The Rise Of The Human Race, The Ancient Holy Body Was Selected At The Beginning

Chapter 19 Everyone At Lingxi University Was Shocked, Danger Is Coming

At this time, outside the cave.

Wang Chao and others were horrified. They did not expect that their target, the bloody giant anaconda, would die outside the cave.

Judging from the situation, he must have died not long ago.

"Senior Wang Chao, we got a bargain!"

"This blood anaconda is full of treasures and can even be sold for hundreds of thousands!"

Wang Chao's expression darkened.

"According to previous intelligence exploration, this blood anaconda is guarding a seven-color clear lotus."

"My main purpose this time is this natural treasure. Has someone already taken advantage of it?"

"Damn it, I spent tens of thousands to get this information."

Wang Chao looked into the cave, and then rushed in directly.

"Forget the blood anaconda's body for now, let's go see if the colorful lotus is mature?"

They are all students of Lingxi University. Except for Wang Chao, who is a sophomore, the others are all still freshmen.

But most of them are elites among warriors.

Moreover, they form a team and become the dominant player in the hunting area.

Xu Ran, who was in the cave now, smiled.

The third chapter of Advanced Martial Arts Seven Killing Fist is finished! !

Now he can perform the third part of the Seven Killing Fist based on five times the strength of the Yan Gang Fist.

After two superpositions, he can even instantly explode with fifteen times his combat power.

"It's just a pity that the human race doesn't have many martial arts enhancements. Generally, when you reach the realm of advanced warriors and above, these increases are not so obvious."

Although Xu Ran is now comparable to high-level warriors or even martial arts masters in terms of combat power.

But he is still essentially in the realm of a warrior.

Below the level of a martial artist, one can absorb the spiritual energy of heaven and earth to strengthen limbs and bones.

The internal organs are relatively weak.

In the martial arts realm, one has the inner strength of martial arts, and this inner strength may cause fatal harm to Xu Ran.

At this moment, the sound of sparse footsteps reached Xu Ran's ears.

Then, a group of young men older than him walked in.

Wang Chao and others saw Xu Ran and the colorful lotus in the center of the pool at a glance.

They immediately breathed a sigh of relief. The colorful lotus had not been taken away.

Then their eyes were all on Xu Ran, and the suspicion on their faces became stronger.

"You are so young, who killed the blood anaconda outside the cave??"

Wang Chao's eyes were fixed on Xu Ran.

"Little brother, do you mind telling me about the situation here?"

The few of them dispersed in a tacit understanding, blocking Xu Ran's way.

There is a tendency not to speak out and not to give up.

Xu Ran stood up and put aside their clothes.

"Students of Lingxi University??"

Lingxi University is a third-rate university.

Anyone who is a martial artist can be admitted to Lingxi University.

Therefore, Lao Yang often teased them that they could not even pass the Lingxi University entrance examination.

But now, Xu Ran is qualified to say, no dogs will go!

"I killed the blood anaconda outside, and the colorful lotus here is also mine."

"You can go back."

Xu Ran's words immediately shocked Wang Chao and others. So strong?

This guy looks to be two years younger than me and others, and he should still be in high school.

Did he and others meet the super genius from Lingxi Middle School?

Suddenly everyone paused, a little surprised and uncertain.

Wang Chao's expression changed.

Although he is a sophomore this year, he is actually not as good as some students in Lingxi No. 1 Middle School.

Those in the top ten of the elite class are all geniuses who can enter quasi-first-class universities, and may even have the strength of martial arts masters.

Even if he is younger than them, he and others cannot beat him.

Suddenly a boy let out a light sigh and picked up something in the dark cave.

"Lingxi No. 1 Middle School, Class 3 and 4??"

"Is this your student ID card?"

Wang Chao also came over, and the photo above instantly overlapped with Xu Ran in front of him.

This is Xu Ran’s student ID card!

"Class 4, Grade 3, isn't that an ordinary class?"

"Haha, what good talent can there be in the ordinary class? This kid scares me."

Wang Chao immediately understood that this boy was just a student in the ordinary class.

Are you and others actually frightened by him?

Xu Ran also saw it, and immediately patted his pocket and realized that his student ID card had fallen off.

The students at Lingxi University all came to their senses at this moment, and several boys breathed a sigh of relief.

The little boy named Lin Fan looked at Xu Ran fiercely: "Boy, who gave you the courage to let us go?"

"If you want a student ID card, don't even think about leaving until you tell me clearly today!"

Lin Fan directly tore off Xu Ran's student ID card.

Several people even moved forward in a circle.

They often come to the hunting area and have long become veterans.

Although it won't cost anyone's life, they will definitely make Xu Ran pay the price.

Xu Ran's expression turned cold, and a high-level warrior's aura erupted.

He jumped up and appeared next to a freshman boy in an instant.

"Who gave you the courage to tear up my student ID card?"

He grabbed the boy by the neck, but the others could barely react.

Wang Chao and others' expressions changed suddenly, and they felt a strong sense of danger from Xu Ran's body.

Everyone felt something was wrong.

"It's true, he killed the bloody anaconda!"

The boy's face was red at the moment and he couldn't get away no matter how hard he struggled.

He could only look at Xu Ran helplessly.

His eyes were full of pleading.

This kind of speed and this kind of power are definitely not ordinary warriors.

Xu Ran threw him to the ground, and then looked at Wang Chao.

"I'll say it again, it's none of your business here."

"Now, do you have any comments?"

Feeling Xu Ran's aura of surpassing the warrior, Wang Chao and others swallowed their saliva.

There is no doubt that this boy, who is younger than them, has the power to crush them.

How dare you and others dare to question and laugh at him?

Wang Chao glanced at the natural treasures in the center of the pool with some reluctance, feeling filled with resentment in his heart.

But looking at Xu Ran's solemn expression, he felt a chill in his heart.

This young man is not only super strong, but also well-behaved. He really dares to kill himself and others!

When did Lingxi No. 1 Middle School produce such a genius again?

Wang Chao and others immediately retreated, and then ran out of the cave without daring to say a word.

However, suddenly their steps stopped, and everyone's eyes were filled with fear.

"This is??"

A strange noise suddenly came from the cave.

A strange feeling passed through the cave and into everyone's heart.

Xu Ran looked up and his expression suddenly changed.

At some point, a huge human face lay on the top of the cave.

He was looking at them strangely at the moment.

Wang Chao and others originally planned to leave the cave, but something terrifying blocked their way.

In their sight, behind the huge human face, there were countless tentacles.

Tentacles extended from the top of the mountain to the ground, blocking their way.

Moreover, something is still being dismembered below, and it is a dead blood anaconda!

"What, how could it be?? Is this a human-faced centipede?"

"How could a second-level peak ferocious beast appear here!!"

Level 2 ferocious beasts rarely appear in hunting areas, and even if they do appear, they are at the early stage of Level 2 at most.

It is equivalent to the combat power of about three to four thousand humans, but now a level two peak ferocious beast has appeared! !


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