The Rise of the Cemetery

Chapter 0810 White terror (supplement)

(I was sprayed in Chasing Books, I was in a bad mood, there are only 2 updates today)

The wizarding world, July 5, 1174 in the wizarding calendar.

It's the seventh day of the siege of the mysterious lair of the invaders.

Every day, this small camp at the bottom of the hill welcomes many human troops. They are all from nearby large, medium and small cities. A few days ago, most of the teams drawn were elites who had experienced wars, but after they rushed into the valley of death, they never turned back.

So in the days that followed, the quality of the team that rushed here became worse and worse. Many times, you can even see nervous and ignorant recruits in the team. It may be the first time they set foot on the battlefield and hold the gun for the first time.

Vic swore he could even hear their teeth chattering as they walked by.

Vic, a chef from Maple Leaf City, came to this outpost camp purely to cook for those wizards.

As a humble and illiterate cook, he has nothing but good barbecue skills. So he was only responsible for preparing food for the wizards, and he didn't know anything else. He doesn't even know who the wizards are fighting with here.

As for the "invader" that the soldiers kept repeating, what was that? Could it be a newly mutated beast in the forest?

In his free time, Vic liked to stand near the camp entrance and watch the soldiers come and go.

But he is also a little strange!

Every day, new fighters from nearby cities would pour into this camp, but this camp with a radius of less than one mile had never been filled. Driven by the wizard, those warriors who came earlier will climb over the hills and pass through the dense jungle to fight the alien race called "invaders". But every time the people who left the camp never returned.

It's not that Vic doesn't understand the truth of this, but he would rather be a fool who doesn't know anything.

Looking at these young men who had traveled through the jungle for nearly a hundred miles without sleep, Vik had a silly smile on his face, but his heart couldn't help but twitch.

Looking at their immature faces, seeing their exhausted but uneasy expressions about their future, Vick always felt an impulse in his heart, which made him want to yell at them, "Don't turn over!" That hill".

However, the cold gaze of Wei Sen, who was patrolling near the entrance of the camp, made Vic understand that even if he shouted, it was impossible to change the fate of these young lads.

Perhaps, after the camp had been fed, they would be driven through the jungle and over the hills, never to be seen in the camp again.

And what could he, Vic, a humble cook, do about it?

Just when Vic's trend was ups and downs, those wizard guards who stayed in the camp to maintain order rushed out and began to drive the "idle people" back to their tents, and vacated a huge open space in the center of the camp.

Hiding back in the tent, Vik, who was peeking through the gap in the tent door, felt the world darken, and a huge shadow enveloped the entire camp.

Immediately, a violent hurricane blew up, swirling smoke and dust as high as tens of meters in the camp.

At this time, a huge spaceship with a flat bottom was slowly descending from the sky, and slowly landed in the central open space of the camp.

spaceship! flying ship! A big ship flying in the sky!

Vic, who witnessed this scene for the first time, no longer knew how to describe what he saw. This is simply a wonder he has never seen in his life. Not only has he never seen it, but he might not even have such absurd and bizarre dreams in his sleep!


As the "Cloud Chuan" stopped firmly on the ground, a wooden gangway on the high flight deck was slowly lowered. Judging by the light but tough appearance, it should be a special material specially prepared by wizards.

And those who came down from the alchemy spacecraft were all powerful wizards wearing silver wizard robes, and there were nearly a hundred of them. The three leading wizards are not young, and their bodies are overflowing with extremely strong elemental fluctuations.

Silver Alliance!

The one who came to reinforce this time turned out to be the Silver Alliance, one of the three most powerful forces in the wizarding world.

Three legendary wizards, seven holy wizards, and nearly a hundred powerful wizards above high rank, this lineup can be regarded as the Silver Alliance has come out in full force.

Those who greeted them were many wizards from the Wizards Association.

As a large organization that nominally serves all wizards, the Wizards Association is also a superpower with tentacles extending to all parts of the wizarding continent, and its strength is far stronger than the Silver Alliance, which ruled an area one ou away. It's a pity that due to the vast area it controls, it will be much more difficult for the Wizarding Association to gather enough power than the Silver Alliance for a while.

After all, the wizard world is not so mature and stable in terms of space technology and means, and can only use the wizard tower for short-distance personnel transmission. However, long-range and ultra-long-range witch array teleportation is not yet possible.

