The Rise Of The Human Race, The Ancient Holy Body Was Selected At The Beginning

Chapter 92: Settling Internal Disputes And The Emergence Of The Dragon Guard

All the students of Hengyun University knelt down on one knee. They regarded Xu Ran as the chief of Hengyun University from the bottom of their hearts. Xu Ran conquered everyone present with his military exploits and strength.

Even including Yun Ce and other senior officials of Hengyun University.

The spiritual power of these great masters in mid-air gradually dissipated, and instead they appeared directly.

In just a moment, three great masters came one after another.

"Chief Xu, you are truly a hero. No wonder Principal Gu values ​​you so much."

"It's been a long time coming. From now on, we will all be part of Hengyun University and fight side by side."

Unsurprisingly, the great masters who appeared next to Xu Ran were all senior officials of Hengyun University. They did not look down upon Xu Ran at all because of his youth.

No one is stupid. A person with a mutated physique breaks through to the Grand Master realm at the age of eighteen, and can also use amplification techniques. At the same time, students like Gu Jianhun, who are warrior-level powerhouses and want to maintain even if they change the rules, are in their hearts. Suddenly I had a lot of ideas.

What's more important is that Xu Ran already has the prototype of the Dharma at this stage. They can't help but have a guess in their hearts, can this Xu Ran break the curse of mutated physique?

If it is possible, this Xu Ran will definitely leave a strong mark in the history of the human race, and the fate of their Hengyun University may even be rewritten!

Xu Ran also chatted with these great masters. In terms of status, Xu Ran, as the chief, can be ranked alongside these great masters!

Hengyun University is one of the most important sources of warriors in Hengyun County. There are hundreds of strong masters in the grand master realm. However, there are only a few grand masters who appear in Hengyun University.

Except for some great masters who were practicing in seclusion, most of them were sent to the border to stop the ferocious beasts and alien races.

Although the death of grand masters is rare, it is not uncommon. For example, last month, Hengyun University lost three grand masters, one of whom was the incoming chief of Hengyun University.

This is true not only of Hengyun University, but also of all the first-class universities in the Eastern Region. One can imagine the amount of pressure faced by warriors in the entire Eastern Region.

When it comes to taking up the post of chief, Yun Ce's eyes showed a hint of sadness.

The previous chief was of the same race as him, and he was also an extremely powerful genius. However, he died unexpectedly in Tianhua City!

"Xu Ran, I heard that the Li family in Lingxi City was exterminated. I feel really unhappy about the retribution. It's a pity that Li Shan is still alive!"

Xu Ran's brows raised: "Does Minister Yun have a grudge against the Li family in Lingxi City?"

Before Yun Ce could answer, the great master named Yuan Shang on the side said through gritted teeth: "When Li Shan was on the front line of Tianhua City, in order to seize combat power, he designed our former chief of Hengyun University to go to the rescue, which caused me to Three great master-level experts from Yun University died!"

"Afterwards, Li Shan and the Li family of Dongyu behind him dismissed Principal Gu's rebuke in an understatement. It's really outrageous!"

There are three powerful Grand Masters, and one is the chief of Hengyun University. However, the Li family of the Eastern Region is backed by powerful men in the transcendental realm, and Hengyun University has no way to do anything.

So there is still such a grudge between Hengyun University and the Li family?

Suddenly, the expressions of Xu Ran and all the great masters around him changed.

Waves of tyrannical mental power scanned the entire Hengyun University, and strange magnetic field fluctuations gathered in the sky, and then unfamiliar faces formed.

The outlined eyes on the face were fixed on Xu Ran for an instant, and even the outlined expression became cold.

"According to the order of the Li family of the Eastern Region, I, Li Xin, the deputy captain of the first dragon guard team, took Xu Ran, a first-year student at Hengyun University, to go and question him."

"Xu Ran, come with me to the Eastern Region!"

The spiritual power manifested figure in mid-air shocked everyone, but what was more important was the news revealed by this figure.

Xu Ran? The Li family of the Eastern Region? What could be the relationship between the two?

The Li Family's Dragon Guard is the private armed force of the Li Family in the Eastern Region. It is said that all its members have combat prowess above Grand Master and are extremely powerful.

The complexions of Yun Ce and others turned livid, and then a powerful strange magnetic field rose from Yun Ce's body, and the attack of condensed innate energy instantly penetrated the spiritual manifestation in mid-air.

Yun Ce looked ferocious: "Who are you, the Dragon Guards of the Li family, you dare to come to our Hengyun University, and question the chief of our Hengyun University, do you really think we are sick cats?"

The spiritual manifestation in mid-air collapsed, but there were still fluctuations of spiritual power emanating from it.

"It seems that you, Hengyun University, are drinking wine as a penalty instead of toasting. If you do this, you will face the wrath of our Jiaolong Guards!"

The mental power fluctuations in the sky dissipated, but Xu Ran narrowed his eyes.

"Congratulations to the host for activating the mission, exposing the alien identity of Dragon Guard in front of others, and killing him (0/8)"

Killing the Dragon Guard shouldn't be a problem for him, but how to expose the alien identity?

"Note: Since the host's invulnerability to all evil vision has not yet taken shape, the host can use the prototype of the invulnerability to all evil to expend 100 energy points to expose the alien identity of Jiaolongwei!"

This invulnerability to all evil can actually make aliens appear?

At this moment, all the great masters, including Yun Ce, were furious. The Li family of the Eastern Region was so arrogant that they dared to arrest their leader directly in Hengyun University!

They didn't ask about Xu Ran's grudge against the Li family in the East Region. There was no discussion on this matter at all!

At this moment, I felt that several powerful master-level men had really appeared at the gate of Hengyun University. They were none other than the Dragon Guards from the Eastern Region. They jumped into the air and headed towards the gate of Hengyun University.

At the same time, at the Archon Office of Hengyun County, the seventh elder He Tu suddenly stood up.

"What? Jiaolongwei personally went to Hengyun University to arrest Xu Ran?"

"It's really shameful for them. What do they think of our Hengyun County?"

As one of the senior officials of Hengyun County, He Tu had of course known about Xu Ran's achievements these days.

In addition, during the death of the Li family in Lingxi City, he personally inspected the scene and had already noticed something was wrong. With his rich experience, he realized that the death of the Li family was definitely not caused by Chen Tao.

At that time, he suspected Xu Ran, who had a grudge against the Li family, but did not go into details. One reason is that Xu Ran is Xu Doudou's brother. As a force directly under the governor of Hengyun County, of course he has to protect Xu Doudou's family.

Another reason is that he does not recognize that Xu Ran has the strength to destroy the entire Li family.

However, after the freshman incident at Hengyun University in Donghua City broke out, He Tu completely realized that Xu Ran was definitely responsible for the massacre of the Li family.

"This guy is really a cruel person, but I like him!"

The crimes of the Li family have long been deprived of everything by other families. However, because of the Li family of the Eastern Region behind them, even Hengyun County does not dare to take advantage of them at will.

"But even if he did it, he must not admit it, let alone be taken away by the Dragon Guard. I have to protect this kid!"


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