The Rise Of The Human Race, The Ancient Holy Body Was Selected At The Beginning

Chapter 84 Ranked First In Combat Achievements, Shock In Hengyun University

Hengyun County, Hengyun University.

For warriors, honor comes from military exploits, and Hengyun University has a classroom dedicated to recording military exploits, called Juying Pavilion, and it is open to the public at all times.

In the past, although there were many people in Juying Pavilion, they were not noticeable.

But in the past few days, Juying Pavilion was packed with people, and it occupied the headlines of the entire Hengyun University campus.

In the Juying Pavilion, on the big screen of the battle merit rankings, everyone who came felt extremely shocked.

Tenth place: Wenhua (5.01 million battle merit)

Ninth place: Xiong Tao (5.08 million battle merit)


The top ten geniuses in the combat merit rankings all have more than 5 million in combat merit. They have made great contributions to the safety of the human race, and are even higher than the combat merit of some great masters.

But in the past few days, a dark horse has appeared in Hengyun University!

Fifth place: Xu Qing (5.7 million battle merit)

Fourth place: Feng Quan (5.8 million battle merit)

Third place: Xu Ran (war merit 7 million)


The ranking of the top ten military achievements usually does not change much, but at this moment, the top three positions are occupied by an unfamiliar name!

The third place, Xu Ran, has a combat merit of up to 7 million, and is far behind the fourth and fifth place.

If it were just like this, it wouldn't be worth shocking to everyone.

In the Juying Pavilion, the identity information of the holders of military exploits is recorded. This is absolutely unmistakable.

And this Xu Ran turned out to be just a freshman at Hengyun University who had not yet entered school. He had just turned eighteen and was only a senior in high school a few days ago.

Everyone was excited when they heard the news.

Gaining seven million combat power at the age of eighteen simply made everyone suspicious.

So many people came to Juyingge to verify the news.

The ranking list of military achievements in Juying Pavilion is completely open and transparent, and the sources of everyone's military achievements are marked.

Therefore, theoretically speaking, if someone illegally improves his military exploits by buying and selling military exploits, he will definitely be despised by everyone in the school.

So at first, when some people saw a new student getting such high military exploits, they thought he was cheating, so they wanted to come to Juying Pavilion to watch the joke.

But they were soon slapped in the face.

After Xu Ran's personal information, all the sources of his military exploits were clearly marked.

After everyone saw Xu Ran's personal information, they were shocked again.

In the details of Xu Ran's military exploits, the information behind was so dense and dazzling that everyone felt like their eyes were going to be blinded when they saw the information.

There are three main ways to gain military merit: ferocious beasts, foreign races and human rebellion!

First of all, in terms of ferocious beasts, Xu Ran received hundreds of thousands of military exploits in total.

For ordinary Hengyun University geniuses, although this result is very good, it does not surprise them too much.

However, the following foreign races and human rebellions, these two military achievements directly blinded everyone's eyes.

"By killing foreigners, I gained a total of 5,200,000 war merits. My God, how many foreigners have been killed?"

Everyone's eyes widened. A rough estimate showed that Xu Ran had killed at least hundreds of aliens, ranging from level one to level four. There were nearly a hundred of level three aliens alone, and there were actually more than a dozen of level four aliens. Only!

The fourth-level aliens correspond to the master-level experts in the human race. A fourth-level alien has at least 100,000 military merits. For aliens alone, Xu Ran has gained at least more than 5 million in military merits.

This record has surpassed more than 90% of the students in Hengyun University, and is even inferior to those geniuses in the senior years.

"I heard that Xu Ran and the others had an accident while performing their mission, and the extraterritorial seal was loosened, resulting in the death of more than half of this year's freshmen."

"Thankfully Xu Ran exists, otherwise all the freshmen at Hengyun University today would have died."

"No wonder the principal gave Xu Ran an extra one million for his military merits. He deserves what Hengyun University does."

Everyone at Hengyun University was in awe of Xu Ran when they talked about this matter.

Some people even think that just one million military exploits is not enough to explain Xu Ran's contribution to Hengyun University and the entire Hengyun County.

But there are always some jealous people.

In a corner of the Juying Pavilion, several people were staring at the big screen, and some showed resentment.

"Damn Xu Ran, he actually squeezed out of my top ten!"

A young man in his mid-twenties looked unhappy and unwilling.

The top ten by merit can compete for the top position this year.

But this is not the most important thing. This young man knows very well that he does not have the strength to become the chief, but there are rich additional rewards for the top ten.

Because of Xu Ran, this young man can no longer get this part of the subsidy.

He turned to look at the other young man in the upper left corner. His face was as usual, but he was staring at Xu Ran's message on the big screen.

"Brother Feng Quan, Xu Ran has squeezed you out of third place. The subsidy you can get next month will be reduced by at least 30%. Aren't you willing to accept it?"

Of course Feng Quan was not willing to give in. He came here to see for himself whether Xu Ran's military exploits were true or false.

After seeing the killing record behind Xu Ran's military exploits, he felt incredible. This new student was so powerful.

However, soon everyone suddenly discovered that the merit rankings had changed again.

Xu Ran, who was already a dark horse, saw his performance skyrocket again, directly surpassing second place and taking first place!

Third place: Huang Ming (war merits: 7.28 million)

Second place: Yao Guang (8.71 million battle merit)

First place: Xu Ran (10.4 million battle merit!)

Everyone was stunned, and then an endless uproar broke out.

You must know that the previous first and second place were both the most powerful senior students of Hengyun University, but now they were suppressed by Xu Ran.

"Wori, what happened again?"

"The battle merit suddenly increased by 3 million, and I became the number one. Oh my god!"

Someone soon noticed something was wrong.

"Kill the rebellious Red Moon Demon Sect and gain a total of 2.4 million combat merits!"

The more than two million battle merits are not as impressive as when he killed foreigners before.

But when they looked carefully, everyone unconsciously rubbed their eyes, and then seemed to have forgotten to breathe, and even their bodies were trembling.

"Are you kidding??"

"Kill two great masters? Is Xu Ran strong enough to kill the great masters? It's fake!"

"The eighteen-year-old Grand Master, my God!"

"It's not false. It is said that Xu Ran and the others were intercepted and killed by the Scarlet Moon Demon Cult on their way back. Even the principal was alarmed."

"The battle exploits of these two great masters were reported personally by the principal. Even if there are some flaws, they should not be false on the whole."

Everyone's minds roared, showing bitterness.

Killing the rebellious grand master at the age of eighteen, what kind of genius is this!

Even at Donglin University, are there such talented students?

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