The first thirty minutes of the meeting were not exciting, and could even be described as dull.

Not many bosses were qualified to attend Su Zhonghe's summary meeting. The huge conference room was so quiet that you could almost hear a pin drop. Boss Su first listed the investment results he had achieved abroad as usual. The people below also applauded normally. Those who should drink tea took notes. From the description, no one could tell what Hao Liancheng thought. Tit for tat.

Li Qichang noticed something was wrong. The undercurrent in the seemingly quiet atmosphere of the conference room made him somewhat uneasy.

Gu Qingyun, who was sitting on the left hand side of Boss Su, had already changed into clean clothes. From his smiling expression, the coldness and embarrassment of the morning could not be seen at all. However, Gu Qingsong and Huang Maoye seemed to look at each other more often. Not only that, Li Qichang even saw the eyes of Wang Liqiang, the chief steward of the prefecture's Yamen, also involved in the two of them.

"I have asked the secretariat to type up the specific content. Everyone’s time is precious so I won’t go into details here. I will send the information to everyone. Su

Zhonghe's steady voice echoed in the conference room,"Speak the ugly things first." I have only one request here regarding these items! That is, every department involved must be extremely careful and fully cooperate with all the work that is about to begin. This is an opportunity for our 60 million people in Tiannan to take their lives to a higher level, and it is also our responsibility."

"Everyone has a look at the materials that are sent out, and if they have any opinions, they can express them and work together."

Strictly speaking, this is another empty talk. In Xia Guo's system, 99% of the decisions made by the top leaders will not be rashly opposed by anyone. Anyone who believes that the situation is not the person is a fool in the workplace.

The golden mean is the motto that every boss takes as a guideline in meetings. Let alone the opinions of these old foxes present, even if they are dissatisfied, they can rarely show it from their expressions. They are all solemn like sculptures in a temple. , even some of the smiles were the kind of unpredictable smiles that would never reveal any real emotions.

The secretaries had already begun to put the documents into the hands of the big boss, and the conference room was filled with people for a while. The sound of turning pages


A few minutes later, when Su Zhonghe felt that the time was almost up, he spoke again,"If there are no other opinions, then I will take this opportunity to say something else...."

After so many years in the workplace, Su Zhonghe has almost become accustomed to the silence of people below him. Just when he was about to take out the anti-corruption document prepared by Li Qichang and start beating the people below him, his brows suddenly frowned.

Under the meaningful gazes of everyone, Gu Qingsong slowly raised his right hand in the air

"Let me say a few words."

Gu Qingsong had his signature smile on his face,"I agree with this aspect of the clothing intensive processing industry chain. Concentrating efforts on major things, Boss Su’s policy and line is undoubtedly the most suitable guiding light for Tiannan’s economic development. But I have some questions about wind power projects...."

Li Qichang held his breath.

People who are not in the workplace will never understand the horror contained in Gu Qingsong's seemingly ordinary raised hand. It is even more difficult to appreciate the solemn atmosphere permeating the conference room at this moment unless you are in a certain position.

This is the first time that Li Qichang has seen someone from the local faction finally stand up and challenge Su Zhonghe's authority in all the time he has been in the Prefect's Yamen! Although he was not a participant, the oppressive feeling brought by being in the scene still made his body tremble a little.

Excited? Scared? Or relief?

Li Qichang couldn't tell clearly. But what was strange was that at this moment, his eyes were once again looking at the tallest building in Tiannan.

Maybe there will be no winner in this storm, except for that man

"I took a look at the site selection for the wind power project, and Boss Su’s idea was that Fengcheng would be the first option. And Xingcheng is the second option, right?"

Gu Qingsong said in a very calm tone.

"yes. After putting down the tea cup in his hand, Su Zhonghe glanced at Gu Qingsong lightly,"Both places are good in terms of geographical location and wind resources." Boss Gu, do you have any opinions?"

"It's a bit of a suggestion."

Gu Qingsong did not avoid Su Zhonghe's sharp eyes, and said with a smile,"Working together, I do have some different views on these locations."

Quiet. At this moment, Li Qichang, who was watching, found that he could even hear everyone's steady or rapid breathing!

Everyone present was not a fool. In the summary of Su Zhonghe in the first half hour of the meeting, about this investment The proportion of descriptions of wind power projects with quotas reaching nine figures has reached almost 70%.

In other words, this is the largest achievement project promoted by Su Zhonghe in Tiannan. (Read Baoshuang Novel , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

From the perspective of fairness and justice, it is true that there are many benefits to the wind power project. Once completed in one year, it will not only be able to transmit electricity to the south, not to mention the benefits it will bring, but also make Tiannan’s economy better. Go to the next level. No wonder this person has a long-standing reputation in the field of economic development. From this point of view, he is indeed worthy of his reputation.

Gu Qingsong is indeed sophisticated. The local faction targeted the project that Su Zhonghe valued most.

It can be said that if this project is blocked If it succeeds, then it means that it has successfully hit Boss Su's weakness, and it is also a complete denial of Su Zhonghe's overseas investment trip. Let's talk about it.

In the almost silent conference room, Su Zhonghe spoke slowly

".The barren hills in Fengcheng contain a large amount of stone, and the contracting rights for the past twenty years belong entirely to Jinxiu Group."

Gu Qingsong took a leisurely sip of tea before speaking slowly,"There are more than 30 million in profits and taxes every year, and thousands of families are working in this industry. Our government can't break up and take it by force, isn't that right? Reversing history?"

Su Zhonghe did not answer immediately, but slightly raised his hand and made a gesture asking Gu Qingsong to continue.

"Tiannan Stone has now formed a complete industrial chain. I think blindly developing wind power here is not worth the gain. Gu Qingsong said with a smile,"Of course this is just my opinion. If there is anything that is not thoughtful, please criticize and correct me.""

"What about Xingcheng?"

Huang Maoye on the side suddenly interrupted

"Xingcheng? Less likely"(Li Zhao)

Gu Qingsong looked surprised,"Boss Huang, haven't you read the application materials of the Ministry of Mining recently? Just yesterday, the comrades of the Mineral Resources Bureau held a special meeting. One of the topics was how to develop and develop We have adopted the opinion of developing lead mining in Xingcheng. According to our current analysis and judgment, it is estimated that the reserve capacity of this lead mine has reached an astonishing 100 million tons...."

Su Zhonghe was expressionless, while Li Qichang was pale!

The meeting minutes I got today were handled by Li Qichang personally, but there was no mention of the lead mine in the minutes from beginning to end!

Someone is hacking themselves! ?

No, everyone is trying to deceive bosses and try to use the information gap to give Boss Su a sense of authority!

When gods fight, little devils suffer.

After understanding the truth, Li Qichang looked resentfully at Wang Liqiang, the chief steward of the Prefecture, and the latter seemed to feel his gaze, and slowly raised his head and gave Li Qichang a meaningful smile..

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