The Rise of the European Emperor

Chapter 2105 No grass grows

With the arrival of spring in 1517, the area of ​​cultivated land in Beihai this year also increased from 12 million mu to 20 million mu. But Marin suddenly discovered that it seemed that the fertilizer was not enough.

The previous fertilizer, 12 million mu, is barely enough. However, with an increase of 8 million mu, the demand for fertilizers will also increase sharply, which makes Marin a headache.

As a result, Marin had to consider increasing the number of dung ships and purchasing human, horse, cattle and sheep poop from the Rhine River and even the Elbe River to make fertilizer. And that would require adding a lot of riverboats, and... manure buckets.

Therefore, Marin placed a large number of orders and placed a large number of orders for dung buckets from the Netherlands, which made Prince Philip extremely happy. Because, making these barrels is tantamount to sending him profits and taxes.

But Marin was still not satisfied, so he set his sights on Britain and France...

Needless to say in the United Kingdom, Marin is very powerful in England, and it is no problem to establish a factory in the United Kingdom that collects manure and cooks soil nitrate. After all, Marin is the Earl of Newcastle, and he still has a very important voice in England.

As for France, Marin has little power here. However, France has a large population. Paris alone has a population of over 200,000! It would be a pity if we gave up. It produces more than two hundred tons of feces every day, accounting for more than half of the entire Rhine region.

No way, Paris is the most populous city in Europe right now. Milan, the largest city in the Holy Roman Empire, has only 100,000 people, which is less than half of the population of Paris.

Therefore, even if it is a hostile country, Marin plans to go to Paris to collect that...

Of course, he definitely didn't come forward by himself. After all, Beihai has many spies in Paris. Marin decided to send spies from some of the outskirts of the North Sea State to set up factories in Paris, recruit beggars and poor people in Paris, and ask them to help collect feces, send them to the Seine River outside the city, and ship them out. Then, it was processed overseas in name, so as not to "smoke the noble Parisians".

In this regard, the French court will certainly not refuse. After all, this is helping Paris to clean up. Moreover, it also helped the beggars and the poor.

In addition, there is no need to pay the poor to work, as long as a little food is paid, it is enough for them to be happy. And the North Sea country can also destock and consume a little old grain.

In order to collect manure in Paris, Marin even asked craftsmen to design a small cart with wooden barrels, the kind that can be dumped. In this way, it is very convenient to transport.

The city of Paris alone can bring the nitrogen fertilizer and three million pounds of saltpeter needed for nearly 300,000 acres of land every year. London's population is much smaller, only tens of thousands, but it can also benefit a lot.

In addition, Marin does not intend to let go of the populous Netherlands, and plans to do it too.

In this way, presumably, the 8 million mu of extra cultivated land will not have to worry about the shortage of fertilizers.

In addition, Marin also intends to greatly increase the number of pigs raised. Taihu pigs can produce more than a dozen piglets every year, and the number of piglets is expanding at an alarming rate. A few years ago, Marin brought back less than 500 Taihu pigs from the Ming Dynasty. In seven or eight years, the number has expanded to more than 50,000.

This is due to improper management in the middle, and many pigs died of illness. If it is carefully raised, it is estimated that there are hundreds of thousands of heads.

Today, the technology of raising pigs in Beihai is very mature. The reproductive ability of Taihu pigs is amazing, and Marin plans to vigorously promote the breeding of Taihu pigs. In particular, pig farming has been vigorously promoted in the sweet potato growing regions of North America. There is no pressure to raise hundreds of thousands of pigs with the amount of distiller's grains made from 1 million mu of sweet potatoes.

Moreover, because pigs eat more and excrete more, they can more than double that of humans. Therefore, the ability of pigs to obtain fertilizer is higher than that of humans. Moreover, the growth rate of Taihu pigs is many times faster than that of humans.

All in all, the efficiency of raising pigs to produce manure is more than a hundred times that of humans, which is extremely cost-effective. But the key to restricting the number of pigs raised is food. After all, European grain is too expensive to be wasted on feeding pigs. But if only eat grass,

Pigs grow very slowly again...

