Lu Yuan didn't know how to lie. Since he had been talking for three hours, he would definitely get to the bottom of the matter within three hours.

Qi Tongwei's sense of officialdom is indeed amazing.

In his view, Ren Tiejun's choice to let his direct descendants join the task force at this time is a double-edged sword.

If you do a good job, it will be easier to start work if you have credit. If it is not done well, the fire that Ren Tiejun has set will be greatly reduced.

But if you think about it from another perspective, you will find that it is not that simple.

Who is Ren Tiejun?

He is a cunning old man who does things without leakage. Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have become Su Zhonghe's vanguard general. Would such a person make such a stupid mistake?

Commissioner Qi Tong was certain that Ren Tiejun had obtained clues to breakthrough progress through other channels. Those two people seemed to be working together. Who knows if they were tools for picking peaches?

Due to emotions and reasons, he believes that he must get ahead of the other party in order to maximize his interests.

Do princes and generals like Xiang Ning have the guts? Commissioner Qi Tong's ambition for an official career cannot be satisfied by the position of city chief executive, which is evident from his favorite catchphrase: Sheng Tian Ban Zi.

Qi Tongwei guessed correctly.

Ren Tiejun already has some clues. This person is really experienced in doing things. He is very clear about the importance of his first fire. While sharing the information of the task force, he has been letting his people find out the details in secret. A few days ago, he accidentally Some clues gave Ren Tiejun hope.

Among these clues, many signs point to one person without a doubt.

The oldest person in Tiandu is Jian Laoba, who has been relying on his reputation to earn a living.

According to the news, two months ago, someone heard that Jian Laoba brought back many cars. Among them was a white van that was almost identical to the vehicle involved.

The notorious Li Toyota is cruel and cruel to Xiao Hongpao.

Tiandu's market culture is rich, and bragging and talking about mountains and rivers is almost every gangster's favorite. And these two characters are undoubtedly the protagonists in the boasting and chatting mountain in the past two years.

But just when everyone thought that Xiao Hongpao was going to come ashore clean and everything would be ruled by Li Toyota, someone said something meaningful.

"Playing in Jianghu, in the end is just playing with your brain. Li Toyota is a fool compared to Xiao Hongpao. These two will bump into each other sooner or later. Don't be too surprised when the time comes."

The one who spoke was the eldest brother Gao among the brothers of the Gao family.

But what this world (babb) will never lack is fools who have no brains and are self-righteous. The veteran Jian Laoba sneered at the words of the eldest brother Gao. In In his opinion, the world of Jianghu can never be dominated by one person. The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, and Xiao Hongpao is already the king of the past.

This idea is due to his experience. Everyone in Jian Laoba's path calls him Jian. Uncle, whose real name is Jian Guangtai.

His seniority in Tiandu Jianghu is frightening. He once called the big overlord back then and had a drink with Madman Han from the railway. Even Lao Batou would call him"big brother" when he saw this dark-faced guy. This is evident from his seniority. It is a pity that the mainland society never respects the elderly.

Before the rise of Xiaohongpao, Jian Laoba still had some respect due to his age and many years of connections. But who is Su Pingnan? He does not recognize his relatives and is ruthless. , these eight words are simply the symbol of Jinxiu Group in the early stage of its rise.

One incident after another frightened Jian Laoba. After Lu Yuan appeared, he who originally relied on sales and middlemen to make money really felt at ease. He started living in poverty.

This may be an important reason why he can survive in the complex world of Tiandu until now.

He has the kind of virtue that he can spend as much as he wants, and he still can't change it even if he is over fifty years old. Without his previous income, he was already showing off. With the retirement income of 85 yuan from the nail factory, his life was really miserable. The strong rise of Li Toyota and the low profile of Xiao Hongpao made the impoverished Jian Lao Ba started to think about it. He also had some vision and knew that Li Toyota had no shortage of desperadoes, but he lacked various channels and connections.

Li Toyota didn't have it, but Jian Lao Ba did....

The feeling of dry wood, fierce fire, gold, wind and jade made both parties hit it off. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ren Tiejun’s investigation direction is very accurate.

The white van used for work was indeed a black van that Jian Laoba bought for three months from other places.

Li Toyota is like a beast. He is not interested in women. It seems that this man lives only to make money.

Now Li Toyota seems to be interested in any profitable business. In Tiandu's black car market, with the strong support of Li Toyota, Jian Laoba seems to be the overlord.

Instead, the Gao brothers, who once relied on Yuanhua Group, quietly withdrew from the industry.

"That old man is the so-called Jian Baye in the world."

Not far from the original Gao Brothers garage on the national highway, four or five men in jackets stared at Jian Laoba who was sitting under an empty parasol and spoke.

"This old man is very energetic. Li Jianxin, whose

Chinese character face looked at Jian Laoba, who had a wrinkled face but was still wearing a black T-shirt and a big gold chain, said with contempt,"I wonder if he will still have the same energy as he does now.""

The five people present are all direct descendants brought by Ren Tiejun from Qingqiu. These people can be regarded as elites in terms of their professional ability and how they behave.

"After a while, you pretend to be a customer and try to bring this guy out to arrest him. Now the situation cannot be resolved without the boss. We cannot arrest people with too much fanfare. Everyone must be careful."

Li Jianshe's expression became serious.

He was the first to follow Ren Tiejun. From a small policeman in the countryside near Qingqiu, he was able to keep up with Ren Tiejun's pace. Naturally, he was outstanding.

Although Boss Ren did not say it explicitly. , but Li Jianxin knew very well why his boss was unwilling to use local police to deal a thunderous blow to this line.

Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes.

The locals in Tiannan are very clinging to each other, and if Boss Ren wants to start this fire, he will There must be a surprise!

The other people nodded.

Just as they were getting up, the roar of the car made Li Jianxin stop.

Three black off-road vehicles rushed into the garage almost at lightning speed.

"The only car in the world with a black-lettered brand that can drive with this kind of momentum is the Jinxiu Group's car."It is almost Li Jianxin's instinct to come to a new place and find out the various local forces.

He waved his hand and motioned for everyone to sit back. After the man squinted his eyes, he spoke coldly.

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