"It takes a lot of money, a lot of money, sir."

Matthew said it tactfully. His always calm palms were slightly sweaty due to excitement.

The greater the difficulty, the higher the reward.

The mysterious oriental man wants to be the biggest shark in the fish pond of Las Vegas, which is very important for him. It's a good thing for him, but he has to confirm the opponent's strength again.

Because many Las Vegas industries are not as simple as they appear on the surface. To do this, you need to use a lot of contacts that you have accumulated for many years.

Things like favors, use One day at a time. Especially for people like Matthew, favors can really save lives sometimes.

Su Pingnan understood what the other party meant and smiled:"Spending money is my business, and I will never treat anyone badly."

After a pause, the man's voice turned cold:"The only thing you need to consider is how to do it well."

"OK, sir."

Although he understood the other party's meaning through a translator, the undoubted tone of the Eastern rich man made Matthew a little awe-inspiring. He was engaged in intelligence work, had studied some psychology, and was very good at analyzing a person's tone and expression. A person's character, so he can feel Su Pingnan's strength.....

From Qiao Qiao's point of view, Su Pingnan seems to be particularly busy these days.

The girl once reported work over the phone. Although she had streamlined the material to the extreme, she was still hurriedly interrupted by the man.

Su Pingnan's words to Qiao Qiao were very direct:"I only look at results, just show them to me. Giving you enough autonomy means that you have to be responsible for it."

With these words, Qiao Qiao started her first career in Changyang. step work.

A good person will be bullied by others, and a good horse will be ridden by others.

This sentence fully exposed people's nature of bullying the weak and fearing the strong. The reason why Qiaoqiao didn't make any move at first was because the girl was still investigating the market according to the business model she was accustomed to in the past. As a result, the calmness in the first few days was seen in the eyes of many people. weak.

Don't expect these village tyrants to have too much intelligence and foresight. Sometimes these people are so stupid that they will make you want to die.

Qiao Qiao feels this way now.

Poor mountains and harsh waters breed unruly people, and the first bone Qiao Qiao gnawed was one of the four stone mines that the Wu family took a fancy to, the Stone Mountain in Zhaojiacun.

The head of Zhaojia Village is called Zhao Dashan. He is a well-known fool in the surrounding villages. He has a big body, a round waist and a muscular face. Looking at his body and bones alone, he can definitely be regarded as a Liangshan hero.

Although this man is fond of eating and lazy at heart, he is also a ruthless person. After listening to the advice of his friend, he brought game, pheasant, wild vegetables and the like as tribute to various gods every day. For a while, he actually became a The village chief.

After becoming the village chief, he didn't have much. In addition, Zhaojia Village was indeed too remote, so he started to think about allocating funds. Every year, he relied on the relief funds allocated by the township. Everyone in the village was Dare to be angry but dare not speak. Especially after borrowing tens of thousands of yuan in the name of the village collective, this man seemed to suddenly have an idea, and he regarded the collective industry in front of him as a golden rooster laying eggs.

Everything that can be sold is sold, and everything that cannot be sold is mortgaged. That is to say, the road conditions are too remote, and the stone mountain cannot be mortgaged. Otherwise, the stone mountain in Zhaojiacun may not be able to wait until Qiao Qiao comes to talk.

It’s just that Qiao Qiao came a little late.

Before her arrival, the person in charge of contacting Zhao Dashan from the Wu family had just left.

The contact between the two parties went smoothly, and the Wu family basically did not discount Zhao Dashan's request.

What the Wu family wants is speed.

Because in Wu Kai's view, his family must cook before Jinxiu Group, and he cannot give Xiao Hongpao a chance to react.

The terrifying influence of Xiao Hongpao is deep-rooted in Changyang. As soon as it showed its face, many people started to be in conflict with each other. Many things that had been agreed upon were already stumbling. If the other party reacted again, all the early plans would basically be broken. Flooded.

So for Zhao Dashan, he almost held his nose and agreed to all the requests......

After sitting down in the shabby village committee, Qiao Qiao introduced herself, and went straight to the point and proposed the cooperation intention of Jinxiu Stone Contracting. The first words of the carefree Zhao Dashan made Qiao Qiao's driver Zhang Hui frown.

"The contracting fee is 200,000 yuan a year, and the management fee is 30% of the mining income."

Zhao Dashan immediately doubled the terms he offered to the Wu family. This man is indeed a fool. In his mushy mind, the agreement he just signed with the Wu family is bullshit.

Qiao Qiao shook his head. He refused, handed over the contract with a very polite smile and said,"Village Chief Zhao, this is not in line with the market. Please first ask Village Chief Zhao to read the letter of intent for cooperation. Jinxiu Stone promises that stone development will give priority to hiring labor from this village, and the wages will not be lower than..."

Before Qiao Qiao could finish her words, she was rudely interrupted by Zhao Dashan,"I'm a big boss and I can't understand all your twists and turns. As far as this is concerned, if you can, you can, but if you can't, get out."

Zhang Hui said with a gloomy face. Water dripped, but Jinxiu's strict rules prevented him from taking any action before Qiaoqiao made a decision. He could only stare at this reckless guy with a ruthless gaze.

Qiao Qiao's face turned pale with anger, and her delicate facial features looked even more charming under the blush on her face.

Zhao Dashanhun, the few friends under him are not stupid. Although they are only two people, the leader is a cute girl, but the one behind them is the fierce Xiao Hongpao.

"Brother Shan."

A man winked at Zhao Dashan calmly,"Where's Jinxiu Group? You can't talk like that."


Zhao Dashan spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm with disdain. He was used to being in the mountains. In his opinion, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. How can you, little red robe, come to this remote and remote place to cause trouble for you? Besides, , Didn’t Master Bo Su Yongwang fart when he was hit by that little red-robed guy a few days ago?

"No need to talk?"

Qiao Qiao was filled with ice by the other party's vulgar beauty, and her tone became cold.

"That's the price. Zhao

Dashan squinted his eyes with a look of color on his face,"Of course, if Manager Qiao stays for a meal, we might have something to talk about.""

As soon as Zhao Dashan finished speaking, the scene was already splattered with blood, and then Qiao Qiao's exclamation sounded.

Zhang Hui took action.

His endurance was almost at his limit.

He had been working with Qiao Qiao for several times. God, Zhang Hui has always seen the girl's efforts, but he understands that Manager Qiao is a serious businessman after all, and he does not know how to do many things in a beautiful way, so he decided to make the decision himself.

Zhang Hui knew that if he didn't After Qiao Qiao agreed, he took action rashly. No matter what the reason was, he had violated the rules that the boss Su Pingnan valued most, but he did not regret it. He did not think about the consequences of violating Su Pingnan's rules, nor did he dare to think about them.

So he did not hold back this knife. , what he wants is his life._To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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