The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 1987: Carrier Pigeon Project Bankrupt

In fact, Marin was also worried that Puginsky's successor would form a warlord in the local area, and it would become a trend that could not be lost. Although Marin only leased the Mauritania area with Portugal for 10 years, Marin obviously did not intend to really only control the area for 10 years.

Therefore, after withdrawing, there must be a reliable team to help him indirectly control this place. Marin is naturally relieved for Pujinski and other Mao Gonggongs. It's not how loyal these people are, but that they are rootless people, have no descendants, have no future, and there is no need to betray themselves.

However, they will grow old eventually, and once they die, new heirs will take over. And the succeeding successors, it is hard to say that they will be loyal to themselves.

Marin thought about continuing to introduce Mao Gonggong from the Crimean Khanate to manage the local area. However, the Mao Gonggong introduced later had no prestige among the local blacks, and it was difficult to control those rebellious local blacks. Moreover, if the 10-year period passes, and then imports Mao Gonggong to Mauritania, no matter how stupid the Portuguese are, they will know that something is wrong.

Therefore, the successors of these guys can only be selected among the local blacks, so that Marin can get rid of the relationship. But if you choose children from local black families with solid foundations, especially those from chiefs' families, as heirs, with their local advantages, it is easy to develop a sense of self-reliance. After all, they are all locals and have influence in the local area, so they can do it alone without Marin.

Marin wouldn't care if they didn't get involved with the Portuguese while leaving themselves alone. However, it is difficult. Because, the Portuguese are not stupid, and they will also buy and win. If the succeeding black leaders were bought by the Portuguese, then the development of Mauritania would be completely used as wedding clothes for the Portuguese.

And because of jealousy, these father-in-laws accidentally created this heir training and promotion mechanism, which made Marin's eyes shine!

It is indeed a good idea to train slaves. After all, slaves are people without roots, so they are easier to control. But if it is an ordinary slave, there is also a flaw, that is - you can marry a local chief...

When the local chief saw that the slave had become an important military officer, he might marry his daughter to him. The entire clan then becomes the natural ally and supporter of the new chief. Once the new leader colludes with his wife's tribe, problems will inevitably arise in Beihai State's control over the local area.

The method that the eunuchs Mao came up with to train the little black eunuch solved Marin’s concerns—the black eunuchs are unlikely to be attracted by the local chiefs with their beauty. Because, this trick is useless to the father-in-law... As for the money solicitation, Marin doesn't think that the poor locals can have more money than him...

Of course, the Portuguese are also rich and can compete with themselves. However, if those eunuchs started to train the little black eunuch, Marin would have a chance...

what chance? Of course, he sent Taylor's disciple to fool you...

Young people are easy to fool,

Just send Taylor's big flicker disciples with good language talents to Senegal. While Puginsky and other Eunuch Mao were training and cultivating those little black eunuchs, they tried their best to brainwash them and indoctrinate them with the idea of ​​loyalty to Marin. In addition, hatred of Portugal must be instilled.

In this way, when these little black father-in-laws grow up, not only will they not have anything to do with the big local tribes, but they will not be easily wooed by the Portuguese. Because they were educated to be hostile to the Portuguese from an early age.

In this way, the eunuchs Mao cultivated the little black eunuchs, and Marin sent the little fools to fool him. In the future, even if Ma Lin withdrew from this area on the surface, the Portuguese would never try to control it. Because, the little black father-in-laws who were taught to hate Portugal when they were young will become staunch opponents of the Portuguese when they grow up.

A few days later, after several twists and turns, Laayoun's pigeons passed through the pigeon stations along the way and passed Marin's instructions to Senegal.

"What? Canonize me as Earl of Worry-free? And allow me to choose the best little black eunuch as the successor?" Puginsky was a little dazed by the huge surprise.

You know, from him, he is just an ordinary Cossack, and he is smarter and more knowledgeable than the average boy, and he has nothing to do with the nobles. However, in order to support him this time, Marin did a great job, and he was the earl as soon as he made a move...

"Woooo—willing to die for His Majesty!" Puginsky was so moved that he cried.

Of course, Marin did not forget others. The other 45 Eunuchs Mao were all canonized as African knights, and they were all considered nobles.

As for the fact that Marin sent Taylor's disciples to flicker, they didn't notice. And the reason Marin gave was to teach those little black father-in-laws cultural knowledge and make them smarter... This reason is naturally flawless. And Pujinsky and others are basically ordinary people, with little experience in palace fighting, so naturally they can't see Marin's sinister intentions. Moreover, even if they see it, it is difficult to refuse. After all, their supplies are completely dependent on Marin...


Cotton, the governor of Aayoune, was rewarded for his invention and was promoted from an ordinary knight to a hereditary knight. Forget it, he stepped into the ranks of "generational wealth".

Marin originally wanted to promote his pigeon station model, and also planned to contact Daming in the Far East through the pigeon station relay. However, it was overruled by the court doctor Mo Zhigen. Mozhigen told Marin that homing pigeons can be used in the densely populated Western European regions, and the inaccessible desert regions of Northwest Africa and West Africa. But if you pass through certain areas, you will definitely not be able to please. Because, there are falcons in some places...

Falcons, in particular, are the number one natural enemy of carrier pigeons. They often hunt and kill carrier pigeons in the air, affecting air communication. If it weren't for the existence of falcons, the pigeon messenger would have flourished.

Moreover, Marin didn't know that those pigeon trainers would let the pigeons deliberately fly along human villages and towns. Why? The main thing is to avoid falcons!

Falcons are aerial hunters. Eagles mainly hunt small animals on the ground, while falcons mainly hunt birds in the air. However, whether it is small animals on the ground or birds in the air, they generally do not like to be close to human settlements. Food is not close to human settlements, and eagles and falcons naturally do not need to go to human settlements.

In later generations, hawks and falcons also traveled over human settlements. The main reason is that later generations of humans have developed too much of nature, and there are very few wild birds. In order to find food, eagles and falcons are forced to find food in places where humans live. Even, falcons often attack pigeon fanciers' cages on the roof.

There is no way, the degree of development of nature in later generations is too high, and there are not many primeval jungles suitable for birds. Some falcons in later generations have no choice but to go to the places where humans live to take risks.

But in this era, the degree of human exploitation of nature is low. At the same time, the birds in the wild jungle are also enough to eat. Therefore, falcons generally do not have to venture near human settlements.

As for carrier pigeons, as long as they fly along the human habitation, they are relatively safe. But if you go deep in the mountains and old will be dangerous, because the passing pigeons may be attacked and killed by falcons at any time. Especially peregrine falcons are simply killers of homing pigeons.

Therefore, when carrying pigeons to transmit messages, several of them will be released at the same time. The fear is that the pigeons will be eaten by falcons midway.

Cotton had no problem setting up a pigeon station in the desert. Because there are no ground animals or birds in the desert. Without sufficient food, falcons naturally seldom move in the desert. Carrier pigeons are naturally safer when flying across the desert.

The idea of ​​using pigeon stations to establish a global communication system went bankrupt, and Marin was extremely frustrated. For a moment, he really wanted to kill all the falcons in the world—what are you eating pigeons for?

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