The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0712 Sewer

Similar witchcraft experiments have been carried out countless times.

The wizards who have always studied bloodline transformation and mutation have discovered many strange phenomena and methods from these plague creatures that have never appeared before, which also greatly enriched their personal database.

They are like a group of researchers who tirelessly cracked the jigsaw puzzle of plague biological body samples, buried in the witchcraft laboratory all day long, ignoring worldly affairs at all. And at this time, it was the terrible time when the plague creatures raged wildly outside Iron Forest City.

It was the sunniest time of the day at noon, and the three solid steel gates of Iron Forest City firmly guarded the passageway into the city. On the towering city walls, there were crowds of people, and the patrol team never stopped. The entire city was flickering with cold light, and the reflection of the steel equipment of the city guards could be seen from a long distance away.

The original crowds of people outside the city can no longer be reproduced. On the spacious and flat blue-striped stone avenue, there are no more folkmen and caravan beasts coming and going. Only a few skinny and lonely figures can be seen slowly walking on the avenue. Wandering awkwardly and blankly.

Whenever an ugly guy like a dead corpse broke into within a hundred meters of Iron Forest City, there would be a piercing scream from the bowstring bouncing on the city wall. The steel hard crossbow can completely tear the hard skin of the servant corpse. In order to increase the lethality, the arrowhead of each steel crossbow is in the shape of a cross triangular edge, which can cause the maximum open damage when it is shot into the flesh of the servant corpse.

No, this unlucky servant had just crossed the invisible line of death following a trace of popularity, and a steel hard crossbow firmly nailed it to the stone slab. Just as it was struggling desperately, bursts of strange and dense black smoke drifted out from the wound on its chest, and melted bit by bit in the bright sunlight.

"呲呵" there were two more explosions of crossbow arrows.

This time it was two specially-made rockets. The mysterious alchemical substance smeared on the arrows immediately burst into a huge witchcraft flame when it met the flesh and blood. The twisted and struggling corpse just now turned into a humanoid Pyroman, and was burnt to ashes within a dozen fingers. The lingering flames also crackled in the air, and pieces of black powder were scattered all over the moss-covered stone slabs.

From time to time, one or two ferocious servant corpses with quick movements and amazing bounces would jump out from the grass and bushes outside the city, and pounce on the city wall at a speed no less than that of a cheetah.

They obviously have a lot of wisdom, and they also know how to run in different directions to avoid the shooting of crossbow arrows. But their fate ultimately ended under the walls. The strong runes flashing on the towering and steep city walls are beyond the reach of their claws. They can only jump and bite under the city walls in vain, screaming and demonstrating at the guards above.

The guards could easily kill them by returning crossbow arrows, and even their corpses were burned by the torches thrown down. When the black smoke was burned, the rising flames licked the city wall, and an invisible witchcraft barrier quietly emerged, isolating the remaining black smoke from attacking, thus preventing the city guards on the city wall from being infected by plague spores.

And when the witchcraft barrier emerged, the wizard tower in the center of the city 3 miles away also began to shine brightly, and some mysterious witchcraft runes appeared on the tower from time to time.

This is the guardian force of the wizard tower.

When the city wall of Tielin City was built back then, it was the witch array resonance system built around the public wizard tower of Ella. The surrounding city walls are a huge wizard array loop, which can project the energy of the wizard tower onto the city walls almost without damage across a distant space of nearly 3 miles.

This is a more economical and environmentally friendly wireless energy transmission method than the Klein plane. If Karthus, Kel'Thuzad and others see it, they will definitely embrace this technology by any means.

You must know that when the current Klein Plane Mage Tower assists in defending the city, it is more completed by casting spells. The spell completes the model building and energy infusion in the mage tower, and then sends it to the distant city wall after consuming a huge amount of energy. If the city is too large, the energy lost in the whole process can even reach 30% or 40%.

As for the witchcraft barrier just now in the Wizard Tower of Iron Forest City, the wizard tower directly transmits energy to a certain facility on the city wall, and then the wizard on duty inside converts it into a corresponding witchcraft effect and presents it. The most attractive part of the whole process is of course the witchcraft facility that transmits elemental energy across remote spaces.

The existence of this kind of facility also proves that the wizards of the wizarding world are obviously more comfortable and skilled than the mages of the Klein plane in terms of the specific use of the underlying elements.

Just when the city guards on the city wall were cheering for killing the hateful servant corpses, in the depths of a dense bush in the distance, Saila, the plague girl, had clearly seen everything that happened on the city wall just now.

It had been three days since she came outside Tielin City, but she couldn't get in.

After all, this is a core city in the central region protected by powerful wizard power, and it is simply not comparable to those remote towns.

