There is heaven on one side and hell on the other.

This is a true portrayal of Chicago, the third largest city in the United States. Especially when Paul heard the answers to a series of interview questions, he couldn't agree more with this sentence...., under the nagging request of old cat Spear, Paul finally agreed to increase the price by two hundred, but he proposed that he would need to go out of the southern block before paying him the money.

The old cat agreed.

Maybe it was because Lao Mao planned to escape from Chicago, or because he wanted to get the money smoothly, he almost knew everything. All kinds of cruel narratives made Paul, who was originally paying attention to the man named Joe Troy, couldn't help but slowly become fascinated.

"I was born in this neighborhood and from the age of twelve I started running errands for the drug dealers who stood on the streets for bread."

"Twelve years old?"

Paul raised his question, but he didn't expect the other party's answer to make him even more unbelievable.

"Yes, maybe the children running errands are getting younger now, because every family here has so many children, and they have to support themselves earlier."

Spiel's eyes were a little sad as he spoke.

He now has seven children, and the oldest one is always eleven years old. Unbeknownst to him, the eldest son joined a force in another neighborhood and died. On the way to run errands...,..., the interview continued, but Paul looked at Spear with more sympathy and less vigilance.

This man is not as cruel and cunning as he seems on the outside, he shows more helplessness. Spear, who was born here since childhood, always believed that the world was like this until he was eighteen years old. Every day, friends or enemies would die on the streets. Gradually, he thought that because of his thin body, he could only survive by being more fierce and cunning. Go down.

However, when he wanted to leave here, he was already stuck in this quagmire. It was difficult for the outside world to tolerate this man whose information was full of stains.

"Why are you thinking of leaving now? You know you have so many children, and the cost of living outside will be many times that of here."

"Joe Troy comes back, I have to leave"

"Are you saying that his return to the neighborhood will pose a threat to your life and safety?"Paul raised the issues he was concerned about in a very targeted and guiding manner, and at the same time, he quietly opened the recorder in his hand.


Spear shook his head,"It may not be him who would do something to me just to be his friend. Troy is a rich man now.""..........

As the most brutal community in Chicago, the Merrill neighborhood is surprisingly dilapidated and desolate. The land had been officially sold to Old Mori many years ago. Due to well-known reasons, no powerful consortium has developed it over the years.

This also makes various buildings still have the same style as many years ago, and they look very dilapidated because of no maintenance for many years. The biggest feature of the entire neighborhood is that there are shantytowns built on the basis of public housing built many years ago. These square iron houses have no planning and are so casually packed into every space.. This also makes the sewage flow across the water in summer, and the smell is simply crazy.

But this kind of dilapidated house like a container is a nightmare for the entire Chicago police. No one dares to catch criminals here, because in this country with free firearms, you never know whether the child playing in the sewage will put a bullet in your back.

A corner forgotten by God.

This is the view of everyone living in Merrill, and Su Pingnan dismisses it

"A group of outsiders who forcibly live on other people's land and expect free help from others are just villains disguised as poverty."

"Then Boss, why are you still buying this worthless land? Aston

Dale raised his question.

Su Pingnan smiled, his smile full of contempt for the rules and confidence in controlling everything,"Dale, do you know?" The people living in this neighborhood are full of malicious speculations about everything in the upper class, and they will not believe in any policies or capital. But they will believe in the so-called own people. So when someone who can bring about change appears among the guys who were born in the neighborhood, then this person will become a guy with great prestige and power."

"What we need to do is to firmly control this person."

Su Pingnan's words ended here, but Aston Dale's eyes were bright and frightening.

He knew the implication of BOSS's words.

Once the neighborhood with nearly 20,000 people living in it was in the hands of BOSS, it would be equivalent to having nearly 10,000 completely obedient. For the outlaws of the Fairview Group, this kind of power is unrivaled in Chicago......

No one in the southern neighborhood at night is trustworthy.

This is a proverb spread in this city, but Joe Troy strode on the cold windy and most dangerous Merrill Street without a trace of fear in his heart.

The recent series of events have made those old diehards see God. Now many of the young people who suddenly lost their leader have excellent senses for him. In the short period of time since his return, he has already gained the friendship of many factions.

He was born here and is familiar with every plant and tree here. Later, he had no choice but to run away and wander. God obviously loved him very much, so he gave him a chance to change that he had dreamed of.

Now, he's back.

With the halo of a hero and a mixed-race helper who is said to have Xia blood

"Adam, up ahead is New Beginnings Church."

Surrounded by more than a dozen friends, Joe Troy pointed to a dilapidated square building and said to his mixed-race subordinates,"Every child born in this neighborhood will be baptized here. This is where I want to step out. the first step."

Joe Troy, who spoke, concealed his nervousness and uneasiness well. His muscular mind was already extremely convinced and frightened of the big shot who had not yet appeared. He was nervous and uneasy because he was worried that he would not be able to cope with such a need for acting. and eloquent scenes.

But he must do it.

Because this is the request of the big shot's lawyer. He will completely obey the big shot's arrangements. Joe Troy is very self-aware and knows that the other party has already done something to create today's situation. Bloody, that series of murders in the park is not a coincidence.

Fear is sometimes the best way to control a person._Feilu reminds you: three things about reading-collect, recommend, and share! ,

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