For every dog-slaughtering person who is righteous, there are many scholars who are unfaithful.

Cui Jianyong's death also alarmed Jinxiu, a behemoth hiding in the dark. Lu Yuan, who is now responsible for monitoring the overall situation, knows very well that the death of this little person is like blowing the clarion call for the fight between Su Zhonghe and Gu Qingsong.

After all, he died in such a sensitive place. Everyone knows that no matter whether it is the Su faction or the Gu faction, these old and cunning guys will not miss this opportunity.

"Brother Nan, what should we do?"

His intuition told Lu Yuan that he should intervene, but he was still a little unsure about the workplace. He could only call Su Pingnan again.

"Cui Jianyong?"

After Su Pingnan heard the outline of the matter, his memory was amazing. He immediately thought of the little person in the prefect's Yamen. A face that is always smiling and a spine that never seems to be straight are his most prominent features.

"That's him, an inconspicuous little person. Lu

Yuan replied,"Unlucky, I got involved in this chess game at the right time." But this is the first time I see a guy who scares himself to death. How does such a person grow up?..."

"Every time documents related to business policies are sent by him on his own initiative, right? Even some policy information is collected and conveyed by him, right? Su

Pingnan thought for a few minutes and then slowly said,"I remember this person. Ask the public relations department if he has benefited from us for doing these things.""

Lu Yuan investigated quickly. A few minutes later, he called Su Pingnan again.

"No, the PR department tried to give this guy some benefits, but he refused to accept them. Lu Yuan investigated in detail,"He even said this after giving it too many times.""

"What are you talking about?"

Su Pingnan was confused.

Without merit or remuneration, all I can do is run errands and bring it to you along the way. Besides, this is information that does not need to be kept confidential, and it does not constitute a violation of the regulations. Once I receive the money, I Instead, I feel uneasy. I'm just doing what I should do. Don't make things more complicated. I can't bear it. Lu Yuan fully recounted Cui Jianyong's original words

"I often read the documents he sent me, and they were classified and excerpted very carefully. The format of our later office files at Jinxiu was inspired by this person. After all, we owe him a debt, and this favor must be repaid.

Su Pingnan's tone was very calm,"Debts cannot be wiped out after death." Go and return the favor."

Lu Yuan nodded and told the second news,"Gu Qingsong has decided to start with Li Qichang. Huang Maoye's family has good relations with many media, so it seems that he will start with that slap. Should we protect Li Qichang?"

"We use Li Qichang to deal with Su Zhonghe. Saving Li Qichang at this time will be detrimental to the overall situation. Su

Pingnan pondered for a moment and then replied,"It can ensure that he will have no worries about food and clothing and become a rich man in the future." But now we must sit back and watch. There are not many people Su Zhonghe can trust now, and he will not give up on Li Qichang."

For Cui Jianyong, Su Pingnan's loyalty is an indelible mark left by his career in the martial arts world. For Li Qichang, it is the ruthlessness of a grown man when it comes to the overall situation. The hero has no morals.

Su Pingnan has no barriers now, and he is no longer there. That lone wolf wandering around the world



The person in charge of the secretariat was changed, and several employees who were close to Boss Zhang on weekdays were also affected. At the very least, after a few stern reports, it can be said that if these people do not have any unforeseen opportunities in the future or if Gu Qingsong becomes the prefect, it can be said that their career has come to an end.

Even if Su Zhonghe retires and leaves smoothly in the future due to such severe punishments by the D Ji Zhenghe, these stains will become an easy target for their opponents.

In the workplace, and in a high-profile department such as the Prefect's Yamen Secretariat, this outcome may not be much better than killing them.

This is just the first step in Su Zhonghe's counterattack. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ren Tiejun was so mysterious that he didn’t know what he was doing. The investigation team led by Ji Changming personally suddenly announced with a high profile that it had settled in Hengcheng. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that these two incidents are aimed at Huang Maoye, the representative of the Huang family.

But the strange thing is that Gu Qingsong, the representative of the local faction, seems to have made no big moves. Only at the regular seminar, they once again retained their opposition to the opening of wind power projects in Xingcheng. This time, the local faction still showed an unusually tough attitude. The statements of nearly four bosses once again declared that the conflicts between the two parties were irreconcilable.

During this storm, both sides seemed to have forgotten one person.

Hou Daqing.

This big shot, known as Hou Yanwang, the supervisory chief and the speaker of the disciplinary committee, is still suspended from his job and under investigation. Su Pingnan's guess was accurate.

No matter what irrefutable reasons Hou Daqing gave to prove that Yang Yue's death had nothing to do with him, as long as the pen belonged to him, he had to give an explanation.

Because this is the law, this is the rule!

After all, the workplace is not a world. If there hadn't been a dispute between Gu and Su, special arrangements might have been made, but now the struggle between Gu and Su factions has made both parties extremely cautious. At this point in the workplace struggle, anything that violates the rules and laws must be done very carefully. You must not leave any clues to the other party!

"I don’t care what method you use, immediately erase all the sequelae of Hengcheng."

Gu Qingsong looked at Huang Maoye and spoke solemnly,"Ren Tiejun has not appeared at the six gates recently, and his direct descendants have also disappeared. Ji Changming was an open figure, so Ren Tiejun must have been Su Zhonghe's secret move. Obviously he wants to sink your Huang family."

Huang Maoye nodded.

"Your task is to attract Su Zhonghe's recent attention, while I need to complete one thing."

Gu Qingsong's tone became colder and colder,"I am responsible for knocking out Hou Daqing. Now the whole situation must cut off the knife in Su Zhonghe's hand! Otherwise we will be very passive!".

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