The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0765 a game (fourth)

(Thank you Anjing for guarding you and Yixian Guangda for rewarding the red envelopes, four more changes with your life)

You know, in order to find out the most suitable place to build the city, she has worked hard and traveled thousands of miles of mountains, mountains and rivers. After choosing this most suitable secluded valley, she also worked tirelessly to destroy several large-scale humanoid nests in the surrounding area, and it took two full days to hoard these blood food.

Although there is no requirement for the number of intelligent life in the development of the heart of the city, if there is enough blood and food, the construction progress of the cemetery city will still be accelerated.

Now that the surrounding intelligent races have all been strangled, what are these guys who are suddenly approaching?

With puzzled doubts, Farina floated into the sky.

With soul vision far superior to that of ordinary people, Farina, who was born as a spirit body, suddenly discovered that the attacks were all jungle beasts in the surrounding forests. Most of them are wild wolves, cheetahs, giant apes, and wild boars, and there are also many herbivores such as sika deer, horned sheep, and grass rabbits.

These guys didn't have any battle formations or organizations, and they rushed towards the Death Valley under construction completely under the guidance of a strong will.

"act recklessly!"

After seeing the target of the attack clearly, Farina's delicate and beautiful figure stood high above the valley, and commented disdainfully.

The cemetery city was indeed very fragile at the beginning of its construction, but this vulnerability was only for those considerable enemies. Death Prophet really didn't pay attention to these mobs who couldn't even be called soldiers.

Falina was floating high in the sky, not intending to meet them at all, and watched with a sneer on the group of summoned jungle beasts rushing into Death Valley.

Since the Death Valley had just been established, the dense dead air didn't even cover a radius of 100 meters. As for the surrounding white bone city wall, there was no sign of it, only some crooked white bone fences stood there, and there were thousands of wounds on it. Hundred holes, the hole is so big that even a bear can get through.

With almost no barriers, this group of birds and beasts rushed into the city of Death Valley.

In fact, the so-called city is nothing more than a sea of ​​bones surrounded by sparse white bone fences. Apart from the sprawling cemeteries that look more gloomy, the only thing that can be seen is the austere city hall.

Aren't these beasts sharp and sharp? Then let them gnaw on the bones and see if they can gnaw down that city hall!

To be honest, the Death Valley at this time is really lonely and looks miserable, and there is not even a living person who can walk upright in it. Apart from the bones in the cemetery, and the black tombstones, Farina just let go of her feelings and let these guys destroy as much as she wanted, I'm afraid they can't do anything.

Beast siege?

Is this the instinctive reaction of the origin of the wizarding world?

It seems that I was right to wipe out all the intelligent races around me before, otherwise I'm afraid I will see them at this time. Presumably, in the days to come, I won't be lonely anymore, and the creatures within hundreds of miles will probably run here to eliminate the guy who makes the plane's origin naturally disgusted.

It's a pity that we are overwhelmed!

Look, look... Just as Farina was floating in the air watching the show, the tumbling and oscillating death energy began to slowly spread outward, and a wild wolf that couldn't avoid it was caught in it. The sound of flesh and blood rotting was loud, and the wild wolf rolled and roared desperately, but it couldn't stop the entanglement of the thick dead air. So after a while, scattered fragments of wolf bones were scattered all over the ground, with white bones on them, and there was no trace of flesh and blood.

Although driven by the origin of the plane, these beasts are full of hatred and hatred for everything in front of them, but the animal instinct still exists. Seeing a "companion" die there with no resistance, more jungle beasts could only choose to stay away from the dense fog of death.

Just when many wild beasts were crazily slamming into the city hall, trying to gnaw a bone off the bone-covered wall, the edge of the bone sea shook slightly again, and a skeleton warrior with a bone sword and bone shield wobbled away. out.


Almost at the same moment, both parties in the field recognized each other's identities.

Without giving orders, hundreds of wild beasts swarmed up, roaring and rushing towards the lonely skeleton warrior. And the skeleton warrior didn't have the slightest fear, the weak soul fire in the empty eye sockets vibrated, it opened its big white mouth, let out a silent cry, and rushed up with its rattling body shaking.

After killing a horned sheep with a single sword, the skeleton warrior never had a chance to raise his weapon again. The raging "horde of beasts" roared and ran over it, tearing it down into broken bones all over the ground in an instant. Due to the overcrowding and tyranny of the beast herd, more than a dozen small beasts on the periphery were even squeezed to death by "our own people". So after some earth-shattering screams, there was another pile of bones on the ground.

And just as many wild beasts crouched on the remains of the skeleton warrior and howled to the sky to celebrate their victory, the black soil in the tomb not far away turned, and an ugly and filthy body wobbled out.

