A tattoo is a mark. It is not only the brand of Jianghu, but also the brand of Haidongqing.

Don't try to escape, you can't escape or erase it.

This was Li Shiyi’s instructions when he gave Murong Qingqing’s tattoo the last stitch.

"From now on, you will be Hai Dongqing’s Buddha."

After saying this, Li Shiyi used a knife to destroy the tattoo on his back that had been with him for decades.

There is only one and only one winner in the fight.

From the topic of murder to Sun Wukong, this crooked figure It was so unexpected that many young people below, including Fang Wei, were dumbfounded.

In any era, the family that allows its next generation to enter the police system is not from the bottom. Naturally, there are also well-informed young people.

Everyone was silent During the time, a young man with curly hair said tremblingly,"Fighting and defeating the Buddha? Are you talking about tattoos? If"Zero Zero Three" is a tattoo, I seem to know a little bit about it."

The old detective looked in Fang Wei's direction with some surprise, and Fang Wei also looked at his classmate Liu Yiming next to him in surprise.

"It seems you know a little bit, why don't you tell me first?"

The old detective said with a smile. He did not appear dissatisfied at all because of the other party's interruption.

"I am from Haizhou, and I have heard a saying circulating in the world since I was a child. Yang Lin, a classmate next to Fang Wei and one of his buddies, hesitated but stood up,"There is Thunder God in the sky, and Hai Dongqing underground.""

"Teacher, you talked about a Buddha, and the fight against the Buddha reminded me of this sentence in our Haizhou Jianghu."

Yang Lin stood up under the encouraging eyes of the old agent,"I heard that there is only one person in the Jianghu legend who has the courage to tattoo this fighting Buddha on his back, and that is Hai Dongqing's sitting hall."

Yang Lin obviously has a rich family background, otherwise he wouldn't know so clearly about things in the world," Hai Dongqing knows a lot of people in Haizhou, and I remember one sentence very clearly."

Amidst the cheers of the students, Yang Lin I said a sentence that impressed Fang Wei deeply,"Take people's money to eliminate disasters for others. There is a saying in Haizhou Jianghu: If you cannot overcome the obstacles and cannot avenge yourself, then please ask the Buddha."

"And what they call the Buddha is the Buddha of Hai Dongqing’s victory!"

Just when Fang Wei was confused, he saw the old policeman sitting on the podium nodding seriously,"Indeed, this is the Buddha I'm talking about."

"I dare not speak about the entire Xia Kingdom, but in the arena of seven provinces and sixty-nine cities in the north, in terms of the level of violence, no one in the Haidongqing community can surpass it."

"I dare say that many of them are better familiar with firearms and have better fighting abilities than most of you."

As soon as these words came out, the whole place was in an uproar.

The old catcher waved his hand casually, signaling for the people below to be quiet before he continued to speak leisurely,"Cut off a hand for a thousand, chop off a foot for three ren. The reason is actually because the leg bones are relatively thick, which wastes strength."

"Doesn’t the local government care?"

A young policeman in the audience didn't seem to believe that there would be such an organization in Xia State, and couldn't help raising doubts.

"Where is the evidence?"

The old detective's eyes flashed with a complex look,"On the surface, it is just a slaughterhouse composed of hunters. There are underground arsenals everywhere in that mountain. There is so much inventory that it makes one’s scalp numb."


Yang Lin from Haizhou once again supplemented the old detective's description with his knowledge,"The people in that mountain are fierce, and things like the shell guns made in Hanyang are usually carried on their waists openly by them. Especially on sunny days, every household puts out things like grenades and shells in the cellar to bask in the sun, and moves boxes one by one....."

The old catcher smiled coldly. The old man who saw through the hypocrisy did not refute Yang Lin's words. He once went to Haizhou to handle a case, and he was very clear about the reason why several local government officials did not dare to thoroughly investigate Hai Dongqing.

Not everyone can bear the fear of death, especially the deterrent power of those old grenades thrown at home at every turn is absolutely amazing.

Those guys are delicate and expensive. If they really target the seemingly harmless Hai Dongqing, who knows if these desperadoes will throw dozens of these things at their heads.

As long as he doesn't cause any big case in Haizhou, the government office in Haizhou doesn't bother to pay attention to this murderous man who just stays in the mountains with nothing to do.

What's more, there is an unconfirmed rumor.

That is the biggest boss in Haizhou. It is said that his life was saved by Li Shiyi, and the relationship between the two parties is very good.

Let's return to the venue.

The venue was now filled with silence. Many people had dissatisfaction in their eyes.

The old detective continued.

"But don’t worry, the current social environment no longer allows these people to continue to prosper. Ju said that their leader Li Shiyi has died of illness, and the fighting spirit behind him is also tattooed on the back of a little girl...."

"Haidongqing has three Buddhas. Among them, the one responsible for logistics and the tattoo line has no heir. The most mysterious Maitreya Buddha has not been born for a long time and is probably no longer alive."

The old detective's face was full of sighs,"The faster and faster economic development will change many things. Of course, it includes the Jianghu model. No matter how fierce these people are, the final outcome is just to disappear into thin air."

What the old detective said later has long been forgotten by Fang Wei because of time. He can still remember Hai Dongqing only a few years later. At that time, Fang Wei had already relied on his outstanding achievements and the support of his father-in-law. Admiration suddenly became the captain in charge of criminal matters in D City, which can be said to be a blessing in disguise.

As a result, at this juncture, a wanton killing in D City made the three words Hai Dongqing appear in Fang Wei's sight..

The unusual brutality of the case is not the reason why Six Gates in D City must be solved. The extremely bad influence is the real reason why Fang Wei wants to confront Hai Dongqing. The people of D City must be given an explanation! Our business environment must be maintained. The safety of investors must be guaranteed!

These were the exact words of Zou Ping, the big boss of D City at the time, and when he said these words, Boss Zou's body was still shaking with anger.


Fang Wei doesn't think so in his heart. He prefers that his big boss is scared. 5.6 In fact, it's not surprising that Boss Zou is so scared. After all, even Fang Wei didn't expect someone to be so fierce..

Just an hour ago, a Hong Kong businessman was held to his head with a Black Star pistol and the trigger was pulled less than ten meters away from Boss Zou.

Three shots were fired.

This man was said to have been killed in Haizhou by making money with counterfeit medicines. The heads of many port city bosses were beaten into colorful pictures under the beautiful starry sky in D City. They came and went like the wind.

A good investment banquet was turned into a frightening banquet, and other businessmen were almost scared to death Because of his courage, all the negotiated projects were shelved.

Although he could not be sure who it was, the first reaction in Fang Wei's mind was the three words spoken by the old detective.

Haidongqing. (Read Baoshuang novels , just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

That Hai Dongqing is famous for being ruthless, fierce, and desperate!.

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