The Rise Of The Human Race, The Ancient Holy Body Was Selected At The Beginning

Chapter 77: The Fate Of Ye Tian And His Son, Hengyun University Was Furious

Su Lun looked at Xu Ran with surprise at this moment.

In fact, he had been there just now. When he originally planned to take action, he didn't expect to see such an amazing and talented young man.

He had already known about Su Yufei's search for Donglin University and other first-class universities in the Eastern Region for Xu Ran. Xu Ran was indeed not simple.

Xu Ran also instantly learned the identity of the middle-aged man.

"Grandmaster Su Lun, these people have betrayed the human race, so I can't handle it too much!"

Su Lun looked at Ye Tian and others, then smiled.

"No problem at all."

Ye Tian and others had already calmed down, and when they saw the murderous intent on Xu Ran, they were immediately frightened to pee.

"I was wrong. Please don't kill me. I am willing to kill more foreigners to atone for my sins!"

Xu Ran said with a cold expression: "You can go on your way!"

An anxious voice came from the distant sky.

"Don't kill my son?"

However, Xu Ran acted as if he didn't hear it and killed all the rebels with a wave of his hand.

"Congratulations to the human race for killing the human race and rebelling (5/5)"

"Get 100 energy points and 5 silver-level lottery cards."

This reward is just a drop in the bucket for Xu Ran now, but mosquito legs are legs too!

A dozen great masters jumped down from a distance. It was obvious that the cracks in the abyss had been reinforced at this moment.

Their mission is accomplished.

"You little bastard, if you dare to kill my son, go to hell!"

Containing the great wrath of the Grand Master, it exploded directly in mid-air.

Ren Hui's expression changed, and then he stood directly in front of Ye Yun.

"City Lord Ye, please tell me if you have something to say."

"Go away, you mutated piece of trash!"

Two million combat power burst out from Ye Yun's body, directly knocking off Ren Hui.

The other tutors at Hengyun University all had serious expressions. This Ye Yun injured the tutor at Hengyun University and insulted him. He was really bold.

"Ye Yun, you..."

However, Ye Yun slapped his palm directly in Xu Ran's direction. In anger, he actually wanted to slap Xu Ran and the other freshmen to death.

Everyone looked horrified. Is this Ye Yun crazy?

Xu Ran's eyes narrowed slightly, and the blood all over his body dispersed.

Two million combat power, haha, is not too difficult for Xu Ran to deal with.

At this moment, his basic combat power is around 450,000. Using the substitution technique and the superposition of the Seven Killing Fists, it doesn't take much to deal with a grand master of this level.

But obviously, he didn't need to take action.

"That's enough, calm down."

Su Lun suddenly stretched out his hand, and Ye Yun's body in mid-air suddenly swayed, and then fell to the ground like a rainbow.

A big hole was made in the entire ground! !

They are both great masters, but the gap between Su Lun and Ye Yun is as big as heaven and earth.

At this moment, all the great masters woke up.

"Meet Grandmaster Su Lun!"

To them, Su Lun, as the president of Donghua University, is like a big mountain.

Ye Yun struggled to get up over there and yelled ferociously: "I don't accept it. My son, who is such a genius, was killed on the spot by this little beast, and you actually acquiesced!"

The cold light in Su Lun's eyes flashed again: "Ye Yun, if you say one more word, I will immediately destroy your cultivation. Even the Ye family will not dare to say anything more!"

Ye Yun's sanity finally returned a little.

Su Lun sneered again: "Your precious son betrayed the human race. If it hadn't been for Xu Ran, even the remaining people would have died at the mouth of the alien race."

"I will report your story to the Lord of Donghua City in full, and wait for Donghua City's punishment on you!"

It was only at this moment that everyone discovered that there were only sixty freshmen left in Hengyun University.

Most of them died at the hands of foreigners.

The tutors at Hengyun University all felt their hearts sink, and then they collectively attacked Ye Yun.

"Ye Yun, as the Lord of Shangyang City, you were not in the sealed area at the critical moment, which caused part of the alien race's body to break through the seal, resulting in the tragic deaths of many geniuses from our Hengyun University!"

"You, and the Ye family behind you, must give an explanation to our Hengyun University!"

At this moment, Ye Yun finally understood the seriousness of the matter.

He raised his eyes and looked at Xu Ran.

It was all because of this little bastard that so many accidents happened and his own Tian'er died tragically.

Ye Yun buried the hatred in his heart.

"I accept all punishment."

What happened in Shangyang City quickly spread to the entire Hengyun County.

The president of Hengyun University, Gu Jianhun, a warrior-level powerhouse, was furious and directly put pressure on Donghua City to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Hengyun University has been established for hundreds of years, but it has never had a death rate among freshmen exceeding 60%!

Donghua City quickly gave the results.

Ye Yun, the lord of Shangyang City, neglected his duties, causing problems with the extraterritorial seal, which resulted in the death of a large number of geniuses from Hengyun University.

Grand Master Ye Yun was sentenced to 60 years in prison, all privileges were revoked, and his children could never enter university.

In addition, the Ye family in Donghua City was demoted to one level!

There are hierarchies among aristocratic families. Due to the existence of Ye Yun and his son, the entire Ye family in Donghua City was directly implicated.

All this has nothing to do with Xu Ran.

At this moment, he has arrived at the Lord's Mansion of Donghua City.

Xu Ran is going to exchange all the alien skulls he owns for military achievements in preparation for becoming the chief of Hengyun University.

And behind him, followed a group of teenagers.

Each man carries a large sack on his back.

"Get out of the way, get out of the way, make way for my boss."

The service hall where military merits are exchanged is now crowded with people.

But this group of young men were so energetic that they immediately attracted everyone's attention.

Then they lowered the bulging sacks, revealing countless skulls.

"Wori, they are all skulls of foreign races. Where did these young men come from?"

"These skulls look like they are of high quality. My darling, how many millions of war merits can these add up to?"

Such a big movement quickly attracted the attention of the staff in the service hall.

"Excuse me, do you all share these alien skulls?"

Hu Yan shouted loudly: "Listen up, these are the trophies of my boss alone. I will open your eyes today!"

He opened the sack suddenly, and densely packed skulls poured out.

Everyone was stunned.

"I know, this is Xu Ran from Hengyun University!"

"He killed hundreds of aliens in Shangyang City. The legend is true!"

"What a young man, the super genius and hero of my human race!"

Everyone's eyes were searching among these teenagers, and Xu Ran was soon found.

Everyone's eyes showed admiration.

"Grandmaster Xu Ran, please sit down and we will help you skull bones!"

As everyone continued to count, the sound of horror resounded again.

At the same time, Hengyun University’s military merit rankings were on the list.

People who paid attention to their military exploits suddenly felt that the top ten had changed.

The top ten are undoubtedly the pride of Hengyun University.

Everyone even has more than five million military exploits.

However, at this moment, a name keeps moving forward.

"Xu Ran, who is this? Wo Ri's military merit has risen to eighth place, no, it's still rising!"

"It's over five million, oh my god!"

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