The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0343 Bad trio

With huge sharp dragon claws and fangs that are as sharp as blades, the black dragon frantically tore at the opponent's thick chest with a domineering posture, and the long, bony tail full of metal sense also lashed twice fiercely from time to time.

It's not that the black dragon is stupid enough to attack the opponent's most heavily protected chest, but in the black dragon's perception, this is the energy core and sensory control center where the opponent directs the body to make movements.

This may be the place where the opponent's defense is the strongest and the armor is the thickest, but once it is breached, this big man will be completely useless.

The big * mage who was remotely commanding with spiritual power in the magic fortress couldn't help but panic. In the past battles, I have never seen such a ferocious beast, which can forcefully attack the control center against the iron fist of the war puppet. This made them panic immediately, and temporarily changed their tactics. Instead of smashing with iron fists, they opened their big hands, tearing at the black dragon desperately, trying to pull the opponent away from themselves.

Unfortunately it was too late.

Even if the war puppet used the strongest special alloy in the history of the world, it could not stop the rapid attack of the black dragon's claws, and a crack appeared on the puppet's chest. For ordinary people, this crack is a door that can be passed through, but it is still just a slender crack on the golem.

But that's enough.

The black dragon with rich hunting experience immediately opened its mouth wide and approached the crack, and a scorching hot dragon flame erupted out at the fastest speed. The tumbling, all-pervasive viscous dragon flames rushed into the inside of the war puppet along the cracks, immediately sparking a skyrocketing fire.

The internal combustion is not something the demon-hating metal on the body can resist. When the black dragon stood proudly upright from the body of the war puppet, the puppet's body trembled continuously, and there were constant bangs inside, and all the magic circles and control circles inside burst. The puppet finally stopped all movements, and turned into a pile of huge firemen that were constantly spreading and burning.

The blood boiled, and the adult black dragon who finally defeated the brave and powerful enemy once again hissed, and the surging dragon's power enveloped the battlefield again.

In a special secret room next to the battle hall of the magic fortress, a red-robed great mage let out an angry roar, and the soaring magic power immediately detonated the complicated and sophisticated magic circle under the floor. More than a dozen mid-level and high-level mages immediately opened the magic protection of the body guard, rushed out of the control circle with disordered magic power, and all of them stood in a corner of the secret room with pale faces and bowed their heads in silence. No one dared to speak to comfort the furious mage .

When the anger subsided a little, the red-robed mage waved his sleeves, suppressing the chaotic magic power that was spreading outward, and said in a hateful voice: "You guys clean this place!" Turning around, stepped out of the secret room, and hurried to the battle hall.

There are 3 big * mages watching the battle in the combat hall. If you add the 3 who control the war puppet, there are 6 red robe big * mages sitting in this magic fortress alone. As for the other three, they were blocked outside the city of Kazan Moyes to prevent drow from suddenly rushing out to interfere with the roundup of the black dragon.

Sitting in a corner of the hall and quietly watching the whole battle, a red-robed great mage with a short, fat figure and delicate and oily complexion sneered sarcastically: "It seems that our great mage also needs to take some time to practice close-fitting." Melee!"

The face of the big red-robed sorcerer who just walked into the hall immediately darkened: "Gal, what do you mean? If you think you can do better, you can try it next time!"

The Great Mage Gal smiled slyly: "Next time? How many war puppets do you think our Mage Guild has stockpiled, which can be easily broken by people?"


Before the two could continue arguing, the face of the great elementalist Krishick who was sitting in the middle of the meditation sank: "Enough! You two have a bad temper and there is no need to fight at this time. We are always being attacked by the adults this time." Pay attention, if you don’t do well, no one will be able to explain it when you go back! If you really have that energy, send it to the battlefield. Whoever can capture these black dragons, I guarantee that no one will dare to take the credit for him!”

There were not many words, but the faces of all the great mages became solemn again. Seeing the underground black dragon displaying its majesty in the many magical water mirrors, everyone's expressions gradually became serious.

Magic immunity, this alone can seal most of the power of the people present, if coupled with such bravery and ferocity, close combat is not the strong point of mages. Cough, it seems that it can only be piled up with magic construction.

However, the battlefield at this moment is still in an anxious battle.

The desperate fight between the adult underground black dragon and a war puppet just now was wonderful, but for the participants at the scene, it was a terrifying moment where life and death could be decided every minute.

Huge top-level monsters, huge war puppets, need more extensive fighting space when fighting for life and death. The two "people" entangled and rolled all over the ground. The unlucky ones were the slow-moving steel golems and magic constructs. They were often crushed by them because they couldn't dodge in time, leaving a shattered and deformed explosive metal on the ground. debris.

First, the black dragon singled out a war puppet by KO, but the other black dragon didn't have such good luck. Under the mutual attacks of the two War Puppets, it had no chance to fight alone. It could only toss and turn in a small area, entangled with the opponent with Longyan.

