If life is like a box of chocolates, then so far, Xiao Rou has found that every one seems to taste sweet.

Even though such a serious illness struck, Xiao Rou felt in her heart that her luck was unbelievable.

Jinxiu Group single-handedly took care of the matching kidney source, as well as hundreds of thousands of medical expenses including expensive follow-up rejection treatments.

As her condition improved, Xiao Rou cherished and loved life more and more, having escaped from hell.

She opened a flower shop.

The store mainly sells flowers. Spending a few yuan or even more than ten yuan to buy a flower is an out-and-out wasteful behavior according to the consumption concept of most Tiandu people.

But Xiao Rou doesn't care about not making money, she thinks it's enough to supplement some household expenses. Because she likes the feeling of being surrounded by flowers, which makes her feel happy.

But the business is not as bad as she imagined. Jinxiu Group basically takes care of the woman's business in its activities. In addition, breathing the fragrance in the air every day, the woman's smile becomes brighter and brighter.

But her bright smile ended abruptly at this moment

"Can you tell me the reason?"

As usual, the woman walked into the office of Chief Physician Liang, who had been responsible for her condition, but the result was completely different from usual. The other party asked her to pay a fee, 43,000 yuan. This amount included the woman's All expenses for the remainder of this year

"The Jinxiu Love Foundation has notified the hospital, Ms. Xiao, that your donation qualification no longer meets their funding conditions, so Jinxiu Group will no longer be responsible for your medical expenses."

Looking at Xiao Rou's still calm expression and calm tone, Doctor Liang sighed,"So you have to bear the cost yourself."

Having never seen the dangers of society, Xiao Rou didn't know what it meant for Jinxiu to stop her medical expenses, so at this time she still asked her doctor naively,"Am I unqualified? Can you tell me the charter?"

While the woman was talking, her pager beeped.

The woman smiled sheepishly at the doctor and opened the pager.

"Boss, Jinxiu Group bought the flowers for this meeting from Fufu Flower Shop. I saw their car taking away the goods with my own eyes. Please call me back as soon as possible....."

Looking at the message on the Chinese pager, Xiao Rou's expression finally showed a hint of panic.

The reason why she was so calm just now is that she still has the income from the flower shop to support her. After all, the most expensive expenses have passed, but now...

Today's box of chocolates seems to taste bitter.

Just before the woman put down the pager, another message was sent.

"Rou, are you there? Please call me back quickly."

Looking at her mother-in-law's home phone number, the woman's intuition told her to use Dr. Liang's office to go back.

"Are you and Chang Sheng together?"

As soon as the call was dialed, my mother-in-law's crying voice came over,"Just now, the old man was sent to the police station by the security department of their factory. They said that the old man embezzled office material expenses and made false accounts...."

The bad news that followed made Xiao Rou feel dizzy. After trying hard to comfort her mother-in-law, the woman could no longer support her body and stumbled to sit on a chair nearby.

"Give Agent Su a quick call. After helping the woman pour a glass of water, Doctor Liang comforted her softly,"Your body cannot be overjoyed or sad, so let him handle it.""

Doctor Liang, who didn't say much, had some pity in his eyes. Xiao Rou had always been polite and would often visit him during the holidays, which made him somewhat soft-hearted.

"The trouble should end it."

When the woman staggered out, Dr. Liang couldn't help but said something that Xiao Rou didn't understand,"No one in this world would give anything for no reason."......(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Su Changsheng never answered the phone when he was working.

Even for safety and confidentiality reasons, his work phone number is not even known to his parents.

However, due to his lover's health, Su Changsheng told Xiao Rou the number. But a man once seriously warned his lover,"Unless it's a very big incident, never call this phone number while I'm at work. 0" It was precisely because of this that when Su Changsheng saw the familiar flower shop number on his mobile phone, he My heart was beating wildly for no reason.

When the call was connected, Su Changsheng's expression suddenly turned pale when he heard his lover's trembling tone.

Slaying a dragon requires enough courage.

But courage only comes when you actually face a cruel enough fact that you will understand whether you can bear the corresponding consequences.

"I'll take care of it, don't worry about it yet. Su

Changsheng's tone was very gentle,"You don't have to worry about dad's affairs. Don't you still have some money at home? Go see a doctor first.""

After calming his lover's emotions, Su Changsheng hung up the phone, turned around and looked at the little black dot with a fierce look in his eyes, almost wanting to devour him,"Is this your fault?"

I have to say that Su Changsheng is indeed a good enough detective. Even when he was in a state of confusion, he still analyzed the essence of the matter immediately.

That terrible murderer Su Pingnan already knew what he had done!

This This series of actions was nothing more than the opponent's counterattack. But Su Changsheng knew very well that there was no other person who knew about his investigation of the Jinxiu Group except the brother in front of him who he thought he could trust!

"I just take what is rightfully mine."

Xiao Hei lost his usual respect, and his expression became ferocious,"I'm only a year and a half behind you, and I always rush to the front every time I do something. But every time the credit is 3.6 yours, why?"

"My report made it very clear that I have never taken any credit from you!"

Su Changsheng looked at Xiao Hei who suddenly became a stranger in disbelief!

"Are those credits enough for you to reach this position? Is it enough for you to buy a building in Tianduyuan?"

Xiao Hei spat coldly,"You became the captain because someone put in the effort. You're going to burn bridges for the lives of a few wanted criminals, but don't drag me along. Xiao

Hei's expression was complicated,"Have you ever thought about what I can gain even if your guess is correct?" And let me tell you something, you are not the only one who owes you a favor."

Both of them fell silent.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The unhurried knock on the door broke the deathly silence in the house.

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