
The meaning is very simple, it means to properly deal with the remaining problems after the incident, so as to make the result more perfect.

"Zeng Guoshan died, killed by a stray bullet."

With Li Wenbin's well-informed network, he got this information very quickly.

Li Cangdong, who reported the situation on the phone, did not know how powerful his boss was in his heart. Instead, he continued to describe his own judgment,"This We don't have too much responsibility for this matter. Who would have thought that this guy Hua Tian would be just in time. However, the crime team has gone crazy and issued a military order. As long as Hua Tian is still in Hong Kong City....."

"I understand, and we will force Hutchison to resume work as soon as possible. If Zeng Guoshan dies, many people will be unlucky."

Li Wenbin forced a calm tone and hung up the phone.

Hutchison had a good trick to hide the truth.

Li Wenbin didn't need any evidence. He was sure that Huatian was used by the plane, and this guy was a victim.

The crime team wanted to catch Hua Tian ?

What a joke.

It’s not that Li Wenbin doesn’t believe in the abilities of the Crime Unit, but Hutchison’s network of connections throughout the entire underground world of Hong Kong City is too terrifying. 133 Hutchison will definitely make this person disappear completely. If it were him. This is what happened. There is no proof. Hua Tian is already a useless chess piece, and Airplane's character will never be merciful.

The man's expression was serious, and he finally sighed.

So thirty-eight minutes after Zeng Guoshan's death, With Li Wenbin meeting the plane for the third time

"You go and get busy."

Li Wenbin waved several subordinates to leave and walked into the prison room of the plane alone.

As usual, Li Wenbin just glanced at it, and the camera on the wall immediately turned around and turned off the function.

The plane sat quietly in the corner and looked up at Li Wenbin His eyes are smiling but not smiling

"I heard that you like cigars, so I brought one in specially for you."

Li Wenbin lost the obvious anger and disdain from the previous two times. He sat next to the plane like an old friend, took out a lighter and handed it to the plane.

"Preheating cigars with a lighter actually doesn't taste that good."

The plane began to slowly rotate to warm up as Su Pingnan had been smoking cigars. When he felt it was almost done, he smiled and said,"Give me the cigar gate."

Li Wenbin still handed it to the other party. He couldn't help but narrow his eyes slightly when he saw the aircraft in a light yellow prison uniform lighting a cigar like an aristocrat.

A lot of things can be seen in the details.

Regardless of other things, let's just say that the aircraft smoked cigars. This move shows his ambition to enter the upper class society.

"I looked down on Hutchison. Tell me how we should cooperate."After three years, Li Wenbin finally lowered his high head.

But even so, he still wanted to see Hutchison's sincerity.

The world is not black and white.

Li Wenbin is not a dazed young man who just came out of society. The reason why he He agreed to the other party because Li Wenbin felt that the dominance of the Hutchison family was unstoppable.

Kill the plane?

The Hong Kong city would be even more chaotic. What Hutchison showed this time was terrifying to think about, so the man decided to simply cooperate to create a framework to rebuild Define the rules.

There is no need for everyone to fight to the death, so that the security of Hong Kong City can reach a level acceptable to both black and white. This is his original intention of cooperation.

"Zeng Guoshan must be dead."

The plane puffed out his cigar,"You want to clear the place internally to prepare for the top?"

The plane that spoke concealed his inner shock very well.

In the eyes of Li Wenbin and many people, the plane is a man with a deep mind and cruel hands, but the plane himself knows his own weight best.

He is not.

His understanding of himself He knew very clearly that he felt that he was nothing more than a very powerful chess piece in the hands of his boss. He was shocked because (ajej) just ten minutes before Li Wenbin met him, a small note had already told him the general situation The way to deal with it.

Naturally, he started to ask questions based on the content of the note that was swallowed into his stomach.

"You know the outcome better than I do. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Wenbin didn't see the shock that the plane concealed well. The man sneered,"What a stray bullet." This reminds me of the written report Nie Baoyan once handed me."

Li Wenbin paused, his eyes fixed on the expression of the plane,"The report said that Ge Xiongzhi and his party died at the hands of the elite of the army. They should be the same people who killed Zeng Guoshan."

"The first brother, Boss Xu, will not be able to escape because of his poor handling of this big incident, and those bastards at the top with yellow skin and white hearts will not let him go."

The plane is indeed a very good chess piece. He ignored Li Wenbin's question at all, but just continued to act according to the note,"His term will be shortened by two years, and if I kill Zeng Guoshan for obstructing justice, I will clear it for you. Provided enough reasons, Sir Li, you should thank me"

"What do you want?"

The plane's expression was calm and there was no problem at all. Li Wenbin could only suppress the doubts in his heart.

"A port city needs two rules, one in the sun and one in the shadow."

The plane smiled broadly,"You know what I mean, and Hutchison will also abide by the rules. We did a good job before."

"Get your people back to work first and I can guarantee that all actions against Hutchison will stop. Li

Wenbin looked at the puffing plane and made his own terms,"The rules can be negotiated. I will let all your people out, but I want the dust to settle within half an hour. Is there any problem?""


The plane replied

"It's too early to talk about the rules now. Hua Tian fired hundreds of bullets in the busy city. The crime team has gone crazy. You need to wrap things up first and then talk to me."

Li Wenbin ended the topic.

"Aftercare, we are good at it and everything will be smooth sailing."

The plane looked at Li Wenbin's retreating back and murmured to himself.

The convening of the international monetary fund meeting was originally a good thing to enhance people's confidence in the Hong Kong city's economy, but as a result, such a bad security incident occurred. It can be said that the Hong Kong city's external The impression of safety first that had been publicized for several years immediately became fragmented.

The world is very complicated.

Everything is interconnected like a spider web, and this does not weaken due to different industries.

Everyone is still shocked by the gangsters. When the ferocity was extremely vicious and the environment in Hong Kong was so bad, the Shark Quantum Fund, which was in hot money, chose to enter the market at this time. In half an hour, Hong Kong stocks suddenly fell by more than 4,600 points, and the entire financial market was in turmoil.

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