Su Pingnan's motorcade appeared at Tianxiang Tower. Unlike last time, Su Pingnan's security was obviously much strengthened.

The first black off-road vehicle that drove into the parking lot of Tianxiang Building got out of the car. Several men in black suits checked it carefully before dialing the number.

Then came the entry of the Mercedes-Benz that Su Pingnan was riding in.

"It must be made by Xiao Hongpao."

Looking at the serious-faced Jinxiu security personnel, Fatty An no longer had any doubts.

A gentleman does not stand in danger. The Wu family has a company that builds mountains and builds roads. Naturally, there are also a lot of dangerous goods such as detonators. His boss has been bombed. Once, Lu Yuan was extremely cautious.

Although almost all direct relatives of the Wu family had gone in, and the only one Wu Kai was still lying in the hospital, the rest of them might not do anything crazy and die together, but who can guarantee that among the seven aunts and eight aunts? Is there any lunatic among his relatives?

Su Pingnan couldn't defeat Lu Yuan. Coupled with the unanimous opposition of the people below, this time he created such a big battle......

There were very few waiters in the private room, and Guan Yun was worried because Jinxiu security was so serious.

Although he couldn't figure out what Su Pingnan was guarding against, if Xiao Hongpao had a problem for the second time in Tianxiang Tower, he would really be unable to bear the consequences. So he very smartly instructed Yang Wu to take over part of the waiter's work, and try to minimize the chance of other people entering the box.

What is Sister Coco's identity in Tianxiang Tower? It can be said that one person is inferior to ten thousand people, but all the service staff saw Yang Wu with a smile on her face, and they did not have any dissatisfaction with this arrangement.

The dishes had been prepared long ago, but Fatty An's chef skills were commendable. Su Pingnan was very happy to eat. In the meantime, I had several drinks with Guan Yun, who showed up a few times and came specially to toast.

"Mr. Su, I'm afraid you won't be able to eat well. It seems that the taste today is very suitable for you."

Fatty An said with a smile.

"You fat man has too many thoughts and is too heavy-minded."Su Pingnan put down his chopsticks and took the cigar from Du Jiu,"We are friends. If you have anything to say, just say it. Fatty

An smiled awkwardly and did not speak. Instead, he turned the turntable on the wine table and signaled Yang Wu to help them fill the wine glasses and stood up excitedly.

"Nothing else, but hearing Mr. Su say"friend" today made everything worth it."After Fatty An finished the drink, he motioned to Yang Wu to fill it up and raised the glass again. He drank it again, and he couldn't be more heroic.

"I came this time because I was afraid that you, a fat man, would be too worried and wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't come."

Su Pingnan also took a sip of wine and continued,"Secondly, I just want to make a business deal with you. As soon as Su

Pingnan said the word business, Yang Wu, who had never looked away from him, immediately stood up and said with a smile:"I won't interrupt the two bosses while they talk about business. I'm busy down there right now, so I'll go take care of the Buddha." , drink this glass of wine first as a token of respect."

The woman held her fair and slender fingers in an elegant manner. After drinking the wine, she raised her eyebrows before leaving leisurely. Yang Wu has experienced many things and is very clear about many things. She is a big businessman who can be ranked among the top five in Tiannan. , the other one is Xiao Hongpao who is in the sky. The business to be discussed between the two parties is naturally not small, but it suits her presence.

Looking at the woman's swaying figure, An did not say anything to stop her, but was full of doubts.

Although he and Su Pingnan both They were doing business in Tiannan, and the two of them had contacts, but they rarely interacted with each other in business matters.

"Mr. Su, please speak. Fatty

An suppressed the doubts in his heart, took the initiative to take over Yang Wu's work, and helped the two of them pour wine.

"The Wucheng project has been basically completed. You will do the insulation part. I will also release the two Huimin Park projects. After Su

Pingnan finished speaking, Fatty An was ecstatic with a hint of confusion,"The profit from thermal insulation is not small, and the two parks are even more generous. Why is all this?""

"Having fun alone is not as good as having fun together. Jinxiu Group cannot make all the money in the world."

Su Pingnan smiled, looking at Fatty An with a sharp look in his eyes,"The cake in Wucheng is too big, and my appetite is not that good. Besides, hasn't Mr. An reached consensus with many bosses on the Wucheng project? What?"

Su Pingnan's words were an understatement, but they were like thunder in Fatty An's ears.

It turned out that he knew everything.

Even though the air conditioner in the box was turned on at full speed, Fatty An's cold sweat could not be controlled and seeped out from his back. Black sweat flowed from his back. The city was inviting project tenders, and Fatty An had thought about it. Not only him, but also many powerful people in Tiannan had ideas, but they were suppressed by the Jinxiu Group. In addition, everyone was afraid of Xiaohong because of the people's support. Because Xiao Hongpao was cruel and ruthless, the matter was left undisturbed.

But at that time, because Xiao Hongpao was very wealthy and powerful, these people still held a group for a few days. In this small group, Fatty An had the most connections and had enough weight. He was one of them. A truly important figure

"Feng shui takes turns, and no one can be prosperous for a lifetime. Su

Pingnan looked back at Fatty An's pale expression and gave his explanation with a smile,"Many friends lead to many paths. Jinxiu Group wants to develop in Tiannan in the long run, so naturally it is better to have more friends.""

Su Pingnan said very vaguely, but Fatty An understood it. Su Pingnan was exchanging benefits for the rumors to be settled as soon as possible. As soon as the cake in Wucheng was thrown out, those powerful people would naturally accept it happily. They would treat others with soft hands and eat soft lips. Both sides Once the grudge between the two is eliminated, and the Jinxiu Group has done things cleanly, then there is no need for them and the people behind them to secretly fuel the Wu family's affairs.

As for this middleman, he, Fatty, is undoubtedly the best choice.

It's scary. A young man.

Fatty An looked at Su Pingnan, who was about the same age as his son, and felt complicated. United Zongheng, he did not hesitate when it was time to give up profits, and he was ruthless when it was time to strike. This is a monster. What will this person achieve in the future? Height? Fatty An dare not think about it


Fatty An laughed heartily,"I think many people are willing to be friends with Mr. Su."".....

After finishing the meal, Fatty An's more humble attitude made Yang Wu's eyes sparkle. She was extremely curious about what the two of them talked about in the box.

"Let’s make a fortune together, Mr. An."

Su Pingnan patted Fatty An's shoulder meaningfully before getting in the car,"Be my friend, and you will find unexpected gains."

"Let’s make a fortune together."

Fatty An didn't think there was anything inappropriate about Su Pingnan's action, and his tone was very serious......

Underground Parking Lot.

Su Pingnan, who was sitting in the car, rubbed his brows and glanced doubtfully at Du Jiu, who had not yet started the car.


Du Jiu pointed to the front of the Mercedes-Benz. Su Pingnan looked at Du Jiu's eyes.

Yang Wu, who was dressed in a black evening gown, stood in front of the car, her eyes moving, looking extremely charming.

(Going to pick someone up at the airport, The second update will be a little later. If it is not posted, I will apologize for the fourth update tomorrow. There is also a question, can everyone accept the death of Li Zicheng?)_

Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collecting and recommending

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