Liu Sangou drank liquor leisurely, listening to the howling north wind outside the window, which was a unique experience.

When a person reaches old age, it is inevitable that he will feel lonely, especially the old Maitreya who is childless and alone. As an old man with only a short time to live, the quarrels next door did not make him bored, but helped him dilute a lot of his inner feelings. Feeling of loneliness.

The quarrel next door continues.

In fact, strictly speaking, this is more like a unilateral venting by Tengu's wife Guihua.

Because from beginning to end, Li Tiangou didn’t say a word......

Eren was short of water, and the villagers' counterattack was a way Li Tiangou had never thought of. They dug out the water pipes in his house, locked the well, and watched it with a few old men.

For a few trembling old men, there was nothing they could do about Li Tiangou, who hit the wings of a bird fifty meters away without aiming, and the matter was far from over.

After first destroying all places where they could reach water, these people began to think of other places. Three small shops sold him items related to food, clothing, housing and transportation at high prices, which made his already poor life even worse.

In short, everyone is alienating and rejecting their family. of course there are exceptions.

That is Old Man Liu who lives next door. That old man Liu still looked aloof and unconcerned. He had neither flattered nor rejected their family. He had always acted like he was neither far nor near.

Only once, when he was playing with a gun in the yard and getting familiar with the moves, he was seen by Old Man Liu, and he looked at him with a strange look. Li Tiangu even felt that someone looked at him with this look.

Li Tiangu thought about this for a long time before he finally figured out the reason. The look in Old Man Liu's eyes at that time was very much like the old company commander who looked at him when he got into the car and left when he was discharged from the army, full of regret.

"As long as your legs are still there, no one can beat you for the first place in our military competition."

This is what the old company commander said at that time.

He understands the regret of the old company commander, but he does not understand the regret of Old Man Liu.....

After borrowing water from Old Man Liu several times, Li Tiangu never went there again. It wasn't that Old Man Liu didn't lend it to him, but that he had inquired about it. Old Man Liu was also an outsider, and he was afraid of those people's anger.

Why bother?

Anyway, life is already like this, how can a living person still be choked to death by urinating? The kindness in Li Tiangu's heart made him unwilling to involve that strange old man in his affairs.

He decided to get the water himself. And he never imagined that he would pick something up again just for a sip of water.

The skills of night combat reconnaissance such as listening, surveillance, movement, concealment, etc. have been engraved in his bones. Those fierce enemies can't do anything to him, let alone these villagers.

There is water.

But the daughter-in-law Osmanthus finally broke out.

The reason is that today he threw the 50,000 yuan sent by Kong Laosan into the other party's face and kicked him out of the house.

Fifty thousand dollars.

Lan Youyou's banknotes made this hard-blooded man a little confused for a moment. In his life, he has never seen even two thousand yuan, let alone fifty thousand yuan.

"You will regret this."

When he said this, Kong Laosan looked at him with sinister eyes. Li Tiangu understood what the other party meant. His actions today meant that there would be no possibility of relaxation between the two parties.

He felt that he would not regret it....

"What do you want me to do with your missing arms and legs?"

"Damn it, if you don’t drink the toast, you’ll be fined. Draw a sour eyebrow on an egg shell, you are pretending to be a bullshit saint"........

The words he spoke one after another seemed to be mixed with knives. The Tengu wife was uneducated, but when she scolded people, she was well-organized and tasteful. Not many people could bear it.

"I went up the mountain and there wasn't much water. Don't wash the baby's feet and keep it to drink first."Li Tianguu felt that his wife had finished venting. He turned around and opened the door and walked out after leaving a few words.

He felt aggrieved and panicked. Even if the cold wind on the mountain was as sharp as a knife, the rows of trees would make him feel better. Pleasurable. So the cold is nothing.

After closing the courtyard door, Li Tiangu stood up and raised his collar, so that he could resist the cold wind to the greatest extent.

"It's cold on the mountain, so have a drink before going."

Li Tiangu suddenly turned around, and the old-fashioned rifle behind him was already in his hand. This is a remote area, and the human nature is barbaric. He has always been careful.

Old Maitreya squinted his eyes and waved at this vigilant young boy. Shake the wine bottle inside......

The wine is good, and the food that goes with the wine is extremely exquisite.

After a few glasses of wine, Li Tiangu's brows widened as he felt like fire burning in his abdomen. He hadn't felt this comfortable for a long time.

"Picture what?"

The two of them have been drinking in silence, and the first sentence that Old Maitreya spoke went straight to the core.

"Yes, what are you picturing?"

Li Tiangu shook his head for a while before replying. He raised his glass and took a big sip of strong wine. He picked up a piece of dried meat that Old Maitreya bought at a high price from the herdsmen, dipped it in some vinegar and stuffed it into his mouth, chewed hard and swallowed it. The tone after that was a little bleak

"I am leaving."

Li Tiangu didn't want to tell the answer in his heart that would be considered naive. He stood up and glanced at Old Man Liu meaningfully. He has a stubborn temper, but he is very smart and thoughtful. You can see it through this drink. Considering that this old man’s living standard is shockingly high, not everyone can afford to drink. Jian Nanchun can afford to buy ten yuan of air-dried mutton shank and drink it casually.

Of course, except for the big wood sellers.

"Thinking too much."

Old Maitreya immediately sensed Li Tiangu's suspicion, and he replied with a smile,"The one who can make a lot of money in this world is not cutting down the wood."

"what is that?"

Li Tiangu carefully arranged his boots. There was a lot of snow on the mountain, and if you were not careful, it would get into your ankles.

"Work hard."

Old Maitreya smiled happily and said something that Li Tiangu didn't understand,"It's such a pity for you. If you can't go on this path, you can come to me."


Li Tiangu agreed casually. He didn't believe what this weird old man said.

Seeing his handling, Old Maitreya kept the business card he originally planned to give to him and helped him open the door of the hospital with an indifferent expression. He opened the door and waved his hand towards Li Tiangu who disappeared into the darkness,"If you regret it, just remember what I said today."

Li Tiangu, who had already walked away, didn't know whether he heard it or not. Anyway, he didn't speak anymore. The only response to Old Maitreya was the howling cold wind, which made the business card in his hand whistle.

In the dim light of the main room Next, the handwriting on the business card is faintly visible.

Don't wait! The boy's head has turned gray.

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