The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0054 Fighting

Chapter 0054 Fighting

The early morning mist gradually dissipated, and Li Xun, who was at the back of the battle formation, used Eagle's Eye to see clearly the situation in the Redbeard's camp.

The thieves' camp was built in a valley with a narrow mouth and tall walls. Most of the houses in this camp are wooden houses, which are made of wood cut from nearby forests. Unlike ordinary villages, although the houses in this camp are simple, the outer wooden walls are quite strong. The 3-meter-high wooden walls are made of thick It is built with high-quality logs, and the top is cut into a sharp point. It feels like a forest of guns pointing to the sky. The door on the wooden wall looked very heavy, and it was tightly fastened together by five thick ropes. It would take five or six people to open it even if it was the strongest man. There are several simple watchtowers behind the wooden wall, on which thieves holding bows and crossbows are constantly looking around, and behind the wooden wall there is probably a supporting wooden frame, and many thieves are guarding carefully with knives and shields.

After a brief browsing, there was no large crossbow that could threaten the mage, nor did I see a figure dressed as a mage. Li Xun and Kasas nodded at each other in reassurance, and began to wait for the command of the commander. Usually, in order to avoid mutual interference, the mage group will be located 30 to 50 steps behind the command center, and the order will be transmitted by the messenger. The on-site commander only has the right to request the mage, and has no command power. Advance and retreat, if the battle situation is not strong, the mage can withdraw from the battlefield at any time without asking for instructions, giving up a battle that he thinks must be defeated.

In today's battle, the Antok Knights seem to be very confident. They put the mercenary regiment with stronger fighting power in front. The city guard of 500 people is divided into two parts, one part guards the command center, and the other part guards the three mages. This is probably the result of his argument with the two mercenary captains last night. It is impossible for these mercenaries to work hard without promising more benefits.

The two major mercenary regiments are also war organizations that Dubin City has been cooperating with for many years. They have their own way of fighting. The tower shield soldiers in the forefront walk slowly with shields in their hands; the back row is the battlefield of round shields and long swords. Killers, after breaking through the enemy's camp, they are the main force in the battle; the last row of mercenaries have all kinds of weapons, but the more conspicuous ones are a group of strong men with huge axes and hammers, it seems that they mainly complete some destruction impeded work.

For attacking a well-defended camp, the most difficult thing is how to break through the enemy's gate. Most of the losses occurred at this time, but now with the mage, everything has changed.

After the coalition soldiers advanced within the range of the bow and crossbow, the enemy's condescending long-range attack came. For a while, the mercenaries in the front row compressed their formation and tried to line up a little closer. The tower shield protected the front, and the small round shield was raised above their heads. , Protecting the top, some people with crossbows started to fight back through the gap, the inevitable forward speed was suppressed, and the miserable humming sound of bows and arrows entering the flesh could be heard from time to time in the shield formation.

After receiving the order's attack request, Li Xun left alone to guard the rear. Casas and Siris both walked forward for a certain distance, and began to chant spells under the wings of the family knight. After more than ten seconds, two bursting fireballs dragged The long tail flew towards the front gate of the village.

"Boom" "Boom"

With two loud bangs, the gate of the village was blown to pieces in the eyes of everyone, revealing the terrified bandits behind. The morale of the coalition forces was greatly boosted, shouting slogans and rushing towards the gate.

Muck didn't bother to curse these damn mages, and angrily yelled at his subordinates to block the space in front of the door again with prepared carts full of stones and wood, but there was still a lot of space left on both sides and above. gaps for the enemy to attack.

Just as the thieves were frantically blocking the gate, Casas and Siris used fireballs to blow up the watchtowers one by one, and then returned to the mage camp calmly.

The real hand-to-hand combat officially began at this time, and the competition around the gate immediately became fierce and bloody. Both the offensive and defensive sides are now on the same level, and every attacking position near the gate needs flesh and blood to snatch it. The coalition soldiers paid more than 30 lives before they smashed the debris blocking the way with a sledgehammer, and the two sides fought desperately at the gate of the village.

The thieves in the camp resisted fiercely and resolutely, and traces of ferocious fighting could be seen everywhere. There were black and red blood stains all over the walls and fences. The bodies of both sides were scattered inside and outside the wooden walls. The battle at the main gate of the wooden wall was particularly fierce. Nearly 300 elite thieves in full armor guarded there. Alleys of wooden houses.

As the battle progressed to the depths of the camp, the once solid fence and wooden walls had turned into charred wreckage, and dark red embers were still smoldering in some places, and green smoke rose from among the broken ruins. The clinking of swords and the roars from both sides seemed to still be echoing in the sky, but if you listened carefully, you could only hear a silence, and there were faint moaning and panting of the dying.