Plague zombies, this is the object of play that Farina specially prepared for them.

Anyway, it will take several hours to get enough dead energy to build the next cemetery building. She has plenty of time to play with them, so let's start with the most vicious plague zombies!

So in the next few hours, the herds of beasts gathered in Death Valley began to experience "victory" and death again and again. Every zombie skeleton that just crawled out of the sea of ​​bones and the graveyard was beaten to death by them, allowing them to reap victories one after another, but with the victories came endless deaths.

To kill a skeleton warrior, 2-3 wild beasts are basically needed to be buried with them, and to kill a plague zombie, 5-7 wild beasts are needed to be buried with them, and twenty or thirty of them died after being infected with the plague. If it wasn't for the continuous arrival of wild beasts in the jungle, the first group of beasts that charged in would have died out.

But that's the end of the herd game.

After 5 hours passed, when the first abomination in Death Valley stood up from the slaughterhouse, the fate of the herd came to an end.

It's obviously just a second-tier cemetery creature, but the combat power of the abomination is multiplied due to its size. A terrifying jungle wild boar has rough skin and thick flesh, and its body is covered with a hard interlayer of resin and sand. Its heavy body and sharp fangs are its best weapons. If such a guy is replaced by a human combatant to challenge, it will be difficult to take it down without loss without level 5.

But in the eyes of hatred, this is a fragile meat dish. The fleshy iron fist as big as a casserole smashed down viciously, and it could crack the wild boar's head with one punch. Kicking the elephant's leg as thick as a fleshy column can break its stomach and vomit half a liter of blood.

It is clear at a glance that large-sized creatures are crushed by the power of small and medium-sized creatures. Coupled with the fact that abomination is an undead creature, there is no such thing as a so-called vital point or pain sensation, which makes it even more advantageous in battle.

So it took only 3 hours, and the scarred Abomination alone slaughtered nearly 300 herds. At this time, 5 zombies and 7 skeleton warriors gathered around it.

Until this time, Farina floated down from the sky while yawning.

She is a charming banshee who loves beauty, and asking her to fight those wild beasts with her beautiful bright red nails is the greatest insult and injury to a lady. Therefore, after assigning these new cemetery soldiers the task of guarding Death Valley and cleaning the ground, Farina sleepwalked into the city hall and fell asleep.

She wasn't completely lazy, though.

Whenever the sea of ​​bones gathers enough dead energy, she emerges from the city hall and continues to guide the formation of new cemetery units.

So soon, the dark sky and the blacksmith's shop were built respectively.

If you want to build a cemetery portal to connect with the entire cemetery system, you must have a mage tower. And the construction of the mage tower can only be built after the appearance of the 5th-level Lich building, so even if Farina is anxious and roaring, she can only build the cemetery building step by step.

However, the construction of Death Valley cannot be smooth sailing.

On the 17th hour after launching the Heart of the City, Farina had just completed building the ghost pool of the third-tier ghost unit, but a large number of uninvited guests came from outside Death Valley.

Hairy spiders, white-fronted tall spiders, metallic blue spiders, human-faced spiders, tarantulas, red-legged spiders, tarantulas, golden spiders... large and small spiders, colorful spiders, and spiders of different shapes... ...It seems that all the spiders in the entire forest ran out, gathered outside Death Valley, and had a fierce fight with the cemetery guards guarding there.

The undead don't have the bad habit of being ugly, dirty or disgusting (Falina sneered and drifted away), rushing into the densely surging spider swarm is a big fight. And the spider's bite is just an itch for the undead who don't feel pain, and it can't cause much damage at all. Except for those super-large spiders that can effectively kill zombie skeletons, other small and medium-sized spiders are simply food delivery.

However, once these spiders gather too much, the sticky cobwebs sprayed all over the sky will also hurt the cemetery troops very much. Many zombie skeletons with intact bodies and full combat power were turned into mummies by spiders, and then dragged into the jungle alive, never to be heard again.

Falina, who was disturbed to sleep and rest, was furious, and ran out of the city hall to make a terrible howl of the banshee. As a result, the world became quiet, and the ground was covered with the exploding bellies of spiders, and the strange sour smell made the surrounding area of ​​Death Valley smoky, making it impossible for people to stand.

At the 29th hour, Death Valley finally built the Vampire Castle, a Tier 4 unit building.

And at this time, there were already three ghosts of the third rank.

Out of the consideration of saving bone life, except for the second-order abomination, most of the advanced arms buildings Farina were not built, and they were completely planned to quickly climb the technology.

Only when the portal is built as soon as possible can the cemetery city of Death Valley be truly safe.

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