Therefore, in calculation, it is the most suitable and economical to grow sweet potatoes to make wine and raise pigs in the Americas.

"Okay, increase the number of pigs in the Americas!"

Originally, Marin only planned to send a few thousand Taihu pigs to the North American colonies, but now, he plans to send 30,000 there, accounting for three-fifths of the local Taihu pigs.

The reason for this is that with the arrival of Russian immigrants, the food in the North Sea country will be a little tight. It is a waste to feed pigs. Therefore, it is better to send it to America to feed it with sweet potato distiller's grains. As for not being able to get fresh pork. Marin felt that it was difficult for ordinary people in this era to eat pork, so it was no big deal.

Moreover, sausage, bacon and bacon are also delicious. At least, this is the case for ordinary people. As for the 20,000 pigs left in the mainland, the fresh pork produced is probably enough to supply nobles and military officers.


Time passed, and with the arrival of spring, the emperor who was far away in Austria couldn't sit still. He hastily collected more than 40,000 poor and mountain people from 10,000 households in Austria, and personally led 6,000 cavalry to escort them north to the North Sea State to exchange for fertilizer as soon as possible. After all, spring plowing waits for no one.

Sure enough, as Marin expected, along the way, the emperor's team was blocked by princes who opposed the Habsburg family. As a result, the emperor, who has always been a gentleman, directly cheated and let the nobles who blocked him take over the more than 40,000 people. Moreover, request not to harm them...

Suddenly, the blocking princes were dumbfounded...

It should be pointed out that when the emperor was marching, he deliberately chose weak vassal states to pass by, avoiding powerful states such as the Duchy of Lorraine. Therefore, these little princes are weak and unable to fight against the 6000 cavalry led by the emperor.

Under the emperor's signal, the Austrian poor surrounded the towns of the vassal states and begged loudly. The armies of the princes wanted to drive them away, but the cavalry and swords of the emperor's men were drawn out...Moreover, His Majesty ordered that anyone who harms civilians for no reason shall be executed immediately...

If the emperor was not present for this decision, the princes could ignore it, but the emperor stared at it with 6000 cavalry...

In the end, the little princes along the way all compromised...

There is no way, this is too cruel. More than 40,000 poor people surround the town, making them afraid to open the city gate. And the horses of the emperor's 6,000 cavalry also ate up the local grass...

In order to obtain food, the poor directly dig grass roots...

Then, the little prince was surprised to find that not only the grass around the town was eaten up by the horses, but the roots of the grass were eaten up by the Austrian poor. And this group of people surrounded the town, which made it impossible for the spring plowing in the princes' territories to be carried out...

In desperation, the princes who wanted to stop had no choice but to compromise...

In this way, along the way, relying on the stunt of "no blade of grass grows", this immigrant army frightened the princes who wanted to block the road along the way. After all, those princes were particularly afraid of these poor people staying.

Because, His Majesty the Emperor told them—where the victims passed by, not a single blade of grass grew, and the grass roots could be eaten, and the seeds of spring plowing could also be eaten by them...

For the princes in the farming era, the grass roots were eaten as soon as they were eaten. But if the seeds of spring plowing are picked up and eaten by these people, it will be a waste...

If you want to kill these poor people, the emperor's 6,000 cavalry are watching...

Therefore, under the threat of the emperor that "no grass will grow", the princes along the road had to compromise. Then, 10,000 Austrian poor and mountain people were successfully sent to the territory of Beihai...

When he arrived in Aurich, after listening to the emperor tell the story of "no blade of grass grows", Marin laughed loudly:

"Haha, 'no grass grows', this is good! Next time, you can continue to use this method! After spring plowing, the roots of wheat seedlings are still edible. As long as he dares to stop him, he will continue to use the 'no grass grows' stunt!" Lao Niu reminds you: it is more convenient to ask for collection after reading, and then read again.

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