The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0006 Daskar City Mage Guild

Chapter 0006 Daskar City Mage Guild

At dawn, the weather was clear, and the blue sky was as bright and transparent as a flawless blue crystal. The rapid sound of horseshoes broke through the tranquility of the morning and awakened Li Xun from his meditation.

Seeing Daskar City getting closer and closer, Li Xun smiled wryly, this will be his first step, a very important step. Daskar City is the nearest city that has a mage guild residence that I can find. The limited money on my body does not allow me to pick and choose. Whether I can successfully become a mage indicates whether I can have an identity for public activities, which is especially important!

Li Xun stabilized his mind. I hired this dilapidated carriage from Yongwang Town, and ran for 2 days and 2 nights before arriving at the nearest city. After entering the city, I guess there are only 2 silver coins and 5 copper coins left. It seems that I must find a way to make some money quickly ah!

After paying the entry tax, Li Xun ordered the carriage to go straight to the Mages Guild.

The Mage Guild is located in the southwest corner of Dascal City. It is an independent 5-story tower. The whole is built with huge blue stones. Each floor has narrow and long windows, and the top of the tower is a platform.

The carriage drove directly to the main entrance of the mage guild's high tower, and the surroundings were deserted, with no pedestrians in sight. Li Xun got out of the carriage empty-handed, without any luggage, and paid the remaining half of the agreed fare to the coachman, and it was settled. Ignoring the cheery coachman turning his horse's head, Li Xun took a deep breath and calmly walked into the tower.

The tower occupies a very large area, and facing the entrance is a wide hall. There is a large wooden counter in the corner of the hall, and a young man in a short robe is looking up at him in astonishment.

Li Xun walked to the counter calmly, and asked, "I need a mage level appraisal, can I do it here?"

The young man was even more astonished when he heard the words. Looking at Li Xun, who was younger than himself and wearing a simple traveler's robe, he asked in surprise, "Sir, you said you want to conduct a mage level appraisal?"

After getting an affirmative answer, the young man quickly put away his expression that shouldn't be there, bowed respectfully and said: "Dear sir, I am Anel, a mage apprentice, and the mage currently resident in the mage tower has a level 13 flame Master Tuckwell, the 9th-level mid-level mage Colonel, and the 8th-level mid-level mage Link, since Lord Tuckerwell is busy with spell research, the usual mage appraisals are done by Master Coron and Link. Responsible, they are all here today, who do you plan to invite to be your appraiser?"

Li Xun smiled lightly: "Hello, Anel, you are familiar with everything here, please help me choose an appraiser!"

Anel, the sorcerer's apprentice, peeked up and replied without thinking: "Dear sir, Master Kelang is kind, but Master Link is strict. It would be better for you to choose Master Kelang."

Li Xun nodded and said, "Then please inform Master Ke Lang!"

Master Apprentice Anel nodded yes, turned around and picked up a communication crystal: "Dear Master Coran, there is a gentleman in the hall who needs to be identified as a mage, please take the time to get it."

Taking advantage of the arrival of Master Kelang, Anel briefly introduced the basic situation of the Master Tower to Li Xun, and asked Li Xun to fill in a simple form about his personal information.

Not long after, two middle-aged mages walked into the front hall from upstairs together. Both of them were wearing orthodox black mage robes, one with a dark face, low and fat, making the mage's robe round; the other was fair and thin, with slender eyes, and looked like he was always thinking.

Master Humpty introduced himself: "I'm Master Kelang, and this is Master Link. We haven't had a mage appraisal here for more than a year. Let the two of us be the appraisers together today!"

After Li Xun and the two mages met the ceremony, they followed the two mages through the hall and along the corridor into an independent room. The room is not big, and the surrounding walls are painted with exquisite magic patterns. The middle area of ​​the room is a stone circle, and various magic patterns are also drawn on it.

Master Ke Lang looked at the form, waved his hand and said, "Mr. Li Xun, please stand in the middle of the circle."

Li Xun quietly walked into the circle, and turned his head to signal that everything was ready.

Mage Link, who had been silent all this time, raised his hand, and mana fluctuations came out, and the magic lines on the ring began to light up one by one. When they were connected together, a magic barrier centered on the ring was quietly formed.

Master Ke Lang ordered: "Don't be nervous, this is a spell barrier enchantment, to prevent your spells from harming this room. Now, Mr. Li Xun, you need to cast two highest-level spells that you have mastered. Your spellcasting situation will determine your level. Mr. Li Xun, if you are ready, you can start casting spells!"

Li Xun looked at the magic barrier, calmed down, stretched out his hand, sensed the runes in his soul, and shouted softly: "Magic Arrow!" Pointing out, hissing and crackling, the spell that rose from the ring A fist-sized depression appeared in the barrier, which turned into ripples and rippled. After a few seconds, the barrier returned to calm, as if nothing had happened.

Master Kelan nodded with a smile, looked at each other with Master Link, and commented: "Very good, it should be a variant of "Magic Missile", right? The attack power is much higher than ordinary level 1 magic. Mr. Li Xun , you can use this magic so proficiently, congratulations, you are already a qualified mage!"

Master Link calmly reminded: "Mr. Li Xun, you can cast the second spell now!"

Li Xun nodded to Master Link and saluted, then raised his finger to the ground 5 meters away, pretending to mutter an indistinct incantation in his mouth, and finally shouted softly: "The stones are sharp."

With a low drink, a cross-shaped thorn forest on the ground where the finger pointed suddenly rose by nearly 1 meter. Each thorn has the thickness of the mouth of a bowl and gradually becomes thinner upward. The entire spell lasted for about 5 seconds before it disintegrated into free earth elements in the air and slowly disappeared.

