Time passes day by day.

Players are enthusiastic and devote themselves to the construction of residential areas. Under the command of Mozi and Luban, the wood was processed into suitable shapes and wooden houses were built.

Most players, except for the challenge of the fantasy once a day, basically spend the rest of the time at the construction site.

Contributing to tribal building is one thing, and on the other hand, the experience points gained from building missions are also very considerable, much higher than hunting and gathering missions.

In addition to experience point rewards, you can also earn event points, which will be drawn after the event is over.

The patriarch has promised that the final prize of the raffle will be a limited-edition fashion -

the rhinoceros leather armor he wore!

That's a limited fashion, the same style as the patriarch!

How not to mention the defense, at least wear it on the body to have more face!

Everyone riveted their strength and tried to get more points for the event and try to win the jackpot.

In addition to the players, the natives of the tribe are also busy.

Win Zhan and others help players process wood and build houses. When players encounter something they don't understand, they point it out.

Four Mu people acted as biological cranes, helping to carry timber and build roofs, playing a key role in the construction from morning to night.

Importantly, no matter how much work they do, they don't need to consume any food, they just need to dig their roots into the ground to absorb some water and nutrients.

Simply the perfect workforce.

Lin Feng couldn't help but praise himself, what a wise decision it was to decide to take in the Mu Clan in the first place.

Everything is going on in order.


A group of ragged Terrans, lined up in scattered lines, walked in the wilderness.

There were more than 200 people in the procession, including old people with handsome figures, supported by their children, and worked hard. There are also children who are held in the arms of their mothers, and from time to time they let out a few cries to break the tranquility in the wilderness.

The men kept the old man and the child in the middle and moved along with the procession.

Many people had injuries on their bodies.

Although the beasts in the wilderness generally do not attack such a large group, they must not be taken lightly.

In the wilderness, any carelessness can be fatal.

At the front of the group, a burly man was holding a wooden iron axe more than one meter long.

The axe was stained with dark red blood that had dried up.

"Brother Panyu, there seems to be a valley ahead, should we go in and take a rest?" We ran out of food and could pick some wild fruits in the valley. A

scout who was probing the way ahead ran up to him and pointed ahead.

The man known as Panyu's big brother glanced back at the old people faltering in the group, and the women who were holding their children and looking tired, and nodded.

"Okay, then take a break, but leave as soon as possible."

Panyu said with a grim expression.

"We have all entered the eastern part of the island, this is the territory of the Red Feather Clan, the Snake Terrans will not catch up, right?"

Another celebrity man said.

Panyu shook his head.

"The Snake Terrans are ready to overthrow the rule of the four-armed giant race, do you think they will care about the Red Feather Clan? I even suspect that the fact that we were able to escape from the Snake Terrans so easily may not have been intentional by the Snake Terrans.

Panyu said.

"On purpose?"

The person next to him was a little puzzled.

"That's right, deliberately let us enter the eastern part of the island, and then use the excuse of hunting us to start a war with the Red Feather Clan!"

Panyu looked in the direction where the Southern Snake Race was located, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

What about knowing the plans of the snake people?

Even if he knew, he could only follow the plan of the snake people and flee to the east of the island.

You can't stay in the south of the island and wait for death.

As for whether it will become the fuse for the snake race to invade the eastern part of the island, he can't care so much in the face of the life and death of the tribe.

Even without their Pan tribe, if the Snake Terrans want to invade the eastern part of the island, they will always find another fuse.

They are just unlucky bastards who happen to be chosen.

Panyu led the team and headed towards the valley.

When they came to the vicinity of the valley, they were stunned to find that the mouth of the valley was blocked by a wooden fence more than three meters high, and the gate was closed.

Apparently, the valley has been occupied by a tribe.

"Brother Panyu, what should we do?"

Looking at the three-meter-high fence and closed gate at the mouth of the valley, a clansman asked.

"Let's go."

Panyu said helplessly.

"How about we reach out to the races in the valley and see if they can help us with some food?"

A clansman proposed.

"Do you think it's possible?"

Panyu asked helplessly.

Unless the Terrans in the valley are Terrans, they may also come to their aid for the sake of fellow Terrans. After all, in the barbaric world, the Terrans as a whole are quite united.

It's just that the strength is too weak.

