If you want to take it, give it first.

Su Pingnan understands this principle very well, so the Jinxiu Group's methods in Haizhou are very gentle and a bit step-by-step.

When the foundation of Jinxiu Group is solid and the network of relationships is intertwined, and no one can be weak, Su Pingnan will show his fangs.

In Sigang, Jinxiu Group behaved extremely generously.

Cooperation was just an intention, but with a wave of his hand, Su Pingnan donated three Hope Primary Schools and ten official vehicles.

Sigang, Haizhou, is indeed poor enough. Now, in the richer places, the top leaders have replaced their cars with Audi 100s, while Zhang Zhixian of Sigang still has a dilapidated 213.

As soon as this decision was announced, the banquet hall burst into applause. People of certain status in the four ports had already begun to consider whether they were qualified to sit on that enviable iron box.

In the meantime, almost half of the prime land in Haizhou Sigang has fallen into the hands of Jinxiu Group.

One night, Sun Man performed very well, her acting skills were top-notch, and Su Pingnan was very polite to Sun Man in her words, which made many people speculate about the specific origin of the girl in red.

After having enough food and wine, Su Pingnan refused the performance specially organized by Sigang GF on the grounds that he was tired from the journey.

Return to the hotel arranged by the local GF and close the door.

Su Pingnan sat quietly on the sofa, tapping the coffee table rhythmically with the fingers of his left hand. His whole body was as sharp as a knife, and he looked a little tired from the banquet just now.

Sun Man looked at the empty room with only herself and this villain, and couldn't hide the nervousness in her eyes.

This graduation trip experience was truly like a dream to this girl.

Completely different people, completely different things, even a completely different world.

Until now, the girl is still confused, like a puppet on strings. But Sun Man was very smart, and could still vaguely smell the blood and cruelty hidden behind the matter.

Although the girl was very scared, the slowly opening veil of another world brought Sun Man a different kind of excitement in her heart.

There were three long and one short knocks on the door.

Lu Yuan walked in, nodded to Su Pingnan, and said softly:"The local area attaches great importance to us. This floor is full of our people, and it is very safe."

Su Pingnan nodded, and cut the tail of the cigar slowly, without any He lit it for himself and threw it to Sun Man.

The girl took it blankly

"Once the news has been passed on, someone will definitely come to you to confirm. So we have to create an environment where it’s not convenient for you to speak."

Su Pingnan squinted his eyes and tapped his fingers on the coffee table faster and faster.

Sun Man nodded a little cutely, but still didn't understand why Su Pingnan threw a cigar to her and what it meant.

"This person is inseparable and should be someone she trusts. Su Pingnan continued:"He Laoliu and those rough guys can't describe the smell of Murong Qingqing, so just in case, let's suppress the smell of cigars.""

Sun Man was dumbfounded. This evil man was so worried. There was no other way. The girl could only light the cigar with some grievance, and the room suddenly became filled with smoke......

Su Pingnan guessed right. The person who came to confirm the news this time was Old Maitreya.

Everyone who Hai Dongqing stayed in Sigang couldn't figure out why his eldest sister suddenly got mixed up with Su Pingnan of Jinxiu Group, and she seemed to be very respected.

Did he agree to the recruitment?

After all, the prices offered by Jinxiu Group at that time were sky-high. Now when these people look back at He Laoliu and others, it would be a lie to say they are not envious. There are five to six of them, and some people even open iron boxes.

And what about people like myself?

I live in a small port and have nothing to do. The people who followed Murong Qingqing were all extremely tough men. How could they endure this kind of life? In the past few days, some people had taken the lead in quarreling with old Maitreya.

At that time at the port, Murong Qingqing's gestures expressed one meaning.

So at three o'clock today, we boarded the ship at the port. Old Maitreya led the team. It was a big business.

When the news came back, the already panicked people immediately began to prepare. At this moment, these people immediately showed Hai Dongqing's background. No one hesitated, and all of them had only indifference on their faces.

During these days in Sigang, Old Maitreya's waist seemed to be even more stooped, and his whole person seemed a little listless. He was the only one who didn't move. Decades of experience and caution made him decide to confirm it himself again....

"The windows in this room allow everyone to see you at first sight as soon as they step into this courtyard."

Asking Sun Man to stand at the window, Su Pingnan smiled and said,"If the other party just simply confirms, this distance is enough."

Sun Man quietly glared at this complicated man and tried hard to maintain the posture that Chen Shui taught her. She had been standing in front of the window for half an hour, and her neck was sore.

Just when she was about to lose it, she saw a The rickety old man walked in at the door of the courtyard, nodding and hunched over.

The old man raised his head and clearly saw her. Then he made a quick and covert gesture.

Sun Man had learned this gesture and knew what it meant.

"Is there any danger?"

Sun Man responded quickly according to the method that He Laoliu taught her.

The old man did not leave, but looked straight at Sun Man. Sun Man was so frightened that her heart beat wildly. , there was even some sweat on her forehead.

Su Pingnan's calm voice sounded in her ears:"Stare at him and nod to him."

Sun Man tried hard to restrain her panic, stared straight at the old man, and nodded slowly.

The old man smiled, bent down, and slowly walked out of the courtyard of the hotel.

Sun Man felt relieved. His tone and body were so frightened that he was just about to leave the window when he heard Su Pingnan shout.

"Don't move and continue looking outside."

Sun Man was a little frightened by Su Pingnan's stern voice and immediately straightened up.

Ten minutes later, the old man's figure appeared at the door of the compound again. This time the old man just nodded to her and left quickly.

"Okay, that's it."

Su Pingnan's voice became much gentler. Sun Man immediately fell down on the carpet. In just ten minutes, this girl felt like a century had passed.

Su Pingnan did not speak, and the room became quiet for a while. After that, the girl felt like a century had passed. After a long time, Sun Man asked her most curious question:"Why are you so deliberately trying to deal with that woman who looks like me?"

Sun Man had read Murong Qingqing's information, and in her opinion, this man behaved It's financial resources and connections, so there's no need to spend so much effort.

Su Pingnan's tone was calm, and the ambition contained in it made the girl even a little scared:"If you have the sharpest knife. I wanted to hold it, not destroy it."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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