From the beginning to the end, Li Xun did not cast his eyes on the frontal battlefield once. He held his breath and concentrated on sensing with all his strength. More than 30 subordinates scattered in the rear were searching with a net. The enemy's assault troops were found first, in a dense forest 4 miles behind their own position, the cavalry team of more than 120 people should be the team formed by the gray wolf bandit group, and there are more than 400 sword and shield soldiers . The two big men headed by them were arguing fiercely in the forest, waving weapons from time to time and threatening each other.

Gray Wolf patted his chest angrily, repeatedly emphasizing that Vulture must send troops first. No one expected that the coalition's attack was so swift and fierce. The battle had only started for an hour, and Muck's request for help was sent through the magic paper. This made Gray Wolf a little scared, and what made Gray Wolf even more angry was the vulture. You actually want to send troops with yourself, shit, do you think I'm a fool with a flood of brains? What I brought is the precious cavalry team, and the sword and shield soldiers set off at the same time. The first to reach the battlefield must be my team, so it must be my team to withstand the bombardment of the mage's fireball. Use your precious cavalry to exchange the mana consumption of the 3 mages, and then let the vulture bastard clean up the results, don't even think about it! So a quarrel no less than the battlefield ahead broke out dramatically.

Damn, is that okay? Li Xun stared dumbfounded at the farce in the forest. The situation ahead was already in dire straits, and they still had time to compete? The poor three mages have already sharpened their knives, set up the pot, and burned the firewood. They just waited for the meat to go into the pot, and the meaty people were actually arguing in the pot! Li Xun looked up at the sky speechless and choked with tears, he could only let go of this place temporarily and continue to search for those black skins, really looking forward to the appearance of these black skins!

Leaving a few shadow killers to continue monitoring in the forest, Li Xun began to frequently jump between the outer soul nodes, trying to expand the search range and accuracy, all his subordinates were transformed into faint bodies, and with the help of trees, stones, vines, Hiding his body shape, he constantly shuttled back and forth to explore various areas that are convenient for Tibetans. For a while, the ghostly atmosphere within a radius of 10 miles made people shudder.

"When did the Kingdom of Thrane become a paradise for the undead? Those skeletons stretch their hands too far!" Priestess Zena pushed the bushes and weeds above her head, looked at the back of the ghost, and said bitterly: "This is the seventh batch! Are these floating ghosts looking for us?"

The one who spoke was a silver-haired black-skinned sexy woman wearing black exquisite scale armor and a three-headed snake-headed whip pinned to her waist. However, she spoke more like talking to herself. The 14 dark elf warriors hidden in the bushes behind her were not there. No one dared to talk to her. From the appearance of this group of dark elves, they should be young male dark elves, all of whom are warriors. They are equipped with uniform armor, hold their own suitable swords and carry crossbows, and use their race's naturally keen senses to detect the surroundings. Case.

The dark elf team is all made of close-fitting dark elf chain mail. Every ring and every scale on it is exquisitely crafted, tightly wrapping Drow's thin but powerful body. Black soft chains dangled from the shoulder armor, protecting Drow's smooth arms, and the chains collided with each other without making a sound. The crossbow carried on the back is also engraved with exquisite magic patterns, which are not just for decoration. With the fine gold plating on the sharp point of the upper arrow, it naturally has the effect of breaking magic and destroying armor.

The martial art chief who led the team cautiously reminded: "It's not those human nobles who betrayed us, right?"

Zena turned her head and glared at the chief martial artist. If it wasn't for the fear of being discovered by the ghosts in the sky, she should really let this talkative idiot taste her whip. My family is currently in dire straits and urgently needs to obtain the protection and joy of the goddess, otherwise I would not have heard of a suitable "sacrifice", so I planned the attack at the risk of revealing the entry and exit points, and even asked that The greedy human pig promises a reward that hurts just thinking about it.

400 grams of fine gold, 200 grams of mithril, 40 white crystals, and 100 magic crystals, this is already nearly half of the year's share that my fourth family can provide. After paying so much, if he can't get what he deserves, his family will not let him go. Thinking of the horror, the female drow's body couldn't help trembling.

Everything was planned, but was disrupted by the sudden appearance of the undead. According to the plan, I should have lurked to the sneak attack point closest to the mage, instead of being suppressed in a jungle 2 miles away. What does this mysterious undead who has not shown up want to do? Could it be that the skeleton sent someone to completely exterminate the bloodline that is still resisting? No, the "sacrifice" I found by myself must not be disposed of just like this.

Zena pressed her hands to the ground, and relying on her gifted floating technique, rushed into the midair of the jungle, stared at a ghost that had just passed through a big tree and shouted: "Undead, let your master come to see me, I am a dark elf Priestess Zena."

The Ice Banshee who just passed through the big tree stopped still, and slowly adjusted her body to face the female priest. Two faint lights lit up on her blurred face. After a long time, a spiritual force suddenly came from the female priest The demon came out and pierced the female priest's forehead.

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