The next second there was a knock on the door, Wang Xuance immediately moved.

The mill-layer cloth shoes that have been eliminated by the times made a sharp and harsh sound when they rubbed against the precious wooden floor of the office. The man like a cheetah opened the door with his left hand and grabbed the other person's throat with his right hand like an eagle's talon lightning. It also stifled all the exclamations of the guards who knocked on the door.

Use your five fingers to twist and shake your hands.

A man nearly 1.8 meters tall was actually thrown into the air with the strength of one hand. Judging from his lifeless eyes, Wang Xuance had pinched his throat just now in the flash of lightning!

At this time, Wang Xuance was still able to catch the kettle that fell from the guard's hand.

Boss Meng was completely stunned by Wang Xuance's killing skills. What surprised him even more was that the guard who was thrown away didn't make any sound when he fell to the floor!

This simply violates the laws of physics!

Boss Meng felt that he had just blinked, and the other party had eliminated the person, not even a second! And this also made his heart sink immediately!

Killing people in the Yamen, the other party obviously has no scruples!

Beating someone is like hanging a painting, killing someone is like cutting grass.

It's a pity that no one cheered!

If Su Pingnan or Du Jiu and others were present, they would probably be slapped badly.

Because from exerting his strength to kill people to releasing his strength and throwing people into the air, Wang Xuance has demonstrated the power exertion skills of Bajiquan almost vividly! These movements are the result of more than 20 years of practice under the poplar trees in the back mountain!

This is the champion Wang Xuance!

It was the champion Wang Xuance who made Wang Yaqiao, who was even afraid of Commander Chiang Kai-shek, have to stay away!

"It's difficult to deal with a dead person, but that doesn't mean there's nothing you can do."

It is said that the top talents in Xia State are all in the workplace. Although this sentence is a bit biased, it is not necessarily unreasonable.

Boss Meng made the most accurate choice immediately. He pointed at the dagger stuck on his desk with great sincerity. He said,"The most trustworthy thing in history is to submit a petition. I can use this knife to cut the corpse, so that I have the leverage in your hands, and then we will discuss what you need." What do you think?."

"Any skilled forensic doctor can only guess an approximate time of death. Now that I stabbed his heart with a knife, my fingerprints will be on the handle of the knife, and the police cannot confirm whether this person died with the knife. Next time I'll have my throat broken by you first. Boss Meng

's voice was a little hoarse,"This is the most sincerity I can express now.""

Slowly placing the kettle in his hand on the ground, Wang Xuance looked at Boss Meng and finally spoke slowly,"You are very powerful, thoughtful and decisive. It's easy for me not to kill you, just give my brother his life."

"Your brother?"

Boss Meng looked confused.

"His name is Wang Xuanguan, a very ordinary child."

Wang Xuance said coldly,"You don't have to pretend to be confused. You should be able to remember it with your shrewdness."

"The one who beat your brother was the Yinghua people, and the ones who covered the cover were Boss Liu from Hulan District and Boss Zhao from the Investment Promotion Office. I was just obeying the overall situation. Every injustice has its own owner, and you shouldn't come to me...."

Before Boss Meng finished speaking, Wang Xuance had already pulled out the bayonet on the table and cut his neck.


Boss Meng, who was desperately covering his throat with both hands, had disbelief in his eyes. He didn't know why the other party still killed him even though he expressed enough sincerity.

"Because of your indifference."

Wang Xuance grinned, and the curve of his mouth was full of contempt for Boss Meng,"You think the bullshit situation should allow a child to die at will. Since human life is so worthless in your eyes, of course I can retaliate in kind."

"If I don't kill you, I won't be able to think clearly."

This was the last word Boss Meng heard before he staggered to the ground and fell into darkness.

The killing continued.

Two and a half hours later, Wang Xuance appeared at the door of the faculty and staff family area in Hulan District, Harbin.

At this time The man still looked calm and did not show any signs of fatigue.

"the seventh."

After muttering towards the window on the sixth floor of the Yingda School principal's home, Wang Xuance once again showed off his inhuman skills and strength in the dark night. Take a run, use force!

The man soared into the air like an eagle. He stood up and jumped straight towards the seven-meter vertical wall in the faculty and family area!

On the first kick of his left foot on the wall, Wang Xuance fully demonstrated his ability to perfectly control any part of his body. The moment the entire sole of his foot completely touched the wall, his shocking power suddenly exploded!

The man's body quickly flew into the air against the wall, and the moment his body was about to fall, Wang Xuance's right foot stepped hard on the wall again

One foot, two feet, three feet, four feet, five feet!

The friction generated by stepping on the wall five times made Wang Xuance run on the wall for five steps, and then jumped up for the final time. His fingers were already firmly He grabbed the edge of the window of the target's house!

At this moment, Wang Xuance didn't know that he had made history.

For many years to come, there was a sport called parkour.

And the world's top parkour master climbed the world with his bare hands. The record is only 5.8 meters, but his climbing distance has reached an incredible 7.25 meters!

Speed, control of the soles of the feet, explosive power, as well as waist and arm strength, including the coordination of the entire body, Wang Xuance It almost reached an inhuman level!

The man breathed slowly, and two minutes later, Wang Xuance, who had recovered most of his strength, jumped into the window like a civet cat.

Once, there were only those green and straight hills behind the unknown village. Yin Zhongyang witnessed this man's nearly thirty years of hard training. Originally, this man would die in obscurity in the village, and everything about the Wang family of the number one scholar would also disappear in the tide of the times.

Everything would even become a legend, and eventually be Everyone forgets.

If Wang Xuanguan hadn’t died...

Again, it’s a pity that there is no if.

A flash in the pan, although short-lived, is brilliant enough. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

(To reply to the doubts of several big guys here, what I mentioned about Wang Xuance’s toughness and the fact that this matter refers to the famous Hulan Hero, and This person does not really exist. Also, I posted it in the wrong place. I actually posted this chapter at the end of the second volume. I deleted it and posted it again).

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