The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0404 Betty's Secret

Mage Bernie was not in a hurry to call in the next mage, but thought over the female mage's description just now, and turned to wait for the judgment of Archmage Brady.

After a long time, Archmage Brady finally spoke.

"Has the true identity of Master Li Xun been clarified yet?"

"No. He was recommended by the Thieves Guild as a candidate for the competition. No one was optimistic about him. After all, a mage who has just advanced to level 11 wants to participate in this kind of competition, which has never happened before in history. Wait for him to enter the ranking After the game, we launched an investigation on him, and there are many doubts about his identity!"

A high-ranking mage present here snorted coldly: "It's not just that there are so many doubts! If you carefully examine it, the information about his origin can be said to have no credibility."

"Yes, yes." Another high-ranking mage said, "His status as a high-ranking mage was appraised in Qibaila three months ago, level 11. And his last appraisal was in Novis." Principality, level 6, about a year and a half ago..."

Immediately there was a huge "buzzing" sound in the hall, and various doubts, puzzles, and speculations came out one after another, turning the solemn and solemn inquiry meeting into a noisy food market.

Archmage Brady tapped the table lightly, and the chaotic noise disappeared instantly.

"What's the hurry? Today is the first day of their arrival. No matter what kind of background he concealed, we have enough time to figure it out."

"But Mr. Brady, not only is there a problem with Dagon's candidate, but even we have a problem with Brayland's candidate. That Sen..." Bernie asked worriedly, but before he could finish speaking, It was cut off by the archmage with his eyes wide open.

"Okay, don't talk about it! I told you a long time ago that that person doesn't need you to intervene. Are you ignoring it?" Archmage Brady sternly said, "This year's spell competition is destined to be impossible to be peaceful, so everyone puts Keep your eyes open, watch more and listen more. But no one is allowed to act in private without an order from the Executive Department! Even the Correction Department must be careful not to make any trouble, have you heard it?..."

All the high-ranking mages were shocked, and they all bowed their heads in response. Mage Bernie, who had just been reprimanded, bowed his head and remained silent, his face stiff and ugly.

"Call the next one!"



Outside the mage tower.

Several familiar apprentices made an appointment to have a small gathering at Old John's Tavern, but the female apprentice Betty flatly refused.

Ever since she came out of the high-ranking mage's residence, her complexion was very bad, she kept hooking her head and thinking about her thoughts, and she was far less active than usual. But the companions all knew the reason why she was like this, so they couldn't persuade her anything, so they could only make an appointment to meet up and then dispersed, leaving only Betty standing alone on the corner of the street.

There were a lot of pedestrians on the street, and when they saw the female apprentice's revealing clothes, they all quietly commented with strange smiles on their faces. Although these comments couldn't reach Betty's ears, just looking at the evasive eyes of the lecherous men from far and near, one could tell that what they said was definitely not good.

Betty tightened her neckline, folded her arms, lowered her head, and walked silently to the hut she was afraid of a few streets away.

As she lowered her head and walked quickly, she got farther and farther away from the mage's tower, the streets began to gradually become narrower, and there were fewer pedestrians. This place is already close to the edge of the mage tower, but Betty didn't intend to stay in the slightest, she was still walking silently with her head bowed.

Although there are many magic huts in the mage's tower, which are also open to mages and apprentices, the price of 20 gold coins a day is by no means affordable for ordinary apprentices. Therefore, most apprentices without family support will look for a residence outside the Mage Tower to save limited money for learning magic and collecting magic materials.

The periphery of the mage tower can be divided into many different areas according to the distance from the mage tower.

The three ring streets closest to the Mage Tower are commercial areas. Most of them are magic shops, secret magic huts, knowledge huts and other shops, and there are also some high-end hotels, taverns and other entertainment facilities specially for mages.

On the outskirts of the commercial area, there are stretches of small villas and exquisite garden houses, where many middle and low-level mages live all year round. As a low-level mage, he can basically afford the magic hut in the mage tower. However, due to the need for privacy, many formal mages choose to buy a house in this area to do some hidden things.

And outside this residential area, there are a large number of shops and hotels run by ordinary people, and this is also the most frequent area for mage apprentices. There are not only cheap necessities of life, but also magic materials scattered from the black market, as well as their indispensable women, tobacco, alcohol and money.

However, Betty didn't stay in these places, she still walked out silently with her head lowered, enduring the occasional harsh whistles and some alcoholic's loud price asking. Although her clothes and the area she was in made her more dangerous, the unremarkable white apprentice's short robe still protected her well.

After all, this is the world of mages!

