"Zeng's Logistics Company is what I want to get, and I know that your accounting office is responsible for all the operations of this company from splitting to listing. Don't tell me that Zeng Guoshan would be so honest."

Rebecca was very satisfied with Luo Deyong's cooperation. The woman looked at him with a half-smile,"I know very well Luo Hui's ability to remember you."

With that said, Rebecca handed the other party a document that she had already prepared.

The black business car was moving quickly. Even under the scorching sun, Luo Deyong felt cold all over.

He could never think of the other party. The target is actually the Zeng family!

The smarter the person, the more he thinks.

In Luo Yong's original guess, the other party was probably going to make a shell and put it on the market to make money. After all, this is his strongest point. But looking at the details in his hand With the information and prepared methods,"5, 2, 3", it is obvious that these people have already targeted the Zeng family!

But you must know that Zeng Guoshan has not passed the seventh grade yet!

So the question is, why do these people know that Zeng Guoshan will die? unless....

Luo Luo Yong didn't dare to think about it anymore. He swallowed hard,"I made some things to help the Zeng family's logistics, but if I say it, I will be finished.""

"Luo and Chen Accounting Building. Rebecca squinted at the other person, and even handed Accountant Luo a cigar,"What does Accountant Chen's doing have to do with you, Luo Yong?""

"Chen Zhicai has always been dissatisfied with my actions. It must be him who reported me to the Commercial Investigation Bureau this time. How could he take the blame?"

Rebecca handed Rod Yong V's cigar cutter in an elegant manner, and said calmly,"A dead man won't refute. You should be more familiar with how to frame those evidences and blame him than we are."

Luo Luo Yong looked hesitant.

These people are really terrible. They don't seem to have any respect for life.

"If he doesn't die, you will be bitten to death by him."

Rebecca's smile was still decent, and in Rod Yong's eyes she looked like an ancient British noble,"How do you choose, do you still need me to help you?"

Looking at Luo Sheng, who nodded slowly, Rebecca helped him light the lighter,"Don't worry, Luo Sheng, he will die in an accident. The woman spoke calmly,"

I heard that he has serious diabetes and heart disease?""


Luo Yong replied.

At the same time,

Chen Zhicai, who was about the same age as Luo Yong but had gray hair, looked at Huang Wenbin, the head of the Commercial Investigation Division, who was talking on the TV news and spat hard.

"If there is a problem, you must have a problem. Chen

Zhicai murmured to himself,"I prepared the reporting materials in such detail, but you actually said that there is no evidence and nothing can be found. I don't believe you. I'm going to ICAC to expose this corrupt guy and that scum of yours."."

The gray-haired Chen Zhicai pushed away his pet dog that was watching TV with him and stood up tremblingly. At this time, a figure had appeared behind him.

No violent techniques were used, and the figure behind him just covered him with one hand. He locked Chen Zhicai's mouth and shook him violently.

Chen Zhicai's body was indeed too weak. After the other party only shook it a few times, his face turned pale and he was breathing desperately.

This figure was loose. He opened his hand, but did not leave in a hurry. He just watched coldly as Chen Zhicai struggled on the ground like a shrimp, and then gradually lost his breath. The

Luo and Chen Accounting Building incident that had caused many waves had just settled. At that time, this law firm triggered another piece of news that made the financial media go crazy.

Six years ago, the deceased tycoon Zeng Guoshan was suspected of forging financial statements and using fraudulent means to pass the review of the Financial Supervision Bureau and let the Zeng family's logistics department be listed separately..

One stone stirs up a thousand waves.

Regardless of whether this news is true or false, it can be called a huge piece of bad news when the bull market is booming, not to mention that it is still being criticized every day by the international hot money predators in the financial crisis. In the case of short selling?

The stock price of Zeng's Kowloon Logistics is almost straight down.

There is no shortage of smart people in the world. Even if there were indeed problems with Kowloon Warehousing's listing at that time, its stock price should not be lower than its net assets.

Others are greedy Sometimes I am fearful, and when others are fearful, I am greedy. This sentence is regarded as a guideline by many people. 0 (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Li Chaoren, Fourth Uncle, and even Boss Huo may not have taken the opportunity to take action. The idea of ​​eating in.

No matter how the economy develops, how many new companies will emerge, but remember one thing, goods must circulate to generate value.

Deep-water terminals, open-air cargo yards, and even countless containers and freight warehouses will always bring Come to wealth. However, Zeng Guoshan’s corpse is still cold, and they all have some scruples and friendships with each other, so they can’t be too embarrassed.

Just when Li Chaoren decided to be the first to take action, a piece of news caused an uproar in Hong Kong City.

The one who was killed by Soth The mysterious Xia Guo Fund, personally named by international giants like Luo, revealed their prowess in the Hong Kong stock market for the first time!

Hongmeng Fund announced that it had acquired enough stocks in the secondary market, and even the stocks in their hands reached A huge 37%, so Hongmeng Fund officially announced the invitation. They officially launched the acquisition of Kowloon Logistics for the first time at a price of 3.6 billion Hong Kong dollars!

Li Chaoren held up the old-fashioned but expensive and scary black rimmed glasses, solemn expression

"What they announced is true news, and they have discovered the Hongmeng Fund’s methods of doing things."

The efficiency of Hong Mingli, Li Chaoren's first assistant, impressed many people in another time and space. He got all the information in 5.1 almost twenty minutes later."The method of secret purchase through decentralized accounts and gradual absorption in batches, Very similar to our approach"

"It's vicious enough, and the timing is so good, check it out."

This person would later use the phrase"I have no homeland, and my peace of mind means I am home.""The richest man in Xia, who had successfully withdrawn most of his business, spoke faintly.

Almost at the same time that Li Chaoren said these words, Su Pingnan's phone rang.

It was connected.

Miss Meng's voice was still gentle enough,"Go back to Shengjing immediately. , someone wants to see you."

Feng Ming Jiutian, as the Jinxiu Group's efforts become bigger and bigger, the Jinxiu Group, no matter how forbearing it is, will eventually come into everyone's sight.

The man on the phone smiled heartily,"Wait for me!".

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