Li Wenbin's face turned pale as he flipped through the information in Grandma Liu's hand! He had no doubt about the authenticity of the confession in his hand. If the plane created such a big battle, would he use a false information to deceive himself?

"This case does not fall within O's jurisdiction."

Li Wenbin faced Grandma Liu, but his eyes were looking at the plane,"You have many channels to solve this matter, but why did you choose this method. What are you doing on the plane?"

From the bottom of his heart, although Li Wenbin was afraid of the aircraft, he did not intend to kill them all. After all, since the aircraft took over, although Heji was strong in the world, he was very face-saving when it came to contact with him.

Both parties tacitly abide by an agreement. Wire

"Many people in Hutchison earn hard-earned money."

The plane did not remain silent this time, and gave a straightforward answer,"I,"740", am the person responsible for Hutchison's affairs, and my brother is also a human being. I want a fair outcome."

"According to the latest public security regulations, if you say the two words"Hutchison", I can arrest you. Now you take the people away and I will let bygones be bygones."

The man is indeed a cunning and experienced man. As soon as the plane finished speaking, Li Wenbin immediately seized the loophole that cannot be called a loophole.

Li Wenbin did not deceive the plane.

This rule was just introduced in February, with the purpose of the Hong Kong government cracking down on associations like this. The continued penetration of local cultural patterns has led to the introduction of a new regulation.

No one (regardless of whether your true identity is a member of a society or not) is not allowed to call himself or claim to be a member of a triad or society, otherwise he will be punished A fine of one million yuan and a prison term of one to three years.

Because of the time period when it was released, many short mules were not familiar with it. This also caused many big brother-level figures to fall into disgrace because of such a small slip of the tongue.

During this period Because the most famous person who got into trouble at this time was Dao Zaiming, one of the troika of the Number Gang Ming King.

Just because he had a quarrel with an outsider in the parking lot, Dao Zaiming suddenly reported his family name. was sentenced to fourteen months in prison.

This made King Ming dumbfounded.

"I believe He Xikui was wrongly accused. I will not shy away from what you have pointed out, and I am willing to admit that there is no shortage of black sheep among us, so I promise you that I will give He Xikui justice. Li

Wenbin continued to put pressure on the aircraft,"Tomorrow I will report the whole matter to ICAC. I believe you also know the capabilities of the Independent Commission Against Corruption.""


At this point, Li Wenbin changed the subject,"Aircraft, you have seriously crossed the line. What you do is treating our 30,000 agents as useless. You are declaring war on us. If your people leave now, I don't care if you report yourself." Family matters."

Many people heard what he said on the plane just now. So there is no lack of circumstantial evidence.

If Li Wenbin is willing, he can arrest the plane at any time according to the regulations. Even if he cannot arrest people now, he will not be able to escape after all.

If a member of a society is forced to work hard, the territory he has worked so hard to build and the influence he has cultivated will be wiped out over time.

So Li Wenbin believed that he had grasped the Achilles heel of the aircraft.

The steps have been given, and the gate of life has been grasped. Li Wenbin believed that he was already sure of victory in resolving the incident peacefully.

For the first time in the whole night, a smile appeared on the man's face

"You can arrest me, but I want fairness, and I want you to give us people fairness."

The fear that Li Wenbin expected was not shown on the plane's face. Instead, he remained tough,"I want to know what the consequences will be if Zeng Guoshan confuses right and wrong and obstructs justice through manipulation!"

Li Wenbin frowned again.

He could tell that the plane was really not afraid of being detained for a year and a half. What gave him such confidence? Li Wenbin, who frowned, looked at the other people in Hutchison.


Most of the short mules in the dense crowd of Hutchison looked at the plane with admiration?

People are old and smart, ghosts are old.

Li Wenbin, who climbed up from the bottom step by step, definitely does not lack intelligence. The military uniforms of the four detectives at the end of the period have gradually evolved into what they are today. What storms can he say that he has not seen?

But this is the first time! It is the first time that a man has seen this kind of emotion from the short mule at the bottom of the club. (Watch the storm For cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)


How terrible would it be if a long-established society with more than 400,000 members had unprecedented cohesion?

Li Wenbin, who was thinking carefully, felt a creepy feeling in his heart. A vague idea is almost ready to come out 0........

"Still underestimated you"

"We can take a step back."

The plane said leisurely,"But it's not too much to ask Grandma Liu to meet her grandson."

To Li Wenbin's surprise, the plane that was so aggressive just now suddenly put forward the conditions for retreat.


Li Wenbin didn't even bother to seek the opinion of the person in charge of the Kowloon Division.

"I don't believe them."

The plane pointed at the heavily guarded Jiulong Division,"So the meeting place I requested is here."


After thinking for a few minutes, Li Wenbin, who was eager to solve the current situation and felt that nothing could go wrong, nodded and agreed.

He still underestimated the plane, or the ruthlessness of Su Pingnan behind the plane.

When He Xikui walked out of Jiulong Division, Hutchison The bad guys at the bottom burst into cheers.

And just when the family drama between Grandma Liu and Xi Gui came to an end, Xi Gui did something unexpected to Li Wenbin in front of the media and everyone.

Xi Gui suddenly He took off his shirt.

The boy was not strong, and even his ribs were clearly visible. But the most surprising thing was that his body was covered with bruises that were obviously caused by being beaten! The black and purple bruises appeared on the skinny The young man looked shocking

"I was wronged!"

The roaring young man raised his hands in the air. The sound of the camera clicking was heard, and this moment was forever fixed in the photo.

"Drinking too much red wine can easily make you sleepy, so Du Jiu went back with me to do some boxing to break up the sweat."

Su Pingnan on the top floor put out his cigar, stood up and left with a smile.

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