Compared with the intense pursuit of the viaduct collapse incident a few days ago and the huge turmoil it caused, Chen Liang's death was like a pebble thrown into a lake, insignificant. It didn't cause a single ripple.

The only media that reported it was a small piece of tofu cube article on the most inconspicuous page of Tiandu Daily, which was described in one sentence by Chunqiu's writing style.

Originally, many reporters and newspapers were a little excited after receiving the news.

A suspect in a missing person case escaped and drove too fast when he hit an oncoming bus and died on the spot.

The report of this accident is very interesting, this is the consensus of these reporters. The story should have a story and be suspenseful, which can attract the attention of many readers.

But something happened that shocked many people. The article that should have been taken seriously caused the editors of many newspapers and periodicals to slam the table, thinking that the article was slanderous. The manuscript was shot to pieces.

Everyone is in the same industry, so naturally there are countless small circles that overlap with each other. After going back and forth, all these reporters discovered that I was not the only one who co-authored it. It was the media in Tiandu who kept the matter secret. The only report in Tiandu Daily was that the Chunqiu style of writing made them want to laugh.

The news is sensational, story-telling, and suspenseful. The three points that were originally supposed to be written were deliberately written to be nothing. It would be good if it could keep the readers' eyes for just one second. It was purely an article to complete the daily mission.......

Chen Liang is dead. What was a coincidence was that he died under the wheels of a large stone-laden cart belonging to Xiaohongpao, which dominated Tiannan.

In this Tiandu arena where you sing and I appear, he ended his sinful life with an accident that was not spectacular.

After writing this paragraph on the scratch paper with a carbon pen, Bai Song closed the notebook. He is a literary worker, and it can be said that he is a very failed literary worker. This can be seen from his messy and small room.

"It’s so damn hot, it’s Xiao Hongpao again. This man is truly terrible."

Bai Song wiped the sweat from his forehead and shook the cattail leaf fan in his hand desperately. Everyone knows how hot it is in the autumn of October. Nowadays, air conditioners are undoubtedly expensive luxuries. Even fans are almost reluctant to buy. Bai Songzai Coupled with his long hair full of literary and artistic atmosphere, his life is undoubtedly more difficult.

Bai Song is not from Tiandu, but his mother is. Growing up, Bai Song has a special feeling for this city. Because his childhood was I grew up listening to my grandfather's stories in Tiandu.

Bai Song's grandfather was once a man of great influence in the world, but he was a man of righteousness and wealth, and owed a lot of people to him, so he was lucky enough to avoid the catastrophe in those years.

He is old. He talks a lot, and even likes to reminisce about the past. But his children are busy, and the only audience is Bai Song in his childhood. Under the influence of his ears and eyes, Bai Song is very familiar with the ups and downs of Tiandu in those years.

When he grew up, Bai Song engaged in He started writing work, and after publishing several articles, he gradually became famous, but he was not satisfied. He decided to write a book that would make him famous. He quit his glamorous job and, after struggling for several years, wrote His book was ruined, and he didn't have much money left. Just when he was disheartened, a short romance that was popular in Xia Kingdom gave him his last hope. The content of Blood Romance is very simple, and it belongs to the pseudo-biography. But The wealth and fame brought by the pseudo-biographical novel that recorded the past events of Forty-Nine City were beyond his reach.

So he decided to write a novel about the gray world of Tiandu. In this regard, he had his own innate advantages. Grandpa Baisong has always been in good health, and he has many old friends who visit his disciples during holidays. He is also very inquisitive, so the key to knowing the gray stories about the city of Tiandu and not letting him make up his mind is after listening to these stories. , Bai Song felt that those bloody romances were nothing at all. He was amazed by the ferocity of the three sects and nine schools of Tiandu and the complexity of various gangs. He believed that if these things could be shown, the novel would definitely cause a great sensation.

Just thinking about it Do it. Bai Song has a strong execution ability, so he found Ding Jian, who has the best relationship with him and was once his grandfather's protégé, for help.

Speaking of Ding Jian, many young people in Tiandu may not be familiar with it now, but when it comes to Many old people would suddenly realize that Madman Ding lost three fingers in a bet with

Lao Ba Tou. Ding Jian, who had already quit the world, couldn't resist Bai Song's hard work, and finally agreed, but there were three stipulations in the agreement.

"First, you are not allowed to write your real name while you are alive."

"Second, you can’t write about things I don’t want you to write about."

"Third, after it is finally completed, I will take a look at it first, and then you will publish it after I say it is ready."

At that time, Bai Song didn't care about so much. Being able to enter the circle was the most important thing, so he immediately agreed. With Ding Jian's help, and Bai Song's ability to do things, as time went by, this writer and scholar actually made it. many friends

"Xiao Hongpao, this person doesn’t know how to interview him once."

Bai Song murmured to himself. The sweat made his long hair twist into strands, making him look a little embarrassed. He thought of the shock he felt when he first heard this name......

"Tiandu has been in turmoil for thirty years."

This book, which contains all of Bai Song's ambitions, started with his grandfather's generation, and was intended to end in the present day after the reform. Things in the early years are not emphasized in writing. Firstly, Bai Song feels that people today have a negative impression of that era. There is little interest in it, and it conflicts with the color of blood. Secondly, Grandpa Bai Song is old after all and can no longer remember many things clearly. Some of them are the endings that Ding Jian helped perfect. So naturally, Bai Song focused his writing on the latter period. That was the era when Lao Ba Tou's generation was all-powerful.

Speaking of the brutality of those years, many old people in the world still looked frightened when they talked to Bai Song after dinner.

It's no wonder that from that period to now, Not many truly ruthless people have survived, and even fewer outlaws have survived to this day, so most of the people Bai Song collected materials from were old fritters working on the periphery. However, through the conversations these days, Bai Song became interested in a name. That is the one with the most ruthless methods and the most talked about leader, Lao Ba Tou.

He drove away the people from all over the world, withstood the desperate Zhang brothers, etc. Bai Song was very excited to hear a series of things.

"Uncle Seven. Bai

Song poured the wine respectfully and asked,"Is Lao Ba Tou still having dinner at the train station now?" Any chance you can introduce me to me?"

"Lao Ba Tou must be dead."

Qi Shu's words surprised Bai Song,"He is so cruel and he died? Something went wrong?"

"Not really."Lao Qi took a sip of the wine happily and narrowed his eyes with a satisfied expression on his face,"I've encountered something more ferocious."

"More vicious?"

Bai Song was surprised. His information had just been collected a few years ago, when Lao Ba Tou was at its peak. There was no clue that there was a fierce god in the sky who could compete with Lao Ba Tou.

"Yes, the most vicious."

This conversation was in the old house where Lao Qi lived alone. There was no third person present, but Lao Qi still looked around carefully and then said something mysteriously.

"Lao BaTou met Xiao Hongpao."_To read the ununderlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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