The night, no matter how long it is, will eventually pass.

When the day started to get brighter, countless people began to be busy in Yitian. They don't know that just yesterday, many people will no longer have a tomorrow.

"BOSS, Quantum Fund has begun to withdraw its funds in Singapore. This time they are in the limelight and their income is expected to exceed that of our Jinxiu."

Qin Zijin placed the thick documents in front of Su Pingnan and gave a concise report.

Su Pingnan's Jinxiu Group has been running wildly under his control. Now the financial crisis has affected many people who are deeply involved in Taiguo. In this country, these hot money can be said to make a lot of money.

"Slow down your steps. Su

Pingnan said with a smile,"I've already paid the bonus to your account, so you can take advantage of this time to relax.""

The man has made a decision. Jinxiu Capital will not follow the large troops to continue attacking the target, but will digest the harvest results.

Qin Zijing looked confused.

She has never doubted Su Pingnan's general direction. What makes the woman curious is why We must stop the plundering at this critical moment

"Based on your professional knowledge, where do you think the next target of international hot money attacks will be?"

Su Pingnan understood the woman's doubts and asked her question with a smile.

"BOSS, I can confirm that the next target of Quantum Fund and Tiger Fund is not the port city that everyone thinks, but the polar bear. The woman's delicate facial features were full of enthusiasm,"The polar bear is so huge. If we also go in, the benefits will be the total of the previous ones, or even more.""

"What if we lose?"

Su Pingnan asked his rhetorical question with a smile. Now that the Jinxiu Fund is making rapid progress, these people below are inevitably a little arrogant. He just took this opportunity to hammer away.


Qin Zi took all kinds of polar bear data at his fingertips with all the treasures at his fingertips,"Their economic problems are more serious and they will definitely not be able to stop our attack."

Women have this confidence.

Jinxiu Group was the first hot money group to launch an attack on this financial crisis and was the most prepared. Even though it was not too high-profile when it attacked other countries, it has made nearly 100 profits so far. Seven billion U.S. dollars.

If we attack the polar bears, with such a huge capital and the addition of various financial levers, the profits will be like a tsunami.

"You guessed it, Soth’s target is indeed a polar bear."

The man looked at Qin Zijin with eyes full of approval. Fairview Capital had many speculations about international hot money, but they were nothing more than two points of view. The port city, and the polar bear.

And Su Pingnan, who has another memory of time and space, knew very well that the woman's guess was correct. of

"But don’t forget, it has only been a few years since this country was disintegrated, and they are already riddled with holes and cannot afford to lose.

The man said firmly,"Believe me, they will cheat if they can't afford to lose.""Su Pingnan's memory of the urinary nature of the fighting nation in another time and space is very clear.

"Playing bad?"

Qin Zijin said in confusion.

"Capital games are by no means just about professional knowledge. In many cases, human nature is the most important reason for victory."Su Pingnan continued,"Actively devaluing the currency, defaulting on debts, and even closing transactions."

"What! How can it be."

The woman was shocked and dumbfounded.

"Most of the international hot money comes from Wall Street background, but polar bears are not from Southeast Asia. Do you think polar bears are afraid of the Stars and Stripes?"

Don't think that countries will talk about being kind, respectful, thrifty or honest. In fact, it is more about the weak and the strong. Su Pingnan sees this very clearly.

"But if this continues, in the next ten or even twenty years, no capital will invest in polar bears again, and the price they pay will be even greater."

The woman is right. Capital will not trust a country that has no credibility or is even willing to cheat at any time. And the trend of world integration will make it difficult for polar bears in the future.

"What is needed now is to take a breath and survive."

Su Pingnan's current position and thoughts can already touch the pulse of the future iron-blooded president. The man said calmly,"Everything is possible only if you survive."

Unlike other people under his command, these capital elites are arrogant, but after this time, the man's control over these people has undoubtedly increased a lot.

Million-dollar cruise ships, huge checks, even in the port city and a real estate certificate in Manhattan.

But after all, it was the boss’s money. When he got the wealth that belonged to him, the room in the Peninsula Hotel that was temporarily transformed into an operation room became a sea of ​​joy.

Su Pingnan acted calmly Bei signaled and turned around to leave.

His aura was so cold that the people present couldn't let go. Many people even looked at him with strange eyes.

Yes, a young man in his twenties owns 100% of the world's wealth. How could he be so calm with ninety percent of wealth that no ordinary person could possess?

Su Pingnan didn't pretend.

The excitement that these wealth brought to him was far less than his desire to control the subsequent reshuffle of the Hong Kong community.

This man He is not a businessman who is just a rich man. He will always be the unruly hero.

This is why he will not leave Hong Kong City for the time being.

"`BOSS, aren’t you leaving? Qin

Zi asked with a smile,"It's not interesting to stay here for a long time. You should enjoy it.""

"Having wealth is to control more power.

Su Pingnan answered seriously,"What happens next is what I like best.""

Qin Zijin's beautiful eyes stared at his boss without blinking. The woman could not imagine how far this man would go when he fell to the ground. At this moment, she knew that she wanted to know the answer, so she followed quietly. As long as the other party goes on

"wish all the best."

Two transparent goblets collided together.

The wine was red like blood.

(To explain, it's not water, but Abaohui and Su Pingnan had some ideological collisions, so I wrote a little)

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