Ren Tiejun understood that his little idea of ​​testing the other party had been seen through by the little red robe whom he had never met before. Instead of accepting his olive branch, the other party was so arrogant that he defeated his army!

This imperial banquet worth 8880 is the title.

Lu Yuan said it very cryptically, but Ren Tiejun understood what Su Pingnan meant. If you eat this meal, then I will come over to meet you.

If not?

Ren Tiejun couldn't guess the other party's other intentions for the time being, but one thing that was certain was that it would be difficult for him to have a chance to talk to Su Pingnan again.

Ren Yingying felt like her saliva was drooling.

A full banquet of Manchu and Han Dynasties!

The girl looked at the exquisitely prepared dishes one after another and was speechless. She had only seen these things on TV, and she never thought that she would actually eat them one day....

Girls of this age have a tendency to show off. If you call your best friend today who brags about her travels every day, the other party's eyes will be red with envy.

Ren Yingying, who remained well-behaved and quiet on the surface, had no idea that her father was going through an extremely fierce struggle.

This is not a meal.

Ren Tiejun knew very well that if he ate this meal, the news that he would become the guest of Su Pingnan's seat would immediately spread throughout Tiandu.

Not only that, but every bit of the cool breeze image I have always had will be gone.

Lu Yuan quietly waited for Ren Tiejun's answer.

At the same time, Qi Tongwei's eyes wandered away from Ren Tiejun.

Looking at Ren Tiejun, who looked ugly, Boss Qi's fear of Su Pingnan became even higher.

Nowadays, Xiao Hongpao's actions are becoming more and more unfathomable. It's just a simple meal, but it puts the old and strong boss Ren in a dilemma.

"I have a bad stomach and can't eat these. So Jinxiu's kindness can only be accepted with heart."I don't know how many thoughts passed through Ren Tiejun's mind, but he finally chose to refuse.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, but as soon as Ren Tiejun finished speaking, a waiter who had just pushed in the door slipped under his feet and held his hand in his hand. The dish he was holding fell to pieces with a crisp and harsh sound!

"This dish is a combination of wealth and glory made from four major mountain treasures...."

Lu Yuan didn't mean to blame the waiter. Instead, he clicked his tongue at the mess on the floor,"It's a pity."

The man glanced at Ren Tiejun,"It's a pity that this wealth and splendor turned into this because he didn't take the right path. A piece of trash."

After saying that, Lu Yuan just smiled at everyone,"Since everyone has a bad appetite, I will let people replace them, and I won't stay here to disturb everyone's enjoyment."

The man strode away, Never looked back.

The room was quickly tidied up as clean as new, and all the dishes were removed, but Ren Tiejun, who was sitting at the head table, looked so gloomy that he was about to drip with tears.

Know the smallest details.

Judging from the attitude of Su Pingnan's subordinates, we can see how domineering these guys are. These people are really the biggest cancer in Tiannan’s development!

Lu Yuan immediately dialed Su Pingnan's phone number after walking out of the box.

"Boss, Boss Ren refused very simply. But some of my words may have been harsh, and I will be responsible for this."

Lu Yuan did not hide what happened in the box. Although he also knew that some of his words were too explicit, Lu Yuan couldn't help it.

In the eyes of Lu Yuan, who is lawless at heart, what is a mere Ren Tiejun? Something, not only is he constantly thinking, but he actually wants his boss to take the initiative to see him?

"I see."

Su Pingnan was not angry about what Lu Yuan said,"Jinxiu Group must not lose its energy. If the other party refuses the meal, it actually means that we have nothing to talk about. But there is one thing. Since you want to win his job of wealth and glory, you must do it."

The man's tone was as calm as ever, but he was ruthless,"There's no need to talk, just get things done."......(To read cool novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Changsheng must have thought he was crazy.

Because at this time, he was taking one of his most trusted brothers, and the two of them were lying in a residential building less than 300 meters away from the Jinxiu Building, using military binoculars to observe the underground parking lot of this towering behemoth.

His talents were fully demonstrated in the major case of 520.

A series of analyzes made the above extremely satisfied.

In addition, the newly appointed boss Ren seemed eager to support some young people close to him in the local faction to rise to power, so Su Changsheng was actually selected by the superiors to become one of the three deputy leaders of the task force for this major case.

Different from the previous task forces that Su Changsheng had participated in, this time the task force was very large. Even a deputy team leader has a lot of autonomy.

All the suspects in this case were exposed to the 360-degree camera. After the incident, the police responded very promptly. It can be said that all the roads and trails out of Tiandu have been sealed tightly.

This also made everyone convinced that it was only a matter of time before these lunatics were caught.

Su Changsheng did not comment on this. But deep down he knew everyone was on the wrong track.

When he saw many of his colleagues pouring all their efforts into people with criminal records from three religions and nine classes, Witch Doctor Liu's words kept swirling in Su Changsheng's mind.

Weapons that are advanced enough to deliberately expose their appearance to the camera...

All this told Su Changsheng the complexity of the matter.

There is a saying about deduction in detective science that Su Changsheng agrees with.

When you eliminate all the impossible scenarios, whatever remains, no matter how unbelievable, is the truth!

Faced with the mountain of information, Su Changsheng locked himself in the office alone. This man used an extremely bold method that is absolutely not allowed in the police world.

Inference of guilt!

The reason why Su Changsheng is so mysterious is because he assumes that the guilty person is a famous figure in the world, a man who dominates the world with his cruelty and ruthlessness.

Su Pingnan..

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