The plane arrived on time.

At three forty in the afternoon, Su Pingnan once again set foot on the land of Stars and Stripes.

There were many people in the waiting area to pick up the plane. In addition to the people from Jinxiu, Michael Corleone also arrived in person.

Aston Er in the crowd had a fiery expression on his face. The election results had come out, and the results did not meet Su Pingnan's expectations. It was like another time and space. Bill Ketonlin won re-election with an extremely slim advantage.

This barrister knew very well that his mysterious Eastern boss had made the right bet, and the Eastern consortium he belonged to would open up a new situation in this dirty and great country.

The guy in the white house didn't disappoint him either. He had already called and arranged a fifteen-minute meeting. Fifteen minutes is short, but there is a lot to talk about, and Aston is full of expectations for it.....

Michael Corleone has become very big. In the past, his hair was a little fluffy and covered his forehead. Now he is like the godfather Don Corleone. He is meticulously combed back with hair wax, and his whole person has become much more majestic and gloomy.

"You are finally here, my dear Sue."

As soon as Su Pingnan and his party walked out of the airport ramp, Michael Corleone immediately came up to him and gave his ally a big hug,"I have to say that your analysis and judgment this time was correct and great."

Michael Corleone expressed some excitement.

It's no wonder that after Tang's death, although many superstructure resources were left behind, after all, personal relationships were far behind, and many things were far less convenient than before. And this time The Corleone family was forced to be deeply involved in the general election. The success of some people's re-election undoubtedly gave these Sicilians a great opportunity to regain their glory.

Because of this, Michael Corleone is very grateful to his Eastern ally. Originally, the Corleone family was more optimistic about Bu Shi, an established family, but Su Pingnan's confidence and analysis finally made Michael change his mind. There was a lot of noise at the family meeting, but Michael believed in his intuition and suppressed all objections. His success has led to his prestige now rising among Sicilians.

"My father always told me that friendship is everything in the Corleone family, more important than talent, more important than government, so we are family."

Michael Corleone is confident in his power,"Now I have complete control over the family. To thank you for our friendship, I have decided that I will do my best to help you with the Chicago Canucks. I have even prepared a meeting gift for you. Su

Pingnan tilted his head and listened carefully to Aston Dale's translation before saying,"Tell Mike, we are friends and we will cooperate on more and more things, but we will handle the Chicago Canucks on our own this time.""

Although Aston Dale was very confused as to why his boss would give up such a big help, he still translated it honestly.

Su Pingnan had his own ideas in doing this.

Just hit him with one punch, so as not to get rid of hundreds of punches. He knows better than anyone else that Huangpi's gambling business in the Star-Spangled Kingdom cannot stand without sufficient deterrence.

Yes, perhaps relying on the power of the Corleone family can easily defeat Chicago and these guys, but in the future Trouble will still come to your door.

Because in the eyes of the Stars and Stripes people, the Xia people are hard-working, honest and even a little weak. Ordinary people still think so, let alone those ruthless gray forces?

So Su Pingnan believes that if he has not experienced a fight, Others will not fear and respect Jinxiu from the bottom of their hearts. This is the fundamental reason for his refusal.


The current Michael Cohen is not as deep as Don Corleone, and the surprise on his expression is beyond words

"People can always only rely on themselves."

Su Pingnan lit the cigar, looked at Michael Corleone and said, but the words were somewhat meaningful......

Daisy Joanna is an intern foreign reporter at the New York Times. She said that a foreign reporter is actually a paparazzi. Following celebrities and digging out their privacy is her only job.

Today, she has been holding a high-magnification Leica camera and has been squatting covertly on the viaduct not far from the airport exit for nearly three hours. The reason why she did this is because the information she paid a lot of money to get tells her that the most popular fried chicken in Hollywood is Pete. The loud-mouthed Roberts, who has been famous for his marital infidelity for many years, spent a few days in the Caribbean on a sweet vacation. They should return to New York on a flight today.


The temperature in New York is not very high now. Daisy breathed heat into her hand desperately to maintain the flexibility of her right hand holding the camera.

This was big news.

Daisy was very patient at first. She knew that if she captured the photo of the two of them in the same frame for the first time, she would be able to get rid of the internship that had lasted for nearly two years on her head, and she would also receive a large bonus.

But as time passed, For three hours, Daisy did not find the figure she was expecting among the passengers on the two flights returning from the Caribbean. This made her a little absent-minded. Maybe the person flew to another place? Or the news was false. ?

Daisy, who was gradually frustrated, began to look around boredly. She used the high-powered camera as a telescope, and from time to time, handsome men and women appeared in her lens. The girl's dream is not to be a paparazzi who survives by taking candid photos. Daisy has always wanted to be a photographer, and she likes to dream. She believes that the fashion week in Gaul is the place where she can truly display her talent.

Not many people in the crowd can satisfy Daisy, and most of the shapes and looks are not hers. She thought she was the perfect type, and soon her attention was attracted by a convoy of luxury cars in the parking lot.

"What kind of big shot are you welcoming?"

Daisy sighed as she looked at the motorcade. She knew that the stars of the motorcade consisting of all-black extended Lincolns did not have this kind of treatment. Only politicians or financial tycoons could have this kind of treatment. She turned the high- magnification lens in one direction, What surprised the girl was that the people standing in front of the car were not all compatriots with blond hair and blue eyes, but also some Asians with black hair and black eyes.

These Asians were different from those she often saw. Their crisp suits were worth a lot of money. And everyone looks very tough and wild.

The girl's heart beat a few times. Daisy likes this well-proportioned and explosive figure and the toughness that is inadvertently revealed. At this time, the girl is not yet Knowing that the photos she is about to take will make her famous in a few years, she is just admiring them now._To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Feilu

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