Therefore, all the top wizards in the association were sent to the front line against the evil disaster, and now the intruders from the rear suddenly attacked, and it was really difficult for them to draw the main wizards back for a while. In this case, seeking help from the Silver Alliance and the Northland Witch became the only option.

After all, once the invaders took root in the wizarding world, none of the three major wizarding forces would be able to live a comfortable life like before. Grabbing people, things, and territory, and enslaving wizards to serve him, these are probably all foreseeable things.

As wizards who used to be aloof, their pride did not allow them to bow their heads to these humble and ugly undead. "Destroy the invaders and drive away the demons", which soon became the consensus of the three wizarding organizations.

This may be the first time in the past thousand years that the three major forces have reached an agreement on one matter!

Seeing the legendary wizard Elkwin, the leader of the Silver Alliance who personally led the team, Sean, the vice president of the Wizards Association, rushed forward and showed his favor to the other party with a wizard salute.

Elkwin, whose hair, eyebrows, and beard were completely white, was not so polite. Leaning on a long staff that was taller than others, he walked quickly to Sean and asked in a low voice, "How serious is the situation?"

Sean's body trembled slightly, his face was bitter, and he replied in a hoarse voice.

"How bad do you think the situation is, then the situation is so bad! Ever since we dispatched wizards to besiege their lairs, the spatial fluctuations in the mist have never stopped. From the beginning to now, our attacks have never stopped , the power loss is very serious, but their number is not at all low. I'm afraid..."

"You mean they have found a stable space crack in the valley?" Elkwin was full of disbelief: "This... how is this possible? We have never found a weak space layer in this area before, let alone There are space rifts that can be used continuously. They..."

A helpless expression appeared on Sean's dry, wrinkled old face.

"Believe it or not, the facts are right in front of you. They dared to come across the plane, they must have made complete preparations. I suspect that not only are there space cracks in the mist, but they may have been transformed and sunk by them. Reusable portals or portals, otherwise they couldn't have popped up so many in such a short period of time..."

The two powerful men had a rare opportunity to be open and honest, and they were exchanging information in each other's hands. But at this moment, screams and roars like mountains and tsunami suddenly came back from the distant battlefield, but they were too far away and blocked by hills, so they couldn't hear them clearly.

The two legendary wizards raised their heads at the same time, turned around and stared at the towering ancient tree on the high hill, with incredulous expressions on their faces. After all, they also have legendary mental power, and after a little investigation of the mighty mental fluctuations, they figured out what happened on the "mountain".

It's a pity that the scene they "saw" was too horrifying, so they stood there in shock and forgot to warn in time.

The rest of the wizards, the camp guards, and the human warriors who had just arrived all looked up at the high hill for no apparent reason, subconsciously waiting for some kind of terrifying scene to appear.

Above the sky, the wizards who were only battling the giant bat lizard began to fly back in panic one by one. Under them, several sentry guards placed at the highest point of the hill turned around and rushed down, waving their arms wildly while running towards the camp.

Of course, they seemed to be shouting something, but they were too far away to hear clearly.

Suddenly there was an indescribable stench in the air.

While everyone was in astonishment, the hills in the distance were crowded with people, and their figures flickered. A white wave flowed over the high hills, rushing down with overwhelming momentum, drowning the sentry guards who had no time to escape within a few breaths.

Because of the tall and luxuriant canopy covering it, it was difficult for everyone to see what was going on for a while, and they thought it was really a white flood rushing straight. Only those wizards, all with sharp ears and eyes, could distinguish it almost instantly. Where is the flood! It was obviously a group of mutated ghouls, crawling with pale bodies, rushing like wild beasts in the jungle.

Because the opponents are side by side, they are arranged extremely closely, and they are running very fast. From a distance, it looks like a white torrent is sweeping towards them.

Undead! Thick undead! Thick and murderous undead!

The wizards who understood everything in an instant yelled in panic, and desperately directed the guards and soldiers in the camp to quickly form a defensive battle formation.

It's a pity that there is too little time left for them.

This batch of lickers was a specially selected assault force in Death Valley. The purpose of this desperate raid was to destroy the outpost camp of the wizards, which was already a small scale. So from when everyone saw the lickers rushing over the hill to when the lickers poured into the outpost camp, the whole process only took 17 fingers.

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