By the way, what happened to that butcher? Why is he messing around there too?" Li Xun suddenly remembered something, and asked the demon wizard.

"It's not caused by these native undead souls. They are in full swing, and the lazy butcher can't sit still. He doesn't want to go out to suffer, and he doesn't want to wait to be surpassed, so he has the idea of ​​​​his own soldiers. Rent out his own soldiers every day. Guards, relying on this to earn merit points for yourself, you are a complete loser!" The demon wizard was entangled by these native undead coming and going every day, and he had complained for a long time, but the master finally paid attention to this area, and quickly poured out all his bitterness.

Li Xun secretly wiped his sweat again, good guy, this kind of thing of reselling troops has been done by someone. The butcher needs to be beaten and beaten. The current five orthodox heroes are lazy by nature, so he will fall behind sooner or later. An "old" hero who grew up with him, he is not willing to let him go down like this.

"Master, why did you wander here in your spare time today? Is this puppet...?" the demon wizard asked strangely.

Li Xun turned around and pointed at the iron man, and introduced to the demon wizard: "I know that you have worked hard, and you are also entangled by these sundries, so I specially found a service-type structure from the era of the Arcane Empire to replace you. Look, it is Instead of setting up a hall near the square, it is dedicated to dealing with military rank promotion and merit exchange."

"Oh, the construction of the Arcane Empire era?" Demon wizards, as spellcasters, are also very concerned about history, and they also have the desire to study such novel things: "I will designate a site to build a mission hall in a while, and give it to Let it host it!"

Iron Man is also worthy of being a super-sophisticated work in the heyday of the Arcane Empire thousands of years ago. At least it has reached a very high level of intelligence, and it is not inferior to those super-brain robots in Li Xun's impression. The demon wizard communicated with its simple consciousness for a while, and it mastered all the information such as the development strategy of Sleeping Land, the military rank system, and meritorious service exchange.

As long as you give a development task or a combat task, it can evaluate the appropriate merit points and release them. If coupled with its tirelessness and impartiality, it would be an extremely suitable task issuer and merit exchange point.

He did what he said, almost in a moment of thought, the terrain outside trembled, countless white bones floated out of the sea of ​​bones, and rushed to the corner of the bone square under the wrap of gray dead air, where he quickly built a spacious mission hall. Li Xun and the demon wizard led Iron Man straight out of the Mage Tower, walked into the newly built mission hall, handed over all the dominance here to Iron Man, and assigned 100 bone skeletons and 100 zombies to belong to the mission hall. Iron Man has full command.

For these business iron man is also more than capable. Because of its short stature, and many powerful undead are big and stupid three or four meters away, under its charge, a small platform with a height of 2 meters appeared in the center of the hall, and it could basically handle it standing on it. Most of the time. Many tables and chairs appeared at the corners of the mission hall, but they were all extremely solid stone benches and tables. A large plaque appeared at the door of the hall, with the words "mission hall" spelled out with bones.

The skeleton zombies belonging to the task hall were quickly assigned their respective tasks by Iron Man. Some were responsible for guarding the gate and introducing the situation, some were responsible for maintaining order in the hall, and some were responsible for running errands for the undead in need. It's homely service.

Since most of the business has been transferred to Iron Man in the mission hall, Li Xun specially approved a certain reserve of soul crystals as the start-up fund for the business operation of the hall. However, Iron Man is only handling it, and all detailed accounts will eventually need to be reported to the city lord for review. The current city lord of the sleeping place is the Skeleton King.

In order to store and keep these batches of soul crystals, Iron Man built a small storage warehouse under the mission platform, and asked Li Xun to call in 4 abominations as platform towns, standing at the four corners of the platform to help maintain the mission hall. Basic order.

The bustling activities here have long attracted the attention of the indigenous undead in the square, and they stretched their heads and looked around secretly in the distance. After the signboards in the entire mission hall are generated, they will no longer be open to them in the mage tower, and they are only the function of the mission hall.

In the beginning, only one or two veteran natives ran in and circled around twice, and among them was a green-haired zombie. In just a few months, the green-haired zombie has completely changed. The full set of fine steel armor is shiny, with a huge tower shield on the back, and a heavy warhammer on the waist. It makes a loud noise when walking. If the full-face mask is also put down, who can see that it is so powerful? An undead creature, fully human hoplite.

Since he was the first to surrender, he also led a team to wipe out the place. Seriously speaking, he was also one of the heroes who built the city of Sleeping Land. Therefore, the Skeleton King does not treat it badly, and basically has a share of all the preferential treatment that can be enjoyed, which makes it a little famous among the increasing number of native undead, and has become a well-known heavy tank warrior.

After a few months, a level 7 zombie lord has now become level 9. For Li Xun, this is only a small increase of level 2. For the undead, it has grown rapidly. If these two levels of growth were placed on an ordinary zombie lord, it would take hundreds of years to accumulate and break through, but under the large-scale conquest system, it only took a few months.

The most obvious example is Skeletron. When he first entered the Undead World, he was level 7, but now he is a high-level hero at level 11. This is because he led and participated in all the overseas conquests of the Sleeping Lands.

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