"Yes, missing. Guo

Guangyao nodded and continued:"Just a few days ago, I went on a trip with my classmates, and neither of them came back." Su

Pingnan said in a serious tone:"We are brothers in life and death. We must do what we promised. Let's find out.""

After the arrival of He Mingjian in Jinxiu Group, Su Pingnan's control over the group has obviously become much easier. He used to be busy all day long, and now he can finally relax.

The thing that scares Gu Qingyun the most about Su Pingnan is that he rarely enjoys it, and it seems that he never enjoys it. He

Mingjian also persuaded Su Pingnan that you are the helmsman of the group, not a company manager, so when Su Pingnan is free, he first He decided to buy a property in Tiandu.

It is still some time before Xia Guo enters the real estate era. There are only a few houses that can catch his eye in Tiandu. It will take some time to complete the villa in Mingyue Lake. News that Su Pingnan plans to buy a house When the news came out, Gu Qingyun immediately came to the door.

The purpose of his visit was simple and clear, which was to build a relationship with each other.

Gu Qingyun is a smart man and understands how much benefit it will bring if he really makes friends with Su Pingnan. Looking at Su Pingnan's somewhat simple office, the fear in my heart increased a little more, and my desire to make friends became a little more eager.

"Mr. Su wants to buy a house?"

After a few pleasantries, Gu Qingyun stated his purpose.


Su Pingnan responded calmly. He was not surprised that Gu Qingyun knew the news. In the past few days, he had still inquired about several places that were barely passable. Many people knew


Gu Qingyun said with a smile:"Tiandu is lagging behind in development. Many people are eagerly looking forward to the opening of the beautiful Mingyue Lake Villa. It seems that Mr. Su himself can't wait any longer. Su

Pingnan threw a cigarette to Gu Qingyun,"I'm used to being poor in the past, so I have to work hard. Why does Mr. Gu recommend it?" Gu Qingyun 's attitude was very low:"Young master is just someone else's name. Mr. Su just calls me Qingyun.""

"There is a house that Mr. Su will definitely be satisfied with, so I specially came to recommend it."

The house recommended by Gu Qingyun is No. 7, Guanfu Courtyard, an old house from the Republic of China.

Su Pingnan fell in love with this house at first sight, first of all, the surrounding environment. The Guanfu Courtyard is a gathering place for Tiandu's political dignitaries, so it is safe and private. Of course there is nothing to say.

Secondly, this house has some European style. The upper and lower floors of more than 200 square meters are hidden among evergreen pine trees. The single-family house is very elegant and quiet.

"The property rights of this house?"

Su Pingnan asked.

Gu Qingyun knew as soon as he heard that Su Pingnan liked this house, and said with a smile:"This house belongs to my uncle. The government took the lead in housing reform a few years ago. My uncle liked this house, so he spent money to buy it. Come down. Su

Pingnan looked at Gu Qingyun,"This house is nice, will your uncle give up?""


Gu Qingyun said,"My brother refused to come back in the Stars and Stripes Kingdom. After my uncle retired, he simply followed him to enjoy the family happiness, so he entrusted me to sell it. I heard that Mr. Su is looking for a house, so I will look for him. Mr. Su’s recommendation?"

Su Pingnan didn't believe Gu Qingyun's rhetoric. He looked straight at Gu Qingyun and said in a very calm tone:"What's the price?"

Gu Qingyun said:"Six hundred and fifty thousand."His price is the market price. He knows Su Pingnan's character and assets very well, and he doesn't care about small favors in price.

This is a high-quality property. Su Pingnan knows that in a few years, this property will increase at an alarming rate. Gu Qingyun doesn't need the money at all, so why should he sell it?

"Mr. Gu, no reward for no merit, everyone is smart."Su Pingnan was as strong as ever. He knew how with the financial resources of Gu Qingyun's family, he could sell a house that would obviously increase in value just because he went abroad.

Gu Qingyun's expression was sincere:"I sincerely want to be friends with Mr. Su."

Su Pingnan planned to buy this house for his parents. The two are older, and Su Pingnan thought that he would find an excuse to bring the elderly here after staying temporarily for a few days. It is also close to the hospital. The security and environment are indeed very good, and it is very suitable for the elderly. they live

"I want the house."

Seeing that Su Pingnan agreed, Gu Qingyun was a little happy.

"How many days has the road to your cement factory in Changshui Village been closed?"

As soon as Su Pingnan said these words, Gu Qingyun's expression immediately changed. He co-founded a large-scale cement plant in Tiannande County. He is a hidden stock, and few people know about it. Indeed, these days, because There was a dispute between the factory and the villagers, and the road was blocked, which caused a lot of losses.

Gu Qingyun knew clearly about the road blockage. It was just a small matter at first. The cement factory built a road from the middle of the village, and the money for the land was originally discussed. Okay, but when the road was being built, the factory's pusher accidentally broke a villager's leg. It was something that could have been solved through careful discussion, but something bad happened to He Biao, the son of old man He who had his leg broken.

He Biao Biao was born in the wrong era, more than ten years later. With his standard bad guy face, he had no problem trying to become a special actor in Hengdian, but he still had a hard time being an annoying person in this place. Hob meat?

"One hundred thousand!"He Biao opened his mouth widely. He is usually a veteran of porcelain, but this time his father's leg was really broken. He immediately became confident and refused to let go.

The biggest backstage of the cement factory is Mr. Gu. Naturally He would not give in. Unexpectedly, the He family in Changshui Village had a common surname, which aroused the villagers' hatred and hatred, which has not been resolved yet. Gu Qingyun said hello, they had other people's countermeasures and started a guerrilla war, and he was beyond his reach. It was so wasted for a while.

Gu Qingyun looked at Su Pingnan with a smile on his face, but his heart felt cold, and he was a little lucky. Fortunately, he reminded the other party and did not interfere with it. Maybe the other party had already found out many of his things. Clearly.

He reacted quickly and immediately understood what Su Pingnan meant. If I buy your apartment, I will repay you this favor and help you solve the cement plant matter. We owe nothing to each other.

"Yes, Qingyun is very grateful to Mr. Su for taking action."Gu Qingyun said immediately.

Gu Qingyun is good at dancing. If one method doesn't work, he will immediately change to another. Okay, don't you want to owe me a favor? Well, it's okay for me to owe you a favor. In this way, we will become friends..

Su Pingnan felt that Gu Qingyun was indeed a talent, no wonder he remained standing. He nodded and said,"Then follow the rules.

Gu Qingyun said:"Okay, follow the rules.""

Early the next morning, Gu Qingyun received a call from the cement factory:"Young Master Gu, this is awesome. The other party relented and only needed 13,000 yuan for medical expenses, and the road dug was filled in."

Gu Qingyun looked a little solemn. He believed that Xiao Hongpao could do it in heaven. He also believed that with such power in Wucheng, Chang Shui of De County, who couldn't be beaten with eight poles, could be solved with just a phone call.

How is this? Strength?

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