If it is other races, it is unlikely to help them.

He also had some understanding of the situation in the eastern part of the valley, and heard that there was a Terran tribe called the White Wood Tribe, which had a size of several hundred people.

They came to the eastern part of the island this time to prepare to join the Shiroki tribe.

The Shiraki tribe is said to have been sheltered by the Red Feather Clan, and may be able to shelter them under the pursuit of the Snake Clan.

If the Shiraki tribe refuses to take them in, they will find a place to put down roots and plan for the future.

In short, no matter what the final result is, it is better than staying in the south of the island and waiting to die!

Panyu was about to leave with the people, when he suddenly saw half of his body leaning out on the fence more than three meters high. Looking at the appearance, it turned out to be a Terran!

"Brother Panyu, it's a Terran! It's the Terrans!

The clansmen on the side shouted excitedly.

Panyu also nodded excitedly, it was the Terrans who occupied this valley, maybe they could help them!

Perhaps, the Terrans in this valley are the Baimu tribe they are preparing to run to!

Although according to the map left to them by the old patriarch, the Shiroki tribe is still some distance from here, and it is said to be in a whitewood forest.

But that was also a map from a few years ago.

Perhaps, the Shiraki tribe felt that this valley was more suitable for settlement and relocated to the valley.

"Let's go, let's go over and take a look!"

Panyu said.

This fence was built by Lin Feng a few days ago by letting Win Zhan and the others and the four Mu Clan people together.

Since it is ready to build a residential area in the outer valley, the mouth of the outer valley has become the gateway of the tribe, and naturally it cannot be left open at will as before, allowing people to enter and exit.

So he ordered the fence to be built as a gate to the tribe.

Naturally, there could not be no guard at the gate, and the guard was taken in turn by the three brothers of the Pan family, as well as the five Winning clans in teams of two in addition to the winning battle.

Why not appoint players?

First, players don't understand the language of the barbarian world, and in case of outsiders visiting, the language barrier will cause a lot of unnecessary trouble.

Second, players are not suitable for such a boring job as goalkeeping.

It's okay to let them guard for an hour or two, really let them guard all day without changing places, even if it is two shifts, three shifts, the players can't stand it.

Of course, if the experience reward is high, there may be players who can withstand this boredom for the sake of experience points. But Lin Feng tried to post a guard mission, and the system only gave a reward of 5 experience points for an hour.

This experience naturally has no appeal to players.

On duty today are Ying Fei, a member of the Win clan, and the Pan Wolf among the three brothers of the Pan family.

Seeing a large group of people coming outside, they immediately became alert. If it weren't for the fact that the other party was all Terrans, they might have sounded the alarm whistle to warn the tribesmen in the valley.

Panyu asked the large army to stop two or three hundred meters away from the valley, and he took two clansmen to the fence at the mouth of the valley.

"Who are you?"

Yingfei stood at the top of the fence more than three meters high, looked at the three people of Panyu below, and asked vigilantly.

Unlike the simple fence built at the junction of the inner valley and the outer valley, this fence at the mouth of the valley is extremely complex and strong, and is more of a wooden wall than a fence.

The walls are more than half a meter wide, with ladders that can be used to go up and down on the inside, and a protruding platform near the top that allows people to sit and lie down, and the platform is nearly a meter wide.

The guards usually keep a guard on this platform.

"We are the Pan tribe from the southern part of the island, are you the Shiraki tribe?"

Panyu looked up at Yingfei at the top of the wooden wall and asked loudly.

Pan tribe!

When Pan Wolf heard this name, a light flashed in his eyes, and he couldn't help but lean out and look at the three Panyu people under the wooden wall.

He had heard his eldest brother say that the Pan clan of the Baimu tribe split from the Pan clan in the south of the island more than ten years ago!

At that time, the eldest brother Panxiong was only a child, and he was not yet born.

"No, we are a tribe of stars."

Yingfei replied loudly.

Horde of Stars?

Panyu and the two clansmen looked at each other.

The old patriarch did not tell them that there was also a Terran tribe called the Star Tribe in the eastern part of the island.

"We're in some trouble, excuse me, can you help us?" For the sake of fellow Terrans.

Panyu shouted loudly.

"You guys wait, we'll report to the patriarch!"

Yingfei said.

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