Master Ke Lang frowned, looked at Master Link hesitantly, and said slowly: "The spell you cast just now should be an enhanced variant spell of "Earth Spear", which is more effective than the second-level "Earth Spear Random Stab". The range is much smaller, and the power is not weak among the first-order group spells. Mr. Li Xun, I am here to announce that you did not use any foreign objects when casting the spell, and released a single first-order spell entirely by your own mana. , a group of almost second-level spells, and fast casting, which meets the standard of a fourth-level mage. I, Coran, confirm that you are a fourth-level mage, do you have any objections?"

Li Xun was overjoyed and bowed to salute: "Thanks to Master Ke Lang and Master Link, I have no objection to the appraisal results."

Master Crown nodded, took out the parchment filled in the hall, and swipe a few times with his fingers on the bottom, leaving his own mage's brand, and then handed it to Master Link, who also left a mage's brand.

After the certificate was completed, Colonel and Master Link immediately became enthusiastic.

Ke Lang smiled and motioned to Link. Master Link took out two pieces of parchment from his pocket, and introduced to Li Xun: "Master Li Xun, congratulations on becoming a member of the group of mages. Since you are a mage in Dascal City The guild is identified as a mage. I have 2 contracts here, and you can choose according to your discretion.

One is the contract of the Mage Guild. If you are willing to become a direct mage of the mage guild, you can read spell books of the same level as your own for free in all mage guild locations, and enjoy the treatment of a direct mage. After completing 3 designated tasks of the mage guild every year, you can use the mage guild laboratory quantitatively .

Another contract is the contract of the Principality of Novus. If you are willing to become a contract mage of the Principality, you will get a good treatment and read all the books and materials in the public library in the Principality for free. You are not bound by the Principality at ordinary times, but when you When facing a crisis and issuing a call-up order, it is necessary for you to provide spell support on the premise that your life is not threatened.

Of course, if you are unwilling to choose both, you can only become a wandering mage! "

After thinking about it for a moment, Li Xun chose to become a contract mage of the Principality. After carefully reading the terms of the contract, he signed his name, and imitated the two mages to leave his personal mark.

Master Kelan flicked his fingers lightly, cast a short-distance communication technique, and said a few words in a low voice. After a while, Anel, the master's apprentice, walked in quickly.

Master Crown handed the parchment to Anel, and told him to go to the warehouse to get the treatment of a level 4 mage from the Principality of Novus, and put the proof in the warehouse for archiving.

Anel peeked at Li Xun for a few times, his face was full of shock, he didn't dare to say more, he agreed, took the parchment proof, and hurried away.

Master Ke Lang smiled and said: "Master Li Xun, you are very surprising! In the past, most of the judges who came here to appraise the level of mages were apprentices of mages. It is very good to be able to successfully become a formal mage of level 1. It is rare to be able to get along with you. Same, become a level 4 mage directly. You are still so young, if you work hard, you will soon enter the ranks of intermediate mages."

Master Link also joked: "It's a pity, you don't want to be a direct mage of the guild! It seems that you don't want to be subject to too many restrictions, but in comparison, the treatment of the direct mages of the guild is much higher than that of the contract mages of the principality. Books are not comparable to a small principality library, if you are willing to sacrifice a little freedom, you will find that what you gain is far more than what you lose.”

Li Xun smiled wryly and said, "Thank you for your kindness, I feel that the principality contract mage is more suitable for me."

Master Ke Lang shrugged and stopped persuading: "It is your right to choose. Since you have completed the appraisal here, there are still appropriate preferential treatment. If you have read any spell books in the Mage Guild or expect some help, It can be exchanged by paying a fee, of course the price is not cheap! Without the support of a big family, the cost of learning spells will make any mage cry."

During the conversation, Anel had retrieved all the items, and Master Kelang handed them to Li Xun one by one. A mage badge, a gray mage robe, a small dimension bag, and a money bag with 300 gold coins.

Master Ke Lang explained: "The Mage Badge is a standard badge issued by the Mage Guild. It represents the glory of the Mage. The 4 golden lines on it represent your level. With it, you can enjoy basic noble privileges. A mage robe, a small dimensional bag and 300 gold coins are the basic treatment for a contract mage of the Principality of Novus. As for the details, you need to go to the city-state council hall of Dascal to discuss with Sir Edward. In addition, as a mage, you have You have the right to use most of the facilities of this mage guild, but you are not a mage directly under the guild, you still need to pay the usage fee, you can go to the lobby to ask about the charging standard, in short, you can ask anything you don’t know at the reception desk of the lobby.”

After explaining some matters in a routine manner, the two mages returned directly to their laboratory. Li Xun put away his things and returned to the lobby reception counter.

Master Apprentice Anel saluted respectfully: "Congratulations, Master Li Xun, you can ask for any needs, and Anel is willing to serve you."

Li Xun asked directly: "Hi, Anel, I just arrived here today, I don't know how the situation here is, can you briefly introduce?"

"Happy to help you." The mage apprentice Anel replied: "At present, besides the 2 middle-level mages who are in charge of daily affairs, there are also 5 low-level mages in the mage tower, and 3 of them are directly under the guild. There is a contract mage from the Principality of Novus and a wandering mage. They spend most of their time in the library or laboratory and rarely go out. If you want to communicate with them, you can only make an appointment in advance, and I will convey it as soon as possible. You If you haven’t arranged accommodation yet, you can live in the mage’s tower. It costs 2 gold coins per day, and you can also hand over the daily purchases to the mage apprentice on duty. Your contract has been sent to the city-state council hall. You will take time to visit the lower city-state recently. Sir Edward in the Chamber has officially become the Principality's Contract Mage."

Li Xun listened very carefully and thought that there was nothing more to understand, so he said goodbye to the mage apprentice Anel. He didn't intend to live in the wizard's tower, at least not in the short term.

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