The two War Puppets worked step by step, compressing its activity area little by little, and it was about to push it into a corner, but at this time, the battle on the other side was over.

Two against two, such a fair duel, the mage is not sure that he will win. The mage is not a knight, so he doesn't need to pay attention to chivalry, so he gave an order, and a large group of steel golems, metal puppets, and magic constructs from behind moved to the front line one by one, and two black dragons threw metal spears in their hands one after another.

Of course, given the extravagant nature of the Mage Guild, these metal spears are bound to be enchanted with effects such as "Blanking Armor", "Sharpness", and "Tearing". The dense shooting of 3-meter-long metal spears also caused the two black dragons to howl and hiss miserably. Several charged metal spears were hit one after another. The 2 black dragons didn't care about challenging the war doll that was slowly moving back, and instead rushed into the metal army, clawing their teeth, biting their tails and flicking, messing up the construction troops and causing countless injuries.

"Woo" "Woo"

Two more sharp throwing axes struck, and the black dragon rolled and crushed several "fragile" metal puppets on the spot, and finally escaped the deadliest attack. However, there were a few more spears on his body at the same time, and some weak scales on his body were also smashed by the swarming steel golems, and the sticky purple dragon's blood was splashed in the air. The scene had a sad beauty .

The dragon wing has been broken from the root, drooping on the back, and every movement is painful. During the desperate fight with the war puppet, most of the fingers and claws were broken, and the fangs full of mouth were broken countless. What's more frightening is that the two thick and strong hind limbs were also severely damaged. There are countless wounds of various sizes on the body, but the flowing dragon blood can already converge into a small lake.

There are also many trembling spears inserted in some key parts, and every roll and impact may make them penetrate deeper into the black dragon's body.

The pain all over his body brought about extreme madness, but the black dragon, which has always been famous for its cunning and cunning, is not a brainless monster that can only run wild. While fighting hard, the two black dragons are also constantly looking at the surrounding situation, looking for breakthrough gaps at any time.

However, the magic fortress built by human mages is firmly stuck on their way forward. If this nail is not pulled out, it is difficult to find a breakthrough here with their broken bodies that cannot fly again.

Turn around and dig a way out? Good idea, but please let those metal golems stop throwing iron blocks!

The continuous and rapid dragon chant continued to sound, and the two black dragons fought hard while talking quickly, and soon a new tactic was agreed upon.


"What are they talking about? Why do they always use the language of the dragon, so they can't learn the underground common language?" A soft and sweet female voice rang out from an inconspicuous corner in the far side of the cave, and the voice did not spread. It is a rare spiritual language.

"It must be discussing how to escape! At this time, they are not discussing what to have for dinner, right? But I hope they discuss it quickly, otherwise it will be their turn to be eaten at dinner!" A lazy male voice also It sounded abruptly, with a relaxed and rascal tone, similar to an otaku eating popcorn and watching top blockbuster movies.

"Master, can you stop being so boring, they are desperate! Look, look, another ax is thrown crookedly, won't these human great mages attach a long-range precision to the puppets?" A new female voice suddenly came in, obviously criticizing, but if the black dragon in the life-and-death fight heard the ridicule in the words, it might be a mouthful of dragon blood.

In other words, the black dragon sprayed a lot of blood today, and most of its body was smashed to pieces. Even if humans killed them and disassembled them into magic materials, the harvest would be greatly reduced, at least it would be difficult to offset the damaged one. War Golem. However, if it can be captured alive, it will be relatively cost-effective. At least 2 powerful top-level monsters will not be let go by any big * mage.

"Aren't we going to intervene? Just watch them catch such a powerful magic pet?" It was still the sweet female voice, but the coldness in the words made the black dragon cry when he heard it.

"How do you intervene? Siris, don't be too inflated. There are 6 big red-robed mages squatting on the opposite side. Red-robed big *mages! Any one of them, don't find a closed space, don't surround a large group It is very difficult for us to guarantee that we can kill him. What's more, there are still 6 of them here, and this is their territory. If they find out, they will definitely send someone to drive us out. Then you don't Complaining is no longer a big show!"

"Hmph..." With a coquettish cold snort, the image of a little beauty with a stubborn nose can naturally emerge in people's mind: "I don't believe that you haven't arranged any sinister and vicious plans! I have seen through you for a long time. You are the worst, and you never see the good of others. You are familiar with this kind of work of setting up seedlings and laying black bricks halfway! Isn’t it, Sister You Nu?”

"Upstairs!" You Nu's last shot was still so sharp and direct, Li Xun couldn't help rolling his eyes wildly.

555555, the past few days, spending time with the two of them every day, they have almost learned some of Li Xun's mantras. However, it is really a different kind of stimulation and enjoyment to be able to spit out such a naughty joke from the mouths of two beauties from another world.

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