For three days, she kept driving her subordinates to die under Tielin City, just to test out the weak points of the city in front of them bit by bit. Such a huge city, which accommodates nearly 170,000 people, is impossible without some defensive loopholes. And she only needs to find this loophole, and then she can send her ever-growing mass of subordinates into this city, so that the humans inside can also try the terrible nightmare of being eaten by poisonous insects.

Soon, she saw a "beautiful" scene from thousands of broken soul feedbacks that made her ecstatic.


In the narrow and dirty sewer, poor Tom fumbled forward tremblingly.

The dim candlelight could not illuminate much of the area through the dirty glass mirror. Thom, who was full of fear, did not dare to look at the sticky and slippery things under his feet, but just bit the bullet and walked left and right along the tunnel. Turn right, and from time to time use a lantern to illuminate the slowly flowing sewage in the middle of the tunnel.

In the dim sight, the stench and pungent sewage slowly flowed and surged, and strange-shaped things floated on the thick and dark water from time to time. Or some dilapidated household item, or some living dirt, in short, some disgusting things.

But for a little boy who has been hungry for three days, it is lucky enough to find food that can satisfy his hunger among these sundries discarded by others. He has no right to be picky about "food".

Holding the lantern, Tom searched earnestly in the winding tunnel of the sewer, fiddled with the water surface with the long wooden stick in his hand from time to time.

In this dirty and filthy tunnel, there are many refugees and vagrants like him looking for food, and there are many "evil ones" who specialize in walking in the dark. They are either terrifying wizards who believe in black magic, or thief assassins who specialize in assassination and spying, or they are more likely madmen with blue eyes who are hungry and just want to enjoy a sumptuous meal of "human flesh".

Not all dangers in the sewers come from these same species, but may also come from the "sewers" themselves.

This is a huge city with wizards, and of course the sewers are full of useless "items" thrown away by wizards. However, most of these "items" are extremely dangerous. Not only are they highly contagious, but they may also catalyze some bad "things".

For a long time, there have been terrible legends about corpse monsters, vampire bats, and polluted ooze monsters in the sewers of Iron Forest City. Many scavengers mysteriously disappeared, so finding food here also required desperate efforts.

The closer you are to the wealthy area, the more likely you are to find good things in the sewers near the wizard area. Although it is dangerous, the profit is greater after all. Therefore, that area has been reserved by one of the largest gangsters in Iron Forest City, and any foreign scavengers who enter that "territory" may face the penalty of death.

In fact, the so-called biggest gang was nothing more than a small third-rate faction on Punk Street, consisting of twenty or thirty gangsters. But even so, this was something Tom, who was alone, dared not provoke.

In order to avoid these terrible evil forces, Tom can only choose to search in the sewers in the remote urban fringe area. The possibility of finding food here is undoubtedly very low. Even if there are occasional ones that slip through the "upstream", they may have already rotted and deteriorated, but Tom is not picky.

In the dim and silent sewer, the dim candlelight can only illuminate a very small area. Looking around, there is deep and dead darkness everywhere. And in this eerie silence, in the depths of the darkness, one can always see pairs of scarlet flickering terrifying eyes.

After eating rotten and mutated food for a long time, even the rats and bats in the sewer are no longer normal.

Tom Wu stood still.

Another turn ahead is the end of the sewer. There are strong iron fences and mysterious wizard arrays set up by wizards. Any living objects that approach will die from terrible attack witchcraft.

Usually when you search here, Tom will turn back and search carefully along the way you came.

But today, Thom, who is timid and cautious by nature, smells something different from usual.

There was an indescribably pungent sour smell hidden in the dirty and stuffy air, and there was even a faint green fluorescent light floating on the water surface of the tunnel.

"Wizard stuff!"

Tom took a step back in horror, away from the water.

According to those old scavengers, as long as this kind of fluorescent thing is found in the sewer, it means that the waste discarded by wizards has been found. Although ordinary people can't use it, and it's too dangerous, but if you take it back and give it to those guys, you may still get a lot of food in exchange.

Thinking of the soft and delicious fragrant white bread, and the tangy fragrance of buckwheat, Tom clenched the wooden stick in his hand and turned the corner tremblingly.

A terrible scene was presented before him.

At the end of the sewer leading to the river, the huge circular arched iron fence has been corroded by people for some reason and has a gap, a gap for people to enter and exit.

A dark green and pungent acidic solution is still flowing on the thin iron bar of the baby's arm at the gap, corroding it with a bang. These iron bars, which can usually withstand the ramming of heavy hammers, softened like melting candles at this time, and twisted into a shocking and terrifying appearance.

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