No matter how simple an apprentice's tunic is, it means that he belongs to two different worlds from ordinary people. No matter how much those hooligans who are gradually increasing covet their mouths, they dare not openly violate a mage apprentice in the mage's field.

The street in front of him already looked a little messy and dirty, and even the pedestrians passing through here were also evasive, and they looked like shadowy characters engaged in special professions.

But the pale, somewhat dazzling white short robe still helped her. All kinds of malicious gazes along the way turned into pornographic gazes in the end, and no one dared to stop her for open insults and molestation.

Still hooking her head, Betty silently turned into a dark and deserted alley, and turned left and right in it, and finally stopped in front of a small wooden house.

The wooden door of the hut was worn out and stained, and a few strands of yellow light were seen from some cracks above. It was very quiet inside, but there was a faint pungent smell floating in the air, just like the smell of the special solution used to soak the corpses of monsters in magic laboratories.

It is already mid-June, and it is the brightest and warmest noon of the day, but in front of the wooden house, people still can't help shivering.

Betty hugged her arms tighter and tighter, and goose bumps even appeared on her bare white arms. After lightly knocking on the wooden door, she folded her arms and waited quietly, her lowered eyes flickering, showing her restless mood.

The door opened without a sound.

Even the brightest daylight couldn't penetrate the darkness behind the door, and the ink-stained shadows were showing their teeth and claws like living creatures, but Betty didn't hesitate and went straight in.

The door closed again without a sound.

This is a closed room without any ventilation facilities such as skylights. The room is pitifully small, and you can see all corners clearly by standing by the door. There is only an old and dirty wooden table with a lighted candle on the table, and there is nothing else in the room.

"You shouldn't come! You will bring me some unexpected troubles if you come at this time! I hope you have a good enough reason, otherwise..." A cold, hollow voice lingered in the room, making it impossible to distinguish It is even more impossible to infer his age, gender and other information based on the position of the speaker.

"I saw him!" Betty's answer was simple and direct.

"What? So fast...don't move, let me see his message..."

The tone of the man hidden in the darkness obviously raised a bit, and even brought a trace of enthusiasm and eagerness, which surprised the cold female apprentice who was used to him.

A mental power that was colder than words emerged from the void, and suddenly pierced into the female apprentice's mental sea, searching for something quickly inside. Soon, the memories of the past few days were churning in the female apprentice's mind, and countless life fragments and emotional memories were churning and rushing to her heart alternately.

The picture in my mind was quickly frozen at the moment when Li Xun's spiritual coercion erupted an hour ago. Although such a long time had passed, the fear and fright from the bottom of her heart still tormented the female apprentice, filling her with fear and uneasiness.

"Yes, it is indeed him! Hehe, young fellow, we meet again!" The former sentence was still talking to himself, but the latter sentence has become a perverted greeting. It's just the cold and bloody tone in that tone that made Betty shudder again after hearing this, and her heart was filled with the urge to flee this place immediately.

Of course, as the images of the young mage surfaced, there were also some memorable scenes of Betty's life a few days ago. She pleaded bitterly in front of an old middle-level mage, and the ugly face of the middle-level mage was full of obscene and weird smiles; she was lying naked on a gorgeous big bed, a thin, withered and ugly The figure is shaking desperately on her body...

There is no sound or movement in the picture, but the teardrops quietly falling from the corners of the female apprentice's eyes can attract all the attention of the viewers.

It is impossible for an ordinary female apprentice without any background to obtain the advantage of directly contacting high-level mages without putting in a little effort that is different from ordinary people. Perhaps only by seeing this picture can one intuitively feel the persistence and sorrow of a magic martyr, which is of course more of a kind of sadness.

After a long time, that cold and merciless voice sounded again, but no matter how it was concealed, it was filled with tremors.

"You did a good job. Your reward is on the table, and you can leave now. Remember, get in touch with that young high-ranking mage more, but never let him see your abnormality. He is also a good-natured psychic Art fellow, you must be more careful. Do this well, and you will be freed!"

As the voice disappeared, an open money bag suddenly appeared on the table. The bright gold coins inside illuminated the female apprentice's eyes, and also illuminated the dark secret room.

1000 gold coins!

This is a huge income enough for the female apprentice to easily stay in the Mage Tower for more than half a year, but it is only enough to consume 3-5 magic experiments.

Betty silently put the money bag into her bosom, and clamped it tightly to her chest with both arms. Perhaps only these rattling gold coins could bring warmth to her dry and dark heart.

The female apprentice turned around and walked out of the wooden house, hooking her head again and heading home.

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