The Rise of The Mythical Dragon

Chapter 2175 Give it a try

Because there is no longer the seal of Tartarus, the rules can already be used.

Therefore, Aofan teleported with the hundred-armed giant and disappeared into the central energy sea, leaving directly from Tartarus.

When they reappeared, they were already above an ocean. The sky was clear and the sun was shining down, making people feel warm all over their bodies.

Ao Fan couldn't help but sigh, and thought to himself: "It's really interesting. I didn't expect that being trapped in Tartarus for a few days would make me feel like I was in another world."

At that moment, Ao Fan looked into the distance, his eyes passing directly through the layers of space and landing in the depths of the space.

Immediately, what caught Ao Fan's eyes was the extremely violent power of thunder and the magnificent energy of the Holy Power.

Aofan saw Zeus, Luo Xuan, Menotios and Chen Bai, the Lord of China.

The three of them are working together to deal with Zeus, but their situation is not very optimistic, especially Chen Bai, who seems to have serious wounds on his body.

Although Chen Bai suppressed it for a while, it did not mean that Chen Bai could always do this. He would definitely have to pay a heavy price.

As for Luo Xuan and Menotios...

Although the two of them are indeed very strong and can rival those in the middle-grade holy realm, they are only comparable to those in the first-grade holy realm. In essence, they are still in the first-grade holy realm.

But being able to fight like this with Zeus at the peak of the holy realm is actually pretty good.

At that moment, Aofan raised the corners of his mouth slightly, forming a faint smile. Then he clapped his palm forward, and an extremely terrifying force suddenly exploded in his palm, blasting towards the first floor. Layers of space were blasted out to create a gap, and then layer by layer, a space passage was formed, just like a long corridor.

Seeing what Aofan had done, the hundred-armed giant standing next to him widened his eyes and felt very incredible.

After all, it is not that easy to create a space corridor in billions of spaces.

Not to mention the levels and quantities of billions of spaces, just the chaotic rules and mottled order are enough to make people confused about the direction.

But Aofan took action and found a long space corridor that led directly to Luo Xuan. This was simply outrageous!

However, Ao Fan didn't pay much attention to the shock of the hundred-armed giant. Instead, he stepped into the space corridor and shuttled towards Luo Xuan.

At the same time, countless energy fluctuations exploded in the deep space.

Following the spread of extremely terrifying energy fluctuations, countless layers of space were shattered and exploded into countless fragments, overflowing into the void.

In the chaotic and dark billions of deep space, under the explosion of many energies, it became extremely bright, with dazzling light blooming.

"Zi la la..."

Thunderbolts containing unusually domineering power spread out, tearing apart space wherever they went.

Zeus stands in the endless sea of ​​thunder, with great power.

In the thunder sea, countless thunder power shot out, like a dragon roaring, a fierce tiger roaring, and a lion roaring.

The terrifying power continued to blast towards Luo Xuan and the others, suppressing them.

The three of them, Luo Xuan, also summoned all their holy elephants to constantly compete with Zeus.

The thousand-foot-long sword, shining with golden light, exuded a domineering aura, slashed down horizontally, tore apart the layers of space, and then bombarded the power of the rolling thunder.

The thousand-foot-long sword, as black as ink, filled with the aura of darkness and decay, slashed down violently, swallowing up countless spaces, forming layers of black holes, swallowing up the power of many thunders.

Seeing the power of the holy elephant displayed by Luo Xuan and Menotios, Chen Bai was stunned, and then he couldn't help but uttered a curse word from his mouth:

"Depend on!"

Why didn't he think about condensing a holy image like a sword in the first place?

Look at this, how domineering and fierce it is!

Of course, even though that's what he said, Chen Bai was just thinking about it.

After all, the cohesion of the holy elephant is not something you can do just how you want it to. This thing still depends on chance and talent.

At that moment, many fire spirits throughout the [Fire Spirit Holy Realm] shot out quickly, forming a sea of ​​fire, illuminating the deep sky extremely red.

The thunder bombarded down, causing the entire sea of ​​​​fire to churn violently.

The blazing flames rushed forward like ferocious beasts, bombarding the endless thunder sea, trying to tear apart the thunder sea's defense line.

However, the power of Zeus at his peak was really too terrifying. Even with the combined strength of three people, they did not cause much harm to Zeus.

Instead, Zeus consumed them.

Luo Xuan frowned tightly, glanced at Menotios and Chen Bai, and then said through a message: "You two, we can't go on like this."

After hearing Luo Xuan's message, Chen Bai and Menotios both looked at each other and looked at Luo Xuan.

Chen Bai sent a message and asked, "How do you say it?"

"Our fight with Zeus has not produced any practical results so far. It seems that we are holding Zeus back, but in fact it is Zeus holding us back."

"The strength of the God Realm is far more powerful than ours. If this continues, I'm afraid our army will be severely suppressed!"

Hearing Luo Xuan's words, Chen Bai nodded in agreement, and then replied via voice transmission: "You are right, it is indeed like this, but now there is a question, how should we consume Zeus? We Not even the defense line he established was broken."

At this moment, Menotios also transmitted a message: "Moreover, now he has not even used his holy image. This is just his holy power. We can't even use his holy power to create The thread has not been broken, how can we continue?”

It has to be said that the question raised by Menotios and Chen Bai was indeed a headache for Luo Xuan.

However, since he would raise this issue at this juncture, it has proved that Luo Xuan has a solution.

At that moment, Luo Xuan's eyes flashed with a ruthless look, and then he whispered: "I know, that's why I want to ask you, do you want to give it a try?"

"Give it a try?"

Luo Xuan's words confused Chen Bai and Menotios. They both looked at Luo Xuan and asked via voicemail.

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