The Rise of The Mythical Dragon

Chapter 2183 Aofan appears

After hearing Zeus's words, Menoetios and Luo Xuan who were present also looked at each other and looked around. They also wanted to know who helped them.

"Haha, Zeus, what you said is a bit too much. I've never done anything like this!"

As soon as Zeus finished speaking, a laugh full of indifference rang out in the void.

"This sound..."

"Could it be..."

When Menoetios and Luo Xuan heard this voice, their eyes widened, and the emotions in their hearts exploded, making their heads a little "buzzing" because of this Sound, this sound...

It was that voice they were very familiar with! !

Even Zeus's eyes suddenly widened, feeling incredible, and even his heart started to tremble.

"No, it's impossible. How could he come out so quickly?! This is impossible..."

Zeus didn't want to believe it. He didn't think that guy could come out of Tartarus so quickly.

After all, even if the Heaven and Earth Formation Spirits were really defeated by him, the seal of Tartarus was extremely powerful, and under normal circumstances, it would not be able to end so easily.

However, dreams are beautiful, but reality is cruel.

Sometimes, the less you want something to happen, the more it will happen.

"Hi la la..."

At this moment, the black void suddenly tore apart and gradually twisted, and a spiral space tunnel condensed out, shining with a faint light.

Immediately afterwards, in the space tunnel, two figures stepped out under their gaze.

These two figures are none other than Aofan and the Hundred-Armed Giant.

"Brother Fan!"

"Lord Dragon King!"

Seeing that it was really Aofan, Menotios and Luo Xuan had surprise on their faces, and they shouted hurriedly.

Aofan's return made the two men settle down in an instant. This is Aofan's charm!

"Hey, it looks like you were beaten pretty badly!"

Aofan waved to Luo Xuan and Menotios, smiled and said.

After hearing Aofan's words, both Menotios and Luo Xuan had awkward smiles. The latter could only say: "There is nothing we can do about this. After all, we really don't have anything to do." To think that this Zeus actually has such strange power that he can repair all the injuries on his body."


When Ao Fan heard this, he raised his head slightly, looked at Zeus, and swept his body. Then a faint smile appeared between the corners of his lips, and then he said softly: "This It’s really interesting, Zeus, I didn’t expect that after a few days, you actually got the fountain of life? Interesting, who paid the price of your life to get this fountain of life for you?”

After hearing Aofan's words, Zeus's heart suddenly shook!

He really didn't expect that Aofan would notice his secret just by looking at him. This look... was too cruel, right?

Now that he had been seen through, Zeus naturally did not hide anything, but a gloomy expression appeared on his face, as if water was about to drip out, and his eyes staring at Aofan were full of coldness. .

"It doesn't seem like you need to worry about this, right? But, Aofan, why can you come out so quickly?"

Hearing Zeus' words, Aofan smiled faintly, slowly opened his mouth, and said aloud: "Why did it come out so quickly? How do you want me to answer you about this matter? To be honest, Tartarus is indeed It gave me a lot of trouble and gave me some difficulties, but it was just a little difficult, you know?”

"Moreover, do you really think that a Tartarus seal and a heaven and earth formation spirit can really trap me? In this case, aren't you looking down on me too much?"

When Zeus heard this, the expression on his face became even more ugly, especially when he saw the hundred-armed giant beside Aofan, his mood became even worse.

"Giant with a hundred arms, what are you doing? Do you also want to betray me?"

Zeus's stern shout made the hundred-armed giant find it particularly funny. At that moment, he shook his head and said in a cold voice: "Zeus, stop talking so much nonsense here. If it weren't for the Lord, I would I’m afraid that I have already become a puppet of the formation spirit!”

"Do you think I don't know your ambition? You want to completely control the Heaven and Earth Formation Spirits, but it's a pity that the Lord saved me, so you want to make the Heaven and Earth Formation Spirits your tools. It’s impossible, and let me tell you, now that the Heaven and Earth Formation Spirit belongs to our side, don’t expect it to help you anymore!”

At the end of the sentence, the hundred-armed giant's rough face was full of pride, as if he had succeeded in doing these things.

As for Zeus, after hearing these words from the hundred-armed giant, his pupils shrank slightly, and his mood exploded. A low roar resounded in his throat and resounded throughout the space:

"No! This is impossible?! Are you kidding! How could the heaven and earth formation spirits surrender to you? You are simply farting! Do you think I, the king, will believe it?"

The hundred-armed giant sneered: "Believe it or not, the facts are there, so what does this mean to me? It makes no sense!"


I have to say that what the hundred-armed giant said really made Zeus so angry that his heart felt like it was going to explode.

As for Menotios and Luo Xuan, they were both shocked when they heard the conversation between them.

Judging from the current situation, the Hundred-Armed Giant has already surrendered to Aofan, and not only has the Hundred-Armed Giant surrendered, but even the heaven and earth formation spirits of Tartarus have surrendered to Aofan?

Isn't this too scary?

You know, the heaven and earth formation spirit... is an extremely powerful creature. It is a product that Zeus spent countless resources and effort to create. It has unlimited potential for growth.

It is Zeus's dream tool for hegemony.

But now, it has surrendered to Aofan and become Aofan's subordinate. Isn't